i've been with all 4 of these! dated a girl from middle school when we were both 20. being young we both had perfect bodies and she was darker red up and down stairs. great fun for 3-4 months! still friends with her today on fb. my high school girlfirend and i had sex (deleted by moderator). she was a virgin but i wasn't even though i told her i was! she was great, cute blonde. dated 2 years. my wife and i had sex with she was pregnant with out kids. our dr recommended it actually! lotta fun and she was soooooo sexy! and the last category, too many times! all college timeframe stories! can't be picky all the time!! always fun though!!
I've done it with all four. The best had to this day would be with a pregnant woman. She becomes more sex hungry than ever.
Is that the list? jeez I could add at least another 40-50 categories to that and say *yes* to them all!
Redhead: Yes 2, one was a friend and part-time girlfriend, the other a whore
Virgin: Not sure, but probably no
Pregnant: Yes
Fat, chubby, plump: That would be in the eyes of the beholder, but I'd say No
The only one of the four listed that I have experienced is the virgin. It was memorable in that she must have been so pent up by that point in her life that it didn't take much to give her loud, body-shaking orgasms. The sex pretty much remained like that for the duration of our relationship, although the quality did taper off towards the end.
Every other woman I've had sex with doesn't fall into any of those categories, minus one dirty-strawberry-blonde which argueably would fall under 'redhead'. Still, the color of her hair had little impact on the sex.
I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?
Pretty much all of the above at one time or another.
All four bbw and pregnant were the best
I was never with a virgin. The rest sure, but I was not a first for anyone, I always liked the dirty girls.
Only with a pregnant one, and she was of the unfortunate variety whose sex drive didn't respond that well to her pregnancy.
I have had sex with all the above and by far the best was a Redhead..... Lisa, thank you for the fun memory...
Lost my virginity to a red head
My wife was a virgin when we had sex
My wife loved sex when she was pregnant
Had sex in college with a great, cute plump girl.
Virgin, pregnant, bbw. Still waiting for the redhead..
been with a redhead and a pregnant woman, never been with a virgin or a plus size woman, even though that would be fun.
Yes to all. Virgins are the best. How many times do you get to be the first at anything and then t think you're setting the bar for all of their future experiences.
yes, yes, no, YES !! mmmmm, xxx