that is what big showers are for lol
hell with the sheets, messy fucking is fun fucking!
I liked doing it and she never minded, she liked to fuck when ever, we always showered before and after.
I have done so, and would do it again in a heartbeat as long as my sex partner was up for it. There nothing going on down there that a good shower won't take care of! Penetration is much easier, and some women seem to cum harder during their period! It's always been a very enjoyable and natural experience for me!
It's been a while since I last had sex with a woman on her period. The only thing I remember was the fun cleaning up afterwards leading to a hot bout of anal sex.
I really want to try it though and it could be fun
I completely agree, the messier the better.
mainly up to the girl
I am ok with it as long as it isn't so heavy it looks like I've stabbed her
I have done it and just like @HereNow said not on a heavy day, and in the shower
I am always game... No matter the situation... A little flow doesn't bother me... But it is totally up to her... From my experience, getting their monthly visitor makes some girls more sensitive and horny (if they don't find the act disgusting) which in turn makes the sex a lot better.....
If she's ok I am fine with that. Sex is always good no matter when!
Done it before, and I'll do it again. My gf seems to be hornier on her period, and has more powerful orgasms. I don't mind the blood.
And remember...good conversation leads to excellent sex
-Little Bambi
I have no problem with it. In fact, some of the best sex I've ever was when it was "that time" for her.
Nothing stops the player, except the woman. If she wants it, she'll get it. No problem.
It has never bothered me. Unfortunately, my wife feels like she is completely out of commission.
It gives me more time to read stories on Lush.
It has been a long time since I have been with anyone that young but I always enjoyed it. There was a woman from Alabama that would come visit us for that. She said I helped the cramps. Her husband would have nothing to do with her at that time.
You know those guys on the corner with signs that say "Will Work For Food"? I sit on Canal street with a sign that says "Will Do Anything For Pussy".
I have - and I will again! The moment of wanting from both parties is so well enjoyed!
:d/ yes of course no man turns down pussy
I have done it before but didn't enjoy it much and during this time I feel wore out and body hurts so I won't do it again.
Never really found it any different, tbh.... It's really whether the woman feels up for it.
I love having sex when women are on their periods. With one partner, we only had sex when she was on her period.
im not into it. i hav sisters so ive seen how painful cramps can be so unless my girl wa s really for it i wouldnt even suggest it. however i have done it in the past. too messy for my liking