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have you ever regretted have sex in the middle of having sex

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And did you finish or get up and leave?
Yes I have and Yes I finished.
I crashed hard third or so time with an escort but it was after my climax, not in the middle. I think I kind of scared the poor lady (she was fairly young and quite nice) because I just had a horrible OMGWTFBBQ moment about what I was doing and got kind of quiet and sad.
Yes, I was about 30 was caught up in a moment, extremely turned on by her words, touch, but on about my 5 stroke I regretted it and wanted it to end. I finally gave her a couple of big thrust, pretended to cum and told her she was very tight and got the hell out of there
Not that I can remember. Definitely the next morning a few times, but never during.
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I've never gotten that far down the line with someone I didn't like. How could that happen??!

If I'm not attracted to someone, it's pretty simple - I stick to the beer and go home.
Yes. An " oh Lord, what am I doing?" feeling. Didn't stop me from finishing tho. Or hanging around a while. Not my best moments.
I have thought "Gee, he isn't very good" in the middle. Yes, I would finished, or at least unsuccessfully attempted to tell him that, no, I didn't orgasm.
I've only ever regretted having sex while in the act if I came to realize part way through that we wouldn't be able to finish, be it due to time or other factors.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Quote by doctorlove
And did you finish or get up and leave?

Not to be a pedantic shit, but if you regretted having sex half way through it, then of course you finished. If you got up and left, then surely you regretted having sex at the end of it?....

Pedantic shitness aside, I once regretted having sex and stopped. The problem? Alcohol (of course).

But it's not what you're thinking, as it wasn't with a randomer. I got back to the flat with my then girlfriend after a huge volume of alcohol. She started making moves and, somehow, I got hard (it never seems to matter how drunk I get, I don't get the problems with unwanted floppyness).

However, several minutes in to the sex and it was really quite clear that a) I wasn't ever going to cum, and b) I really just wanted to sleep.

So I withdrew from her vagina, rolled over to my side of the bed, and instantly fell asleep.

Yeah ladies, I know how to treat you....
Quote by TheAngryishLover

Not to be a pedantic shit, but if you regretted having sex half way through it, then of course you finished. If you got up and left, then surely you regretted having sex at the end of it?....

Pedantic shitness aside, I once regretted having sex and stopped. The problem? Alcohol (of course).

But it's not what you're thinking, as it wasn't with a randomer. I got back to the flat with my then girlfriend after a huge volume of alcohol. She started making moves and, somehow, I got hard (it never seems to matter how drunk I get, I don't get the problems with unwanted floppyness).

However, several minutes in to the sex and it was really quite clear that a) I wasn't ever going to cum, and b) I really just wanted to sleep.

So I withdrew from her vagina, rolled over to my side of the bed, and instantly fell asleep.

Yeah ladies, I know how to treat you....

Treat 'em mean Keep 'em keen. You're a cruel, cruel man, Angry.

Hi Angry
The Duchess of Tart

Please check out my new story, co-written with the amazing Wilful.

And my latest poem, The Temptation.
Quote by kiera

Treat 'em mean Keep 'em keen. You're a cruel, cruel man, Angry.

Hi Angry

I wasn't cruel, I was drunk. Difference
Yes! He was a total klutz in bed. I should have just ordered him out, but I'm always so damn nice! I wound up with a cracked rib when he got his feet tangled up in the sheets and his knee crunched down hard on my chest. It was a disaster!
The foreplay wasn't bad and got me hot so I relented and against my better judgement - let him in. I soon learned all he wanted was to please himself and came like a speeding bullet. He was out the door just as fast - with his clothes in his hand and an earful from me.
I had an ex girlfriend who was pretty manipulative and emotionally abusive. She liked using sex to obligate me to do things for her that I wasn't comfortable doing for ethical/moral reasons. Truth of that hit me about six months in, in the middle of sex and I got up, got dressed and ran
Quote by Meggsy
The foreplay wasn't bad and got me hot so I relented and against my better judgement - let him in. I soon learned all he wanted was to please himself and came like a speeding bullet. He was out the door just as fast - with his clothes in his hand and an earful from me.

Too bad, Meggsy! I'm quite the opposite, and always have been. I prefer to satisfy the woman first, and then myself. I've found that most women appreciate what I've done and will happily oblige in finishing me off.
Yes. She was the wife of a friend. They were going through a divorce and we met for drinks. We got drunk we made jokes about blow jobs and later in a motel room I was treated the best one I had ever had at that time.

What I really wanted was to get her naked and fuck her and she agreed to it. So the next day in another motel room she got naked and invited me inside.

It was terrible. Like sticking my dick in a warm bowl of Jello. No moaning of anything. She just laid there.
Yes. I was dating a very attractive woman. We had some great sexual conversations, but the first time we did it, all I kept thinking was.. "YAWN".. All show no go.. I broke it off soon there after.
yeah but I'd already taken her money
I just felt very disappointed. In college, a very good looking sorority girl pursued me hard. So I gave her a try. I was too nice and went out with her for a about three weeks. But she was totally a dead fish in bed and slowly her true character came out and that was a dead fish too. The last couple of times I pretended I'd orgasmed just to end the misery. I just couldn't take her anymore and dropped her.
Perhaps once or twice. I'm not sure regret is the right word, but I've definitely realized that I didn't really want to be having sex, once we got down to it. On a few occasions I've just gone with it - either working only to make my partner orgasm, or, probably on one or two occasions, seeming like the 'dead fish' described above. In one or two cases I have actually said something in those moments, or just stopped having sex. Really just depends on how much I'd prefer to be not having sex or doing something else at that moment.
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One time in particular I did, I didnt stop and later heard that he was saying I was the worst in bed ever. It's hard to stop though for a bunch of reasons
Quote by LYFBUZ
yeah but I'd already taken her money

i want my dollar back, you bastard!

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

It wasnt necessarily bad, but no matter what I did, she was just annoyed with it... Looking back, as much as she wanted sex, when we started, she didnt want it... As far as finishing? her annoyance was such that it caused me to lose my erection... Of course then it was my fault we couldnt have sex... C'est la vie!
Quote by Ardentmale
It wasnt necessarily bad, but no matter what I did, she was just annoyed with it... Looking back, as much as she wanted sex, when we started, she didnt want it... As far as finishing? her annoyance was such that it caused me to lose my erection... Of course then it was my fault we couldnt have sex... C'est la vie!

Been there sir with my Ex many times. It destroyed my self-esteem and it took many years to overcome and realize I can make a lady scream or moan or both (+) with some loving, sexy women. It is called "e-masculation."
yes, i did finish, but i felt like shit afterwards. we havnt spoken since.
Not that I can, never regretted it in the middle. Nor have I ever regretted it afterwards I don't think.
I'd been flirting with this attractive, petite divorcee who was a few years younger than I, for about four months and she confided that she'd been increasingly lonely since one of my co-workers had transferred out of state six months earlier.

She worked for a law firm at the top of the skyscraper which we both worked inside of and apparently had been carrying on a romance with the fellow who was about ten years younger than she was. She was nestled up on the fortieth floor, I was situated with the peons on the eighth. We wouldn't see one another except for 10 to 15 minutes in the mornings and afternoons.

She propositioned me one Friday morning while we were both outside, smoking and mutually dropping innuendos.

"Come over to my place and and we can both not be lonely together."

It is true that I arrived at her house full of intentions and expectations, but I'd also read the horny cougar correctly, as she was practically throwing herself at me on the sidewalk in front of our building all that day.

"I'm so moist you'll probably hear me sloshing as I walk away after this cigarette!"

In other words, I wasn't receiving mixed signals...

Five minutes after she let me in her front door, we had both stripped one another of our clothing and I was pounding her, in missionary, on the carpeted floor near her bed. I picked her up (while still attached) and tossed her onto her mattress and prepared to mount and she certainly seemed to be in the moment as well... when she held up her hand, palm facing me and loudly exclaimed, "What the fuck are you doing? YOU ARE FUCKING. ME. LIKE I AM A PIECE OF MEAT!"

My boner almost immediately dropped and wilted back to flaccidity as I stood there, slack jawed and panting. I could almost feel my dilated pupils begin to my vision readjusted and I heard her say, "Make love to me, tenderly, with it's our first time!"

Sirens almost went off inside my head as a klaxxon began repeatedly blaring: BACK AWAY SLOWLY, GATHER CLOTHING, GET THE FUCK OUT

As I began fishing around for my jeans she realized what I was doing and began first pleading with me to re-engage (lovingly) and then as I slipped on my shirt and sneakers, she began berating my masculinity.

It was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud. Seriously.

She was still yelling and cursing at me, from her open front door, with the comforter wrapped around her naked self...shouting out into the darkness of her front yard as I quickly walked to my vehicle parked in her driveway.

My only replies were spaced a few minutes apart as follows:

"I'm sorry, I misjudged..."

"I sure as fuck don't love you, nor do I want to learn how."

And finally -- "Fuck off, nut job."

And that's the only time I've ever regretted engaging during coitus.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I almost hate to tell this but now it is funny.....I went to this guys house I had dated a few times and we both knew this was the night. Make long story short we were doing it in the missionary position and he was thrusting away and so was I when all of a sudden he tightened up and I thought, "oh fuck, and I am not even close" he thrust hard and farted. OMG he must have eaten a whole pot of beans, I shoved him off, grabbed my clothes putting them on as I left. Needless to say he never called me for a another date.
Yes, because I should not have been doing it. My husband had been unfaithful and I thought I was getting even. I should have stopped when the guilt set in but didn't and ended up pregnant from an afternoon quickie. It ruined my marriage, embarrassed my family