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Straight Guy in a gay bar: You go in, not realising it is a gay bar, and get hit on.

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47 replies
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How do you react?

Take offence, then tell him to get lost 0%
Be flattered and politely decline 0%
Take interest and see where conversation leads 0%
Dive in at the chance of a new experience 0%
32 votes
i'm very curious about oral and anal sex and making out with a guy so i'd see where it goes
As a straight man who loves hanging out in gay bars, I decline but am typically flattered.

There's a fundamental misunderstanding among hetero males that gay bars aer like your typical meat market dance club. THEY AREN'T!!

Heterosexual males go to places and hit on people. That's what our mainstream/dominant culture socializes males to do. Gay culture has a different set of social mores.

I can't speak for every gay bar in North America but I can speak for the ones I've hung out in. The emphasis is on hanging out. Sexuality is hanging in the air but it's not the aggressive/defensive kind felt at meat market clubs where everyone is looking to score and consequently feels judged or the need to impress. The vibe at gay clubs is fun, people dancing, drinking, some couple making out in the corner, people talking to each other.

Sure. Someone may inquire, but the process has typically been very organic and low stress for me and always respectful. It's never fraught with the machismo and faux-cool that you get at hetero clubs and the expectation of hooking up.
If I wasn't aware that it was a gay bar, I would be taken off guard, maybe a little embarrassed, then explain that I'm not sexually interested in men.
A good friend of mine is gay, I went with him to a bar to meet his current bf. It was put out before hand that he would be bringing a straight guy with him to meet his friend. I was sitting at the bar, and felt these hands from behind running down my arms. From across the noisy, crowded bar a yell goes out "he's straight". They might as well have yelled leper, I laughed my butt off, and had another drink.

If someone finds you attractive, no matter the gender, appreciate the compliment.
Did once left right away not interested in having sex with a guy.
Active Ink Slinger
As long as they buy the beers .....?
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
Rookie Scribe
would probably hesitate for a moment but would ultimately go in and hve a drink. heck as im still a little bi-curios i might even be convinced take a turn with an iterested partie. how ever know that it has never been availble for me to attept or go to a place like this as im still 5 mounths from drinking age.
Active Ink Slinger
I have gay friends, and we drink in both gay and straight bars, so there is no real difference to me because I am known in the ones I go to. Since they know me as straight, there is definitely a polite understanding for the most part, as I find in my experiences that even if a gay man is attracted to me, they won't go beyond a certain limit. While synonymous with women being hit on by straight men, the difference is that most gay men will NOT do anything more to attract a straight man, while in the straight man being rebuffed by a gay woman, he will more than likely make an ass of himself.

I've walked into bars before not caring about sex, so I rarely care what type of bar it is, though I rarely go to new bars and stick to the ones I know (both gay and straight).

Just to clarify, I'm straight. Ironically, I've actually met a nice woman in a gay bar. She was with gay male friends because it was a place she could go and not be hit on but be around men, and she was somewhat "impressed" that a straight man would be "tolerant" enough to be in a gay bar and, hence, found me attractive. So it can actually be a somewhat hidden method for meeting nice girls. But not likely.
been in the situation. It wasn't uncomfortable until the guy kept on hitting on me even after I kept rejecting him. But you're kind of in their bar.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by sheepdogls
been in the situation. It wasn't uncomfortable until the guy kept on hitting on me even after I kept rejecting him. But you're kind of in their bar.

If you keep saying y'all in that Texas drawl the guys will be forming a queue to try their luck!
Advanced Wordsmith
30 years ago this happened to me and was quite annoyed, but now I have become bisexual and would love it
Been there, done that and been hit on.

I politely declined any advances that came my way, letting my admirers know I was straight.
One laughed and said "If I got a few hours with you I'd convince you otherwise".

I had to buy him a drink after that comment!
The night that changed my life, a four part series of a married man lusting after his co-worker

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by raiderfan
i'm very curious about oral and anal sex and making out with a guy so i'd see where it goes

yes I agree never had sex with a guy but really bi-couries...maybe want to try...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by stephanie98
30 years ago this happened to me and was quite annoyed, but now I have become bisexual and would love it

yes maybe you and I need get together...
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by raiderfan
i'm very curious about oral and anal sex and making out with a guy so i'd see where it goes

agree I would like to see where it goes...maybe take a walk to his or my car and find out if I will suck one...
Active Ink Slinger
yes would thank the invitation...I would think about it...maybe with a couple of drinks...would take a walk to a car and try...any body want to provide a car...? write me...
Active Ink Slinger
yes would thank the invitation...I would think about it...maybe with a couple of drinks...would take a walk to a car and try...any body want to provide a car...? write me...
Quote by dpw

If you keep saying y'all in that Texas drawl the guys will be forming a queue to try their luck!