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Skinny or Curvy?

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Do you prefer skinny women or curvy women?

34 votes remaining
Skinny (9 votes) 26%
Curvy (26 votes) 76%
In the middle (24 votes) 71%
All (5 votes) 15%
Constant Gardener
Quote by bikebum1975
Quote by BigRod
I have one basic rule I try to follow.. give people the space they need to be themselves.. just like water, at some point they will find their level... we all use avatars and the security of our screens to present only that part of us we want everyone else to see.. nobody in here is 100% honest.. where's the fun in that? it's more fun to be someone else for that small portion of day we can set aside for enjoyment.. if TaintedRainbow escaped to Lush for just a small moment of her life.. well.. what better place to come to than Nicola's house... we're all guests here.. only Nic gets to forgive.. the rest of us get to forget.. I for one hope Rainbow comes back as herself this time..

Be honest Rod if she did come back I don't think any of us or very few of us would talk much with her again at least I know I won't I don't like liars and a number of people know this on Lush.

Jim, if you'd like to read a tale concerning the lies that hurt, have a gander at SweetBitch's latest story.

These are the types of lies which truly cause harm and injury. To everyone they are spoken towards or hidden from. If you are meeting someone you met from the online world, for 'more' than just a passing fancy - then those lies they formulated and which you swallowed, can truly cause anguish.

Those other fibs, nudges and creations of fiction - nah, not so much hurtful as they are - just another story to read from, or ignore. It's called roleplaying, Jim. And by taking part in the person's fables, you are assuming a role. It's really up to you as to whether you choose to be involved.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
...oh and writer here on Lush with few editors picks wrote a beautiful love story about TaintedRainbow how does he feel?
And that one was editor pick also..

So this was not just about photos and her playing us, she did probably hurt few people with her imaginary person..

And probably we all have our one issues do we all pretend we are someone else? Really do we?
Well I don't believe it, if I would I would never join Lush at first place..
So, can she/he count on my friendship? Nope
.. I am that naive person who gaves to others her trust immediately until they blow it of..
Active Ink Slinger
Well, everyone gets lonely every now and then. And most people have some issues that they rather hide or not talk about. It's one thing to indicate what your boundaries are, it's an entirely different thing to escape in an online persona.
I just prefer to converse with people who are just being themselves without trying to be better than what they are.
WMM says why ruin their fantasy. Well, why waste my time with people who weave an elaborate web of lies just to appear like some fantasy identity?

And of course she/he might already be back and I might've already been talking to the new online persona.
But honestly, whether or not she's back or wants to return is a moot point. Entirely up to her to decide. People here, including me, are just venting.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Lollipop Girl
Why lie? With me what you see is what you get (even though I did take down my pics cause of stupid people being buttheads about my little chubbyness.) But seriously why lie? I know so many great people on here sure some of them are "ugly" but they are beautiful to someone! And I hate being lied to so I will not lie. My mom taught me better then that! ok my ranting done now.....
"Haters make me FAMOUS!!!"

Active Ink Slinger
Damn, Paint thanks for that link I just spent a while reading that story… God, I think all of you make good points - yes most of us come to Lush to unwind or to forget about our real life problems for a while; but when you get attached to someone and you find out they’re lying that’s when you feel betrayed.

To each it’s own, if they want to pretend to be someone else for a while… I think with most people you can easily tell - if you let yourself be fooled then the joke’s on you. Other people are perfectly happy living in a made up world, I have a friend that does this now. I only hope when he finally realizes that she’s making a fool of him it’s not too late.

Sassy, there are tons of ugly people on lush… and I don’t mean physically.
Now that was preiceless Rem
I just like women! skinny, curvy, in the middle. It's all good!
Active Ink Slinger
0 likes wondering when the Brad Paisley song was gonna show up...

As far as Tainted went I saw last year that the pics didn't not surprised that she/he was confronted. Another thing that I think we all forget this is cyber land and we can play out our fantaseys here without thought of how it affects others. We don't see faces, feel your touch, and forget that behind words are real people.. Sometimes a virtual "bitch slap" is what we need to keep us from straying to far left. I hope that everybody has somebody that will always pull them back and remind them that reality and cyber doesn't always mix. That in the end people do get hurt by words that are written...
No one can make you jealous, angry, vengeful, or greedy -unless you let him.
- Napoleon Hill
Active Ink Slinger
I noticed that a while ago as well that the pics did not match up so I figured something was up.
Man! Miss a few days... SHEESH!

I clicked on this post expecting to see what the male population thought of the physical female form and instead found my emotions vacillating between disbelief, hilarity and commiseration. I suppose I expect people to be who they are, even if they never show me physical proof since that's the way I operate. I don't show what I look like mostly to protect my family. I've said on numerous occasions to multiple people that my av isn't me, but a damn good representation. But who I am isn't defined by what I look like and therefore I believe I am 100% real in my representation of myself here on Lush.

I have felt at times ostracized by the apparent closeness of some members. I don't think it's an intentional rejection and that is why I have always come back. It's similar to that feeling you might get when you walk into a room full of classmates... only to have them turn as one and look at you like you have a purple head ... growing out of your armpit. It's not mean, it's just human nature to be suspicious of that of which you are unsure.

I agree that it's hurtful in certain ways to misrepresent yourself with the intention of never revealing the truth. It shows a lack of respect (or belief in their intelligence) to the person to whom you are speaking (or chatting/IMing/whatever) and a lack of self-esteem. Like your true self would never be accepted and therefore you have no choice but to deceive. It's a desperate and lonely place to find yourself, believe me.

Whether she comes back, or other 'flushies' are exposed is a non-issue in my book. I will continue to give my friendship to those who ask it and do not intend to change my MO in any way shape or form. To do any less would DEFINITELY be a mis-representation of the person I have become in my time on this earth. And of that I am damn proud.

Preference: Curvey, Skinny or in between. Yes, Yes , and Yes.
Active Ink Slinger
I have a preference for curves, but it is a rare woman that I don't find attractive. It happens, but almost women are hot in one way or another.

I remember the first time I slow danced with heavy girl while in school--instant wood.
well for me i prefer a kate winslet to a kate moss
Active Ink Slinger
I love to see the curves or what some may call the hourglass figure on a woman. How her nice rounded ass complimenting her narrow waistline to only accentuate her ample beautiful breasts!!!!!!!. A Masterpiece to behold.... And hold.........and...................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Advanced Wordsmith
Nothing turns me on or makes me harder than a cute little pettie skinny girl with small titties, tight little ass and a shaved pussy! What I call a sit & spin, sit her on top of my dick and spin her around like a top
i knew that was twiggy
Active Ink Slinger
I have to go with curvy as well, but no matter what its the person inside that makes the difference. A smoking hot vapid idiot that doesn't know what a dangling participle is does nothing for me. Also this topic makes me feel like posting a real pic to be "honest" about who I am. I am completely average man wooohoooo. smile
Ehhhhh, What's up Doc?
I once dated someone who shrotly afterwards became a Penthouse Pet of the Year. What a FUCKING bitch!! Never wanted to lay eyes on her again! On the other hand, I've dated wonderful women who were flat as a board and those who were somewhat-to-significantly larger than the average. And my wife is not a little thing. I want a woman who is a good person onthe inside; unless someone is unhealthily obese, size doesn't make that much of a difference.