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These Questions are for everybody

-What was the first job you ever had?
-What was the worst job you ever had and why?
For my first job, I was a gas station attendent. I was 13 and couldn't legally work yet, so my boss paid me under the table. But I got fired after two days because I kept forgetting to put the gas caps back on the cars.

But that wasn't my worst job. The worst was when I worked at a trailer park/camp ground as a life guard. It was hot, and the people who lived there were assholes. Cept for the owner's daughter. She was nice.ecjCTh4SfbbrgADq We called her the trailer park princess. She'd always come around the pool in a bikini and show off . She used to like to watch me do push-ups. But even with her, it was a nightmare. Lots of screaming kids who were drinking by the time they were 10, typical wife-beater dads and hair-curler moms, and bugs that would drain a small dog dry before he could roll over.

My best job though, was when I was a lifeguard at a day camp. They had a big indoor pool and all my coworkers were gorgeous females. I worked there for 4 summers, best times of my life.aPi3unLAbWiXBbVe
My first job ever was babysitting of course, but if you mean the first job that came with an actual paycheck minus taxes...I was a an usherette and then a box office cashier at a movie theatre. I loved working at "the show" because I got to see movies for free.

The worst job I ever had was working in a group home with emotionally impaired clients. I had previously worked at a home with mentally impaired clients and loved working there. When I got married and moved to the east side, I transferred to a group home closer to my apartment to save on gas money. There were so many bizarre behaviours that I grew to hate it. I was bitten, had snot blown at me, had food spit at me, was shoved into a wall during a take down, and on and on. Although the pay was good, and they worked around my school schedule (I was finishing my teaching degree), I just couldn't stay there!

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My first job was working for the Forestry Department the summer I turned 16. It was kind of a mess, since I cant tell anyone where N S E or W are! LOL My worst job probably would of been when I worked at a sewing factory. Those big machienes just scared me!

Right now, I am doing a job that I have always loved, daycare. I have been doing it off and on for the last 9 years. Worked 7 years straight at the last one, took a year and a half break and here I am doing it again. The pay is crappy, but taking care of children is where my heart is!
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
My first job (8yrs old) was a Kool-aid stand in a wagon. We went around to the house construction workers. Next summer we added popcorn and lick-a-maid straws (we made) and used my dads pop-up trailer to sell out of. 6 years ago we started our kettlecorn stand. How life makes a circle sometime. This is the best job I have had.

Worse was flying search & rescue in Vietam. Rewarding but horrific.

I landed a job that lasted a week or two working in a independent fast food joint that had been damaged and laid open to the elements from a hurricane two years before. I got the lovely job of scraping the congealed years of grease off the walls in the kitchen. It must have been 1/4" thick and covered a couple of walls. I had to use a small scraper and wipe it off onto rolls and rolls of paper towels. And, it was in un-airconditioned surroundings and in a southern hot and humid climate. With flies.
My best job was working as a Pool Attendant at the Playboy Mansion.

Just kidding.

The first one was as a maintenance man for an apartment complex. I had to take out the trash, which wasn't in dumpsters. Oh no. They actually had garbage cans inside each building. One time, somebody stacked up chicken bones they had eaten from, and formed a mountain on top of the trash can. Another bad thing about that job was when all the lower apartments would flood during a hard rainfall. I'd get a phone call in the middle of the night from the alcoholic manager and help wet-vac with a bunch of temps and listen to the irate tenants.

All these bad jobs make you appreciate the good ones that come later.
At the age of around 15, I worked a proof reader for a small publisher of engineering manuals. Talk about dull That was probably the worst job too purely due to the boredom factor.

Interesting reading what everyone else has done =d>
My first 'real' job was when I was fifteen and I worked in a small town grocery store as a 'box boy'. It had some interesting things happen while I spent a few years there after school and on weekends.

The worst job I had I only had for a few days. I didn't particularly care for my boss, and he had a habit of yelling loudly (read that scream) when he wanted you attention. I came into the shop one day, looking for a couple of special tools and he decided to pull me off that job and put me on some bullshit one. I mentioned that I needed to finish the job I already had since the boat was waiting to pull out and they wanted me to hurry.

He started screaming at me.

He took a breath and I asked him if he was finished screaming at me... and he went off big time.

I finally just turned and walked over to my tool box and started putting my tools away.

He came over, screaming at me some more, asking me what the hell I thought I was doing. My reply?

"I just quit you stupid SOB and if you don't stop yelling at me, you may get hurt... BAD."

He just stopped and stared at me, stunned I suppose, that I'd talked back to him.

I went home, told the wife what had happened. Her first thought?

"He was standing on his own when you left... right? I mean, no cops were called were there?"

She was sure as hell that I had cold cocked him. In an earlier time of my life I would have done just that. I had grown up a tad bit by then... damnit.
My first paying job was as a newspaper delivery boy for the New York Daily News. I was 13 and loved it. I raised enough money to buy my first bass guitar and amp. Getting up at 5 AM in the winter wasn't too much fun, but it was a cool job all the same.

My worst job was selling stuff out of the back of my car. I was 22 and responded to an ad in the newspaper for a management positon. I showed up and before I knew it I was in a group of people listening to some guy tell us of the thousands of dollars he makes each month by managing people who sell stuff out of their cars. Drink glasses, stoneware dishes and other silly things. I did it for about a week and was contacted by the cops at least twice a day asking for the business license. That was the end of my "management" career.
The first job I had was............
(This one is going to be a LEAVE IT TO BEAVER TYPE MOMENT)

When I was 10, the old man down the street sold night crawlers to fishermen for supplemental income. He was a very nice man and employed about half the kids in the neighborhood along with myself to pick them from the moist grass in the early evening (usually after a storm). It was cool! and my dad really got into helping me by constructing something which resembled a coal minors cap with a low intensity light on top.
I remember crawling on my hands and knees getting all wet & muddy for what seemed to be hours during those summer nights for the whopping compensation rate of 3 cents per worm I collected. It was fun and I recall saving over $200.00 which was BIG MONEY back in 86 for a 10 year old

The worst job was.........
(I could almost write this in the story section with just a little embellishment)

During my 16th summer I worked for a convenience/gas station cashiering between modeling jobs.
The store was owned by a 40 something, heavily caloned Indian man that the girls secretly called Apu. (He smelled like a New York taxi cab)!

A few weeks into the job I learned that this man was a womanizer in every sense of the word.

He would only employ the best looking girls and had us wear our "special" employer supplied attire. The uniform consisted of a extremely tight, white t-shirt capped off with his company logo in front.
I swear! Your compensation level was based on you breast size!

Anyway, as time went on his innuendos and advances became more apparent. "Apu's" actions towards me were purely for his enjoyment, He would "accidentally" bump into me regularly with his hands, usually kept the air conditioning at 65 degrees even when it was 60 degrees outside, and inquired to some of my co-workers for some of my personal information about, let just say Bre's "social life". Believe me, this was only the tip of the iceberg!of what all occurred during that summer!

To make a long story short.
The day that I quit that job was when I walked in his supposedly "locked office" and caught him jerking off to the black & white security tapes that featured me & my obviously cold nipples that he filmed from the previous night.
I was restocking mountain dew in the cold refrigeration room. however that wasn't the worse of it!
Since the noisy ac unit was directly located in the ceiling above his office. He couldn't didn't hear me walk in and I had the shock off my life when I realized Apu was smelling my sweatshirt that was missing from the store for weeks. (WHAT A BASTARD)! for a minute I watched him as he pleasured himself with my sent. And than I busted him!
I had a job running a paper route when I was 10. Was up every morning at 0430, and rode my bike up a big hill to sit on the curb under a steetlamp to blacken my hands with the newsprint as i rolled them all up, and loaded them in the baskets and sling I carried them in.

I had a couple of streets that were down-hill dead end streets. They had big old trees hanging out over the street, and because it was a dead end, I could not get through by peddling fast. The trees were creepy, and there were always sounds that sent my hair up the back up off the back of my neck when a unlatched fence would clang, or the tree limbs overhead would creak in the wind. I hated those streets and always breathed a sign of relief when I got into the part of the route that had newer homes and less creepiness.

Then there were the college girls who all lived in a house on a corner and who invited me in at Christmas for hot chocolate when I was collecting for the month. Believe me, my fantasies took off.....oh, but this thread was about awful jobs....

ive never had an official job...
cant seem to get one

but i have worked for a friend taht has a home business she would give me 7$ every hour i worked. IT was a greenhouse thing.
that was a lot of fun as i love gardens, nature plants, the whole enchilada
My first job was as a produce clerk at a small grocery store, nothing special. My worst job was actually at a movie theater. I won't go into all of the details why I hated the job, but overall came to to the pushy, rude, assholes who I had to deal with that felt their popcorn was taking too long. I can't make the damn machine work faster!
My first "job" was babysitting, but my first real job was at Burger King when I was in high school. It was soooooooo gross and the boss was a pervy little jerk in his 40s who used to leer at all the girls! I lasted 3 weeks and became a vegetarian until college.
My first job was also my worst one. I worked at a wholesale plant nursery with several of my school friends. We'd catch the bus there straight from school and change into our work clothes once we got there. The boss and the forklift driver used to hang around on the other side of the wall while we changed and say creepy things to us.
Other than babysitting my first jobs (and only jobs so far) have been working at an occult bookstore during the day and a spanish karoke bar at night. The bookstore was a bit boring since there wasn't much traffic but I was working there with a friend so we pretty much got paid for not doing much. The karoke bar was really fun. Occasionally I would work shifts during the day which wasn't as much fun because there were just a bunch of old spanish men trying to chat me up.
I've only ever had one job working at a coffee shop (Costa Coffee to all you Brits). Started part time when i left school and am still there three years later. I work there during uni holidays to get some pennies.

Also, i did 3 weeks work experience while at school at some stables, looking after horses, mucking out, feeding, grooming, riding and excercising them. I loved it! Til i fell off one and broke my wrist sad
My first job was as a librarian type clerk I think at the age of 18.....LMAO!!.....I really like that job and read all the books I wanted....I even dressed the part everyday.....

I just remembered I did have a horrid job at a payroll department part time when I was 16....I think I suppressed that
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
My first job was a newspaper boy I liked it except for collecting money from customers who always gave me an excuse as to why they didn't have the weekly $3.00 at the time to pay up. My first real job was working for a video rental store which I stayed there for 10 years I enjoyed it cause I got to talk with the custmers a lot of which became good friends and still are to this day. I do a bunh of different things so I can't say I have had a job I hate yet. When that time comes I will let ya know smile
My first job was as a baby-sitter like most of the girls here, but my first real (check kind of job) was as a CSR for a “mattress store” --- the manager was a friend of the family and he gave me a part-time job for the summer when I was 16. I had no fun what so ever, plus he would give my dad details about my day, and even got me grounded for months at a time (asshole) he finally fired me after 6 months, because I told him to “go fuck himself” in Spanish…

My favorite job was as a “home aid” it was non-medical. I had several regular clients that I would assist in their homes. All of them very nice, and full of life; the only reason they needed someone was for company. I loved all of them, specially this 90yr old lady, she had an oxygen tank rolling around with her at all times, and even that didn’t slow her down. I worked there for a while, but had a family emergency and had to leave the country, I didn’t give them a heads up, so when I came back I didn’t feel worthy of them, so I never re-applied…
Delivered newspapers at 13, and worked at an amusement park at 16. I was "Ride Guest Relations". Corporate speak for spreading "pixie dust" where the gusts would vomit. Oh joy.
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
Quote by Zafia
My first job was as a librarian type clerk I think at the age of 18.....LMAO!!.....I really like that job and read all the books I wanted....I even dressed the part everyday.....

Which shoes Z?
I was a waitress (no, I haven't progressed very far...) at a soulless chain restaurant. My parents would come to eat occasionally and my dad would leave me 10%. creep.
Quote by Guest
The first job I had was............
(This one is going to be a LEAVE IT TO BEAVER TYPE MOMENT)
The day that I quit that job was when I walked in his supposedly "locked office" and caught him jerking off to the black & white security tapes that featured me & my obviously cold nipples that he filmed from the previous night.

Do you have a problem knowing what gender you are ...
My first and worst job was in a pizza place..I lasted two weeks until the skeevy manager put his hand up my back to show me how my shirt was undone for far too long *shudder*...I was fifteen at the time...
Do you think that experience has changed you, Lois?
Quote by roccotool
Do you think that experience has changed you, Lois?

yeah I never worked in the food industry again lol....luckily I wasn't put off pizza *giggle*
So many food service jobs are terrible. My worst was as a busboy when I was 15, at a bar-b-q restaurant. Damn, that was nasty work.