If a girl has a lot of guy friends (more than she has girl friends) does that put you off?
For some reason I hardly have any girl friends, they just all seem to be guys and this always seem to put off whoever I am dating. I never have done anything sexual with them, but people seem to assume that I do.
Doesn't bother me at all. Means that you're able to be friends with guys, which means that WE can be friends, which is always a good starting point for a relationship.
Many guys will assume that you are fucking the others, cause they all want to be fucking you, and assume that if you weren't putting out, then the guys you are friends with wouldn't waste time hanging out with you. We can be pretty shallow. And to be honest, it's very likely that many of the dudes you are hanging with would LOVE to be thumping you.
Most accurate I have seen is :
Thumping is slang for huge or excessive.
Thumping is British slang for a beating, an assault.
thump (thmp)
1. A blow with a blunt object.
2. The muffled sound produced by or as if by a blow with a blunt object; a thud.
3.A subwoofer (the speaker in a stereo that creates all the low notes and vibration) according to Snoop Dogg
v. thumped, thump·ing, thumps
1. To beat with or as if with a blunt object so as to produce a muffled sound or thud.
2. Informal To beat soundly or thoroughly; drub.
3. To hit or fall in such a way as to produce a thump; pound.
4. To walk with heavy steps; stump.
5. To throb audibly.
6. To fuck
I never realized thump was such a dynamic word. I know I've been fucked, banged and humped, but I wonder if I've ever been humped? I need to ask hubby for a thumping and see what he does. Should I be worried?
You're not alone in never hearing "thumping" used before. I know that I've had the head board thumping against the wall before ;), but thumping sounds a lot like rough sex, so if you don't mind that then go right ahead and ask. Have fun!
Ferte in noctem animam meam, Illustre stelle viam meam. Aspectu illo glorior, Dum capit nox diem. Cantate vitae canticu, Sine dolore acte, Dicite eis quos amabam, Numquam obliviscar.
Rx. a very good question.
Me myself don't surround myself with female friends.
Never had that come in the way of any relationship though...
But sometimes, guys are easier to get on with than girls, even if it is only because they wanna fuck you.
I only have one close guy mate, and i guess i'm so close to him cos he was my brothers best mate, and now that he's gone, he's sort of a replacement for him. He did ask me out before and we went out for drinks but i couldnt get past the fact that he was just a friend so we left it at that. Still really close and talk to each other about out relationship rpoblems and what not.
If my boyfriend thought that we were too close and wanted me to stop talking to him, i couldnt. Whether its boy mates or girl mates your OH shouldnt dictate who you can be friends with.
My wife was an "over-the-road" steel hauling truckdriver when she was young and has many male freinds from then and since. Her male freinds do not bother me in the least. I am sure she is not sleeping with any of them or ever has. But if she is/was it would piss me off if she wasn't telling me all the minute detals, LOL.
I think its a good thing if girls have a lot of guy friends. Shows they are up for a laugh and will get along with your friends as well. Harmful flirting with friends never hurt anyone anyway did it?