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Guys have you ever had a Penis in your mouth? Wanna try it?

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Quote by bruble66
I have had a few each experience different, each cuming down my throat. I love the feel of a hard cock between my lips, sliding in and causing me to gag. I love the hard slick wetness and the extacy in his eyes and firmness of his thighs. The hard spurts of thick cum against the back of my throat and the feel of the cum spraying deep inside me. I would love to do that again.

you make it sound so good. i would enjoy making a man's dick come.
Advanced Wordsmith
The first time was in Bermuda 1965 the owner was an Aussie bear,who caught me skinny dipping in the pool he managed for a beach club,just after midnight when i thought no one was around.
He blew me first the a couple of days later i sucked him did`nt much like the taste of his spunk.
But as i`ve got older i have done it a lot and enjoy the feel of it in my mouth and the taste,it`s ol=nly a protein shake when all said and done.
Did it again last week,, sod this lockdown cock is needed.
Active Ink Slinger
Oh yes. Love wifes pussy, but sucking a dick is exciting.
Rookie Scribe
Yes, started late in life with several strangers. Have never swallowed but would love to if I was personally acquainted with the donor.
Advanced Wordsmith
1 like
Yes I have sucked cock and can't wait till the next time I get a cock in my mouth.
Active Ink Slinger
Nope!! 1st Wife, 12years strap-on, Oral with dicks.

Wife now, 3 plus years of her strap-ons, given head to two different woman's dicks. So in all 15 plus years of her n he dicks. Sperm comes from my own dick. Both knew how get my load into my mouth. Cathy 1st, she 70% percent aiming. Curl on couch, head floor, butt edge of couch. Now curl body over so dick hangs directly over face n mouth. Cathy vibrator, on as she stroked dick. Getting close, here comes.....Sperm LOAD... How much?
95% in mouth swallowed.

2nd wife Kelly. ready okay go, kelly, given head, she stands and i get on knees, She behind, guilds her dick inside my waiting ass. Finally, she slowly goes deeper and deeper till all way in. She starts sliding in and out my ass, feels so good. Smack my ass. Can thos be quicky??? Yes, she starts pounding, harder n harder. Mmmmm, mmmmm, so good. Go deeper, DEEPER please.... Oh right there mmm, mm Kelly getting close.... Sperm curl Quickly ready. top straight down . Dick insde me... She says WOW, way tighter this way. aimming my dick ... DEEPEST please harest please.... Couple more them DEEPEST one and you'll have it... HARDER HARDER HARDER, DEEEEEEEPEST here comes oh oh oh my my EXPLOSION... She drives her dick as deep as possible. Keep deep please... Kelly well ?? Looks like a bull eye perfect hit.... 1st ever. YAY and got up Kelly lay floor ... I stand over top slowly down to her... she lubes her dick, I hold and lower my ass down head at entrance.. As i push her dick head, gets in then I slide all way down. pole. .... lower down on chest. kiss, as she still fucks my ass. kiss kiss this more sensual. She asks like slow I like your going slow like this, Kiss, kissses Hug and feel her dick slowly deeper and deeper. KIss kisses hug., Hug look her eyes... stop. I say you okay. yup. Want more as deep as you can. Nearly to already, deeper deeper.......... right there. she wiggles. How big is yer dick. 9'' inches... 8 and 3/4 wow, camera. Get my phone. please. We need pictures, pics, close ups, Show depth, eyeings. Pull out ....slowly, slows down car, poll are pool, pool, there is more. I more, pull out out out , Pull, dick, dick, dick, Dogs Dogs, hits store, gas, bread, snacks, Milk, chips, Tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, tuna, .... gonna, get some, soups.
Active Ink Slinger
It's been several years, but yes, I have. Have also had a couple in my ass. Been thinking a lot about doing it again.
Rookie Scribe
Yes many times. Started innocently as a young man when my best friend seduced me. It was a great experience that we repeated often. Still think about his dick and the one time he came unexpectedly in my mouth. Wow. Then was not involved for many, many years, although thought alot about it. That changed in late forties and have now had many dicks including several shemales.
Roockie Scribe
Yeah, I was staying at my friend's house overnight and we were reading a porno magazine that had this hot black chick swallowing this guy's huge cock and he dared me to do that to him. I took his whole cock and swallowed it and just held it in my throat. i looked at him and he was looking at the magazine. I just held it there and swallowed against it a few times. After a while he said " I'm gonna cum". I took it out and said he'd have to jerk it off so I watched him pump it until he shot a huge load all over his stomach.
Active Ink Slinger
I've had some fantasies about it, but I'd probably never do it. When I have imagined it, I'm far, far younger than I am now. But that's true for almost all of my fantasies.

Wasn't it Kinsey who said that sexual orientation is on a spectrum or a sliding scale, not a set of categories?
Active Ink Slinger
NOPE, licking and sucking on ladies only for this man. The only penis would be my own, but I cannot reach it.
Have been sucking since I was 13yrs an 65 still love it but cant find anyone in Colorado Springs who married and feels the same way nothing wrong so long as clean dd free
Rookie Scribe
Not yet but I'm starving for my first. Have been wanting it for several years but I live in a small rural area and no opportunities. Started out just thinking about it and over time have developed a craving. I may be to aggressive with my first because I want it so badly that I won't go slowly and he'll cum quickly.
Active Ink Slinger
Sadly not yet. I would LOVE to though! Top Ten on my sexual bucket list for sure!
Rookie Scribe
Ŕég óta szeretném kipróbálni.
Advanced Wordsmith
Yes I have sucked cock and have taken his cum in my mouth and swallowed it. What can I say, I am a cocksucker and I love it!!
Active Ink Slinger
Tried it 30 years ago with a friend and it was hot. Found another friend recently and I've had his cock (and his cum) in my mouth a few times in the last year.... I love it.
Active Ink Slinger
Once as a teen it was mt friend's. Then about 4 days ago, I was getting a hair cut by a gay neighbor. I hiked up the leg of my shorts so he could see my cock. We sucked each other.
Active Ink Slinger
I have had two. I was in grade school when one of my friends suggested that we all suck each other. There were three of us so I sucked two cocks that day. Nobody came and I was only doing it because of peer pressure. Now I would love to try it again but this time, I would suck a big load of hot cum out of the cocks and love every minute of it!!!
No and no!
Active Ink Slinger
I have had a number of cocks in my mouth. Love sucking on cocks. Most fun was a threesome with two other guys. Lots of cock to suck and did it for hours.
Active Ink Slinger
Yes I have love it and the wife likes watching me do it big turn on to her and I..
Rookie Scribe
Only sucked one cock (although more than once ;) ). A young guy half my age offered to blow me and that was great. Then next time we met I returned the favour. I really enjoy it and can take his whole cock - sometimes he face fucks me too - great fun!
Many years ago I had a brief experience with a gay second cousin. He gave me a blow job on two occasions and then on the third and final time we kissed and I briefly put his penis in my mouth. I then had anal sex with him. There was such a cumulative rush of emotions that I left confused about all that was happening. I have never had another opportunity since albeit it is something I would like to explore again.
Rookie Scribe
It's shoud be fun to try, and also that a guy have done a headjob to mine... In front of my girl! He can do both of us and we do him!
Rookie Scribe
hell yes i have, and looking for more
Rookie Scribe
Yes growing upy best friend and I sucked each other off often. Then later when my wife asked me to
Advanced Wordsmith
I've never had a guy in my mouth, but when I was much much younger I played with another guy's cock but he didn't cum. About that same time a guy sucked me but I didn't cum. Those are my only experiences.