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Skinny Dipping

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Quote by MrAvg
I was wondering if any of the men here still skinny dip? Either alone or with your partner.
Do any of the men or women skinny dip as couples?
I enjoy skinny dipping in out pool, we live in a house on very secluded property.

My wife rarely will join me unless it it totally dark and a very warm night.
Once and a great while some of my male friends will skinny dip with me after some hard work.
When younger we did have a party where 5 couples who were all long time friends swam nude, that is not common.

The question simply is, do you like to swim in the nude?

Only way to go! Logistically, not often possible, but when we attend clothing-optional events, we go with the skinny-dip option.
Sure it is fun and can be really a sexy romantic time shared with the right woman at the right time.
Grew up skinny dipping
Always love skinny dipping
It was a lot more fun when I was younger. Trying not to be self conscious as you get older can be challenging. I think it certainly is a state of mind thing. If everyone is naked, then nudity isn't such a big deal, regardless of how perfect or imperfect we are. But, that isn't usually the case, so for the most part I keep my skinny dipping in fairly secluded and private areas... and with very selected friends!
I never wear a bathing suit in my pool
I want to join you..
I was always self conscious to skinny dip with a group because I have a small penis but would like to do it with my wife if we had the opportunity
Absolutely, every chance I get.
I love skinny dipping!
Never been anywhere that skinny dipping was feasible (as in not getting arrested) but we've had hot tubs at our last 2 homes and always tubbed naked, sometimes with friends. There are a few awkward first moments, but it quickly becomes very comfortable.

Most skinny dipping opportunities would have been when hiking/backpacking in the Rockies, and the water is about 35 degrees. No thanks! An occasional quick scrub was plenty!
Ya know. If Susan is driving the Jeep, even if the water is too damn cold, if She is going in I'm going in. We can warm up-later.
I always enjoyed swimming nude with not only friends but also my brothers and sisters; but in the (adding my in here), summer when I was twelve not quite thirteen, on up until that summer I turned seventeen, I was extremely self-conscious of my non-developing body so skinny dipping was a bit for a girl with no tits at all to speak of. After turning seventeen in my senior year of high school, I popped out one night as if by magic my fairy-god-mother had waved her wand and poof I now had tits no longer having a chest flat as a Flanders. No longer did I have to stuff socks, paper towels, or Kleenex in my bra to make me look as if I were a girl and not a boy. Now I too had protruding breast like all the other girls in school.

I love going skinny-dipping and do so every chance I get! I have no problems doing this now what’s so ever.
Quote by KJessica
I always enjoyed swimming nude with not only friends but also my brothers and sisters; but in the (adding my in here), summer when I was twelve not quite thirteen, on up until that summer I turned seventeen, I was extremely self-conscious of my non-developing body so skinny dipping was a bit for a girl with no tits at all to speak of. After turning seventeen in my senior year of high school, I popped out one night as if by magic my fairy-god-mother had waved her wand and poof I now had tits no longer having a chest flat as a Flanders. No longer did I have to stuff socks, paper towels, or Kleenex in my bra to make me look as if I were a girl and not a boy. Now I too had protruding breast like all the other girls in school.

I love going skinny-dipping and do so every chance I get! I have no problems doing this now what’s so ever.

I would love to do so by am bashful because I am modestly endowed
I love skinny dipping and do it all the time, dont mind doing it with other either, as long as there is no....
Only every chance I get!
I love it - and particularly in the surf.
At pool parties I never have a problem skinny dipping and am usually the first one in.
The guys usually follow and then then many girls will go topless and remove their bottom bit in the pool emerging later totally naked and unashamed - and join the crowd.
besides sex there is nothing better
I love skinny dipping. When I was 6 1/2 my parents sent me to tje local YMCA (near Boston, MA) for swimming lessons. We were required to be nude for the lessons. Growing up, occasionally my father, myself, and my 2 brothers would go to a different Y (we had moved) where it was men only and clothing optional. Nude was our standard though some others there fid wear speedos. On our huneymoon, my wife and I stayed in a small resort on St Thomas. Each unit had a very small private patio and small pool. We routinely were nude in the unit, sunning on the patio, and in the pool. In my early 30s found a clothing optionsl beach in RI. We now live in FL, when house hunting we made sure the house we purchased had a pool and the ability to make the pool area private. We routinely are nude in the patio area and always when in the pool. We also still occasionaly head down to Cape Canaveral National Seashore for the clothing optional beach there. Nothing is more comfortable for swimming than being nude. We both enjoy it.
Love skinny dipping. First did it when I was 15. If I could do it more, I'd do it without hesitation. Don't know if my g/f would join me though...
Do it all the time in my pool, when I worked midnight's and came home at 8 am, no one else home I would put the raft in the pool and fall asleep for a couple of hours, wake up and turn over...I know the neighbor would see me didn't care, she was also a naturalist and a naturist and loves to be nude in her domain and I never disturbed her, wanted to and I think in her subconscious she wanted me also to come over to her house. Her husband wasn't home, and neither was my wife. I love to spend my time nude its so relaxing and free.
o ! yeah's amazing
I have a place where I skinny dip and sunbathe in the buff, all summer long. It's a sort of secret place, where I rarely see other people (2 or 3 times per summer maybe). Skinny dipping is the only real way of swimming.
Only did it once at a party, I was very drunk..
So nice doing it in the lake when it's warm
Yes enjoy the freedom I feel. When we owned a pool we did often usually at night.
Went skinny dipping once, in a pool in Spain when I was 18 and on a lad's holiday. Well, I was drunk and it was very early (about 5am), and I was bet that i wouldn't do it. So I break the water and the next thing I know, a security guard built like one of those Pamplona bulls has dragged me out of the pool and is giving me a good kicking. Never even thought about it since.
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