Loose and flowing... much more practical :-)
mid thigh to knee length. love seeing nice toned legs.
It depends; something long and flowing is classier, short and tight can work if you've got the legs to show it off. As long as it flatters her shape...
Depends on the woman wearing it. Overall, tight fitting...but loose and flowing can be sexy too!
I love it all. However with that being said I do prefer tight and short. Or like the band Cake said a girl with a short skirt and long jacket lol
I love it all. However with that being said I do prefer tight and short. Or like the band Cake said a girl with a short skirt and long jacket lol
Both.. Depends on the woman and the setting..
I like loose and flowing just as an aesthetic. It acts as a visual echo if she has long hair and for that reason I also like a woman who wears a scarf as well. But if she wants to send a signal that she's possibly "in the mood," a short skirt that shows her figure makes her intentions known better than anything else, clothing wise.