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Girls and abs, what are your opinions?

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Advanced Wordsmith
So i was talking to my sister the other day and i was expressing to her how much i loved female abs and how i wanted to have more defined abs. My sister then begged me to reconsider, arguing that I already have visible abs and any more than what i have would be a turn off for guys.

It got me thinking, how much is 'too much' ? Do you mind if a girl lift more than you do?
Or would you mind if shes got this really beautiful and defined abs, and you don't?
well defined and sculpted is very sexy. I don't care much for body builder size, but don't think that's what your asking either. The thing is, if it's what you want, then you will definately attract the guys who like that figure of a woman.

for me, yes a hardbody, with well sculpted abs is sexy, and no it would not bother me if my girl had better abs than I.
Active Ink Slinger
Are muscular, defined abs a turn off for most guys? In a word, NO.

I would say that the overwhelming majority of the time, abs are the way to go. Having that muscle shows that you are healthy, in shape, and will lead to one hell of a sexy silhouette. If things [I]really[/I] went overboard, like professional body builder level, then maybe that's overkill (unless of course that is your job in which case, do what you need to do to make that pay check).

Abs on a woman are very, very rarely unattractive but that's only when they reach a point that, in my opinion, intimidates the guy looking at them. Quite frankly, I think that would be a GOOD problem to have, if you even had it at all.

And personally, if a girl can lift more than me then I would find that equally parts intimidating and a turn on. More than anything it would be a motivator to make me want to work out with her. It's kind of like how flirting with someone smarter than yourself makes you want to read the newspaper or open a book. If someone in better shape then yourself shows interest, it's going to light a fire under your ass to become as active as they are.

But this isn't to say anything negative about women without abs. There is certainly something to be said about the warm, inviting nature of feminine curves. So at the end of the day, just do what you want to do with your own body and trust me, you'll be able to find PLENTY of fans regardless of the choice.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

I like athletic women. Abs are cool.

Once you get to be a serious female bodybuilder, with an extremely low % of body fat, it can become unattractive IMHO.
Active Ink Slinger
Personally, defined abs on a girl is definitely NOT a turn on. But hey, if you're the sort of guy that likes a girl to look like a guy then good luck to you.

I like a girl with a kissable curve from her belly button to her mound.

What's most important is that you feel comfortable with how you look. There's nothing wrong with having a shape as a goal but you mustn't allow yourself to obsess over it to the detriment of your physical and mental health
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Rookie Scribe
makes no difference to me at all. if the girl is fit her stomach is always sexy
I am not a huge fan of the overly muscular female figure.
Havign said that, there is an overlap...
Body builders are not my cup of tea.
But some tone or definition is not frowned upon.
As for lifting more than I do... Ummm, I don't think that would bother me as long as she didn't start curling me :P
If she is happy with the way she looks, then nothing else matters.
Cryptic Vigilante
I love abs on a girl, but frankly they don't make that big of a difference concerning how much I'll be attracted to her. I love fit bodies and low levels of body-fat, but abs are far from mandatory for me.

Concerning if I mind when a girl lifts more than I do... I doubt that she would honestly, but the fact that she'd share my fitness passion would be a huge turn-on.

I love all of these pretty much equally, from light definition to something a bit more substantial, but the girl on the far right has just a tad too much abs to my liking:

Fitness is attractive in male or female. Can it go to far? I think if it leads to roids then it has gone to far. I guess for me I like women to be fit, soft and curvy.
Active Ink Slinger
Agree with ChuckEPoo on this one. Well-stated!
I don't mind a girl with abs, each man has their preference