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When I feel the urge and have the right conditions
Pretty much daily, just to take the edge off.
Every day - it's such a deep pleasure. I swap hot thoughts and erotic pics with a couple of women friends and we aim to give each other biiiiig thrillssmile If it's a quiet day and I'm at home then often more than once although that depends on what else is going on.
Once a day minimum....stress relief during the work day...sometimes mutual masturbation with my gf
Always. At work too.
atleast once,sometime 2 times
sure, my stories focus on it
Once or twice a day I get wild if I don't get the release!
At least 5 times in a week
By masturbate, if you mean cum, sometimes once every four-five days, sometimes longer, but my cock comes out every day, and gets a rub, and when it's not out it is very often getting a rub through my trousers. (Like now)
Loving this thread
this is only for wankers..
I'm atleast a once a day guy... I try to stay regular. ;)
No real schedule, its been several times a day to maybe once every few weeks......
Depends, really. Some days I'm really horny, so I masturbate a few times, sometimes not so horny, so only once. Then there's the times when I'm not allowed to cum...
At least twice a day and maybe three. Sometimes
I tend to average once or twice a day. Occasionally, if I'm laying in bed with insomnia, I may jerk it 4 or 5 times to help knock myself out. Always to cumming btw. Every once in a while I'll be in a mode where I can't get myself to spew and I just give up. One time a few years ago, I was in a really strange, super horny mode and wanked about 14 times in about 36 hours. Made myself cum every time too. Man, I was sore!
Sometimes is 8 or 9 times in a day, sometimes it's only 2 times. I thought I was doing it to excess, but am glad I'm not smile
Sometimes is 8 or 9 times in a day, sometimes it's only 2 times. I thought I was doing it to excess, but am glad I'm not smile
Gosh you boys love to wank
Quote by bustybethxx
Gosh you boys love to wank

Why yes my lady
To boldly Lush where no one has Lushed before
Daily, sometimes 2-3 times depending on good porn
If I'm not having sex then I'll masturbate as much as I possibly can. And there are a myriad of reasons why I masturbate. Too many to list but here are a few examples:

The wife isn't in the mood.

I'm mad at my wife & I'm not going to fuck her but I still want to get off.

I just saw my sister in law.

I have nothing else to do with my hour long lunch.

Jennifer Tilly.

While channel surfing I lingered too long on SKINEMAX.

and let us not forget the old...

I'm not sure why my dick is hard but I don't want to die so I better take care of it.
3-4 times a week, more when wife wants to watch
Usually 2-3 times a day, and todays mid morning one will now be done with your photo