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Married Women

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Active Ink Slinger
Yes, but in a very specific situation. Where there was a form of trust, and I knew that her husband just neglected her emotionally, and/or, sexually. Then I could justify it, and be ok with it. If I knew her husband was a good man, but no matter his best efforts, she just wasn't satisfied, then no.

If the husband in question is a P.O.S human being, I wouldn't feel bad at all. If the husband in question was a good man, then I couldn't live with myself taking part in jading him, and hurting him. If I wasn't aware of the scenarion or reason as to why this married woman wanted to go outside of her marriage, I'd have to decline.

Here's the contingency though. The one time I'd go outside of that: If she was the most drop dead, unbelievably sexy, couldn't have crafted a sexier woman myself if I had the hands of God, type of woman. If that woman actually wanted to have sex with me, then I'd be doing my future self an injustice by saying no, and having that regret. Otherwise, my morals would dictate.
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Active Ink Slinger
I have had sex with several married women....neighbors workers ,,, etc....some of my best times with neighbor's wife.............
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Guest
Would you have sex with a married woman and if you have how did she compare to a single woman?
...probably 25 or more...they were more appreciative...
Yes I did, several times, and all of them were better that the single women I was involved with.

Except for one. But that's for another time and another place.
Love fucking married women - in fact all women
Active Ink Slinger
Is this before or after the wedding?

Quote by Guest
Would you have sex with a married woman and if you have how did she compare to a single woman?
Old in chronological age. But young at heart and desire.
Active Ink Slinger
You must have seen my ring, so a good number of you guys it does not matter if I am married or not.

God I hopes you love casual sex like I do.

I know I am not a guy.
English Gentleman
yes i have, it was quite amazing, like she was trying to make up for lost time.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Guest
Would you have sex with a married woman and if you have how did she compare to a single woman?

I've had sex with maybe 50 married women. they were more appreciative & tried harder to please.
Active Ink Slinger
I have..(not mine) and she was fantastic!!!
I really need to get married - it seems sex with a married women is the best! Oh noooo, what am I missing?!
As with anybody, in my experience there are no difference between married or unmarried women. I wouldn't judge a married lady for looking for excitement elsewhere. Could I suppose add to the danger element
Sex is sex. Marred is a status and really has nothing to do with it. I have had sex with married women and single women. If they are into having sex with you then it's going to be wonderful. Their sexual expierences are what makes things interesting and that can be either married or single.
Active Ink Slinger
I've had sex with women that were married. Although my evidence is merely anecdotal I must say that they seem more than willing to skip all thoughts of a relationship and teasing and get to the sex and they usually aren't at all shy about it.

I HAVE found that they seem to crave and enjoy affection more than unmarried women and suspect if their husbands would at least show some affection and attention to them then they wouldn't be as prone to wander.

A few seemed to be shocked that I was willing even eager to give them oral sex and couldn't seem to get enough of it and all of them HATED being expected to give head but if I just never mentioned it they seemed to enjoy doing it when THEY were in the mood.

It's easy to sit back and see where husbands fail their wives sexually and how easy prey those wives are to men that are willing to give them discrete sex when they can get free. The operative word is discrete. It's amazing how many women are eager to have a TOTALLY safe affair if there is no chance of being caught.

One hint I'll give all cheaters. Make double damned sure your phone is turned off well before you get to where the sex will occur and don't turn it back on until you're way away from where it happened. Mobile tracking is way more sophisticated than many might imagine and if a potentially jealous husband has a friend in law enforcement or if "find my phone" or similar is active... Well... It could get VERY ugly.
Great minds think alike but dirty minds work together.... ;)
Yes. If a married woman is willing to have sex either you are going to fill unfulfilled needs or she is just a very sexual person. In either case, it should be very good sex.

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Active Ink Slinger
Yes. Sex with unmarried women is more exciting. They aren't worried about being caught.
Yes I have my sister in law and she was great. She was no more wild then my wife is.
Rookie Scribe
It's not my preference but I'm always DTF. But I'm very turned on by women who cheat or fuck anyone they're not suppose to.
Rookie Scribe
I have, first time was a three some with her husband. Then we met up a few times after. She was hot, and always horny
Active Ink Slinger
It really depends on the woman, but if I had to make a choice married women are better, sexier, and just want sex, you are filling a need for something she isn't getting at home.
No I wouldnt and never have, call me old fashioned in that respect. I respect the vows others have taken between themselves and would never interfere or be a part of getting in the middle in any way shape or form. Doesnt matter to me if they have an open relationship or not. If she is married she is totally off limits to me as far as im concerned. Just my opinion.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes I am having sexual relationship with a married woman, I never compare my women, each and every one is unique in her way
Advanced Wordsmith
Yes. Fantastic, she was so eager and so naughty, up for anything, anywhere. I thank the husband for working so hard (or shagging his secretary).
Rookie Scribe
I did have sex with a married woman. Felt like a one stand with a lot more risks involved. As far as a comparison. She was good in bed. I wasnt that experienced but I did try hard and I got her off. In fact I found out that a women can develop a rash if she gets to excited. Who knew? As far as compared to a single woman I would say its about the same really. She was wild in bed but didnt like tasting cum. She warned me up front. My other single girlfriend didnt like to swallow. My other single lady loved tasting cum.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by azguy1224
I have had sex with married women while being married myself. They seem to be into it more and know what they want or are not afraid to try new things.

married women "know what they want" ... MMMMM... that means so much - more direct, not game playing; willing to try new things and wanting to please. had a married woman a loooong time ago, her husband knew, and I saw her often. she was very appreciative of my "attention." altogether a great experience and one of the best sex partners I ever had.
Most of the women I fucked outside the bonds were single or divorced. I did fuck a big lady who's hubby forgot he had a dick. We were able to spend an entire day in a roadside motel about halfway. We met several more times. She was insatiable and at one time we fucked like 4 hours straight. She finally divorced and I put a guy looking for a big gal on her and they got married!