Hi, I am wondering if you guys care about nipple size. My friend thinks hers are too large and was telling me last night that she wants to reduce them surgically. Do guys prefer a certain size and are big ones a turn off? thanks.
No preference and big ones aren't a turn off. Unless they are as huge as a pancake? Which is not even possible? Or is it? Hmmm, come to think of it, maybe that would even turn me on!
Ok stopping my train of thoughts.
No. I've never been turned of by a woman's nipples no matter what size they were.
Big nipples are a huge turn on for a lot of guys, because they are just so sexy! Then again so are small ones, (and in between ones.)
In general, nipples are good and each one is like a beautiful snowflake, with a twin sister.
Not a guy, but I thought I might add - I think a guy would be less turned on by surgical scars, than he would by big nipples...
I saw a woman who got breast reduction - and you know, more power to her, because it made her more comfortable and confident with herself now she isn't breaking her back. But unlike breast implants where they can slit under the arm, and put them in, they had to cut up with under side of her boob, remove her nipple, then put it back on. She's still a lovely looking girl, but once that bra comes off that scarring is more offputting to me than if she had overly large nipples... Also, surgery is likely to decrease sensitivity, to breast area and nipples and that sucks all the fun out of them... And it may interfere with feeding if she has babies later in life... There are a lot of long term things related to this.
And as someone above said - if the bloke is put off by her having nipples that are 'too large' then there's something wrong there, with him,.
I however have the opposite problem and think mine are too small :/
No, nipple size does not matter. I love to see puffed out areola with nipples poking out from them but that goes back to my early days. She should not reduce her nipples, although I have not seen them. Hope this helps.
I love nipples and enjoy larger ones ! as well as smaller ones lol
I find nipples to be such a turn on, my preference is definitely larger ones!
If you surgically reduce your nipples it would make you look bizzare.... turn off...
Nipple size, like breast size, is an individual taste. But I would feel pretty confident that most men REALLY don't care too much about the size of either. It's how they react to stimulus that becomes in turn a turn on for guys. And most guys would want to see, feel, taste real brests and real nipples, not surgery enhanced, non responsive flesh.
Just my opinion of course.8D6ouyn2D7kGCVZ5
flapjack areolas are not something that i ever want to encounter in real life..
I want to try some small or medium sized ones as I've only had large nipples. I've never had a problem, and agree with everyone: "PLEASE LEAVE THEM NATURAL!!!" If she is selfconscious and willing to take the chances if them being screwed up the she has the right to change it. But honestly why mess with one of the most sensitive parts of your body. Would be like a guy thinking his little head is too big and wants to have it reduced. Not going to happen very much I think.
I love nipples of all sizes. Big nipples and Areola are great for sucking on! Never change your body. Self doubt is someone else's misguided jealous point of view.
Big nipples are definitely a turn on for me
No real preference. All shape and sizes seem to attract my tongue and lips - equal opportunity nipple admirer.
No matter big or small are still nipple. As long as they are natural, it is appealing.
no big small no difference.
OMG I love big nipples and areolas. You probably guessed that if you have looked at my wife's pictures!!
Variety is the spice of life--I hope she didn't have the surgery!
I did not know nipples could be reduced. I think its a dumb idea to do it.
Purveyor of Poetry & Porn
Personally, I would never tell a girl, or anyone for that matter, to get surgery unless it was for health reasons...
And I agree with Painter's comment...about the "moron" part especially...
I wouldn't mess with the way they are, unless there was a health problem. Get her over her phobia about them. Make her feel better about herself,
Well that's just my opinion, sorry if you don't like.