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Have you ever fucked any type of fruit?

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my wife's a fruit...

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Maybe it's boring, or just sane, but I have to admit I have never been amorous with a fruit
Quote by trinket

I'll bet she's a peach

That made me laugh out loud, Trinks.

Never fucked a fruit. I did have a crush on a pomegranate once. It was not meant to be. She was pretty seedy.
btw, what is a rock melon? is that some Australian thing?

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Quote by sprite
btw, what is a rock melon? is that some Australian thing?

It's what we call a cantaloupe. I don't know why, it's nothing like a rock.

Quote by Verbal

That made me laugh out loud, Trinks.

Never fucked a fruit. I did have a crush on a pomegranate once. It was not meant to be. She was pretty seedy.

This is why I love you Verbs.
I dated a girl who turned out to be a bit of a fruit cake, if that counts?
Alas, I have never been intimate with a fruit. I can't really answer the last option, though, since I don't actually hate fruit, just never had sexual feelings for it.
Gala apples... not even in the options... *facepalms*
I've fucked myself with a banana and a cucumber but not at the same time - the cucumber was amazing just like a big thick cock
Quote by trinket
I'm going to assume this would be done with room temperature fruit. If there are other fruity things you've dipped your wick into, let the people know!

I'm not a guy but this did make me laugh. I keep picturing someone with one of those tiny sample sized jars of grape jelly. Or when I first saw this and didn't realize it was an "ask the guys" I pictured someone trying put jello where it's not exactly going to stay.ev2q3lMVtYFYYqnz

Just how bored are you Trinket?
This horny boy in his early puberty used a banana peel...
A blueberry.

Don't believe everything that you read.

As a young lad, I was smitten by a lovely fruit. I asked her to run away with me, but alas, she said, "We cantaloupe."

Actually, I did read in Penthouse Forum a letter from a guy who bought a cantaloupe, left it out overnight, cut an appropriate sized hole, and had his way with it. Being the impressionable young boy I was, I tried it. It was awesome!
Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
A blueberry.

I knew a guy like that once...

Quote by mafketel
This horny boy in his early puberty used a banana peel...

Something I say quite often is that "I learn something new on lush, every day." Someone mentioned the banana peel thing to me last night and I'll admit I was shocked. Not judging! Just shocked at how inventive some people are
If I did, it would have to be a large watermelon or a pumpkin. I'd start romantically with a tablecloth candlelight dinner, some expensive white wine, and flowers. I'd wear a tuxedo. Some soft music playing low. I guess we'd proceed from there.
When I was a horny teenager with no options, I did some weird shit with my dick but never fucked a fruit. To each their own though.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Define fruit. Does a cantaloupe with a hole in the end of it and set in an oven for 30 minutes at 175 deg. F. Constitute as fruit? Figured it as sensual baked goods.
A large watermellon, left out in the sun for the day, and creatively "carved" (with a beveled hole), makes for an interesting night of camping when you are a lonely young boy, in the back yard.
Quote by HeraTeleia
Hmm. No. Probably because I don't know the age of consent for any given fruit or vegetable. Is it at first ripening? Fully ripe? Slightly past ripe and mushy? Full on mushy? The mind boggles.

Do french fries whisper "Eat me", in your ear? Or do you always tell them this afterward?

Quote by HeraTeleia
Hmm. No. Probably because I don't know the age of consent for any given fruit or vegetable. Is it at first ripening? Fully ripe? Slightly past ripe and mushy? Full on mushy? The mind boggles.

The stage of ripeness would depend upon the gender of the fruiter (or is it the fruitee?)i would imagine. Surely a man would aim for "mushy", while a woman would be seeking a more firm fruit.
Quote by trinket

The stage of ripeness would depend upon the gender of the fruiter (or is it the fruitee?)i would imagine. Surely a man would aim for "mushy", while a woman would be seeking a more firm fruit.

Lol... so a floppy fruit is no good then? Counts me out.
No. My hand is the best toy I've ever found
In season, locally sourced or fair trade, non-gmo, 100% organic, unprocessed...

Don't believe everything that you read.

My girlfriend often looks at my vagina and utters -that looks so juicy and peachy -I could eat it - and she usually does.