why dont my bf want to have sex with me more then 2 times a day.i would love to have it at least 3 to 4 times a day. does anyone els have this problem. im feeling a bit offended by this. (or am i just that horny?)
seems a bit odd. but you might just have a larger sex drive than him. Its not normally that way around of course. Perhpas you could try demanding more sex
its common. everyone has their needs for sex, but sometimes sex can get tiring if you and your partner are having sex so often, but your sex drives aren't on the same level. you could try waiting a bit so he can start coming to you for it or maybe extra teasing to build him up.
Everyone has a different sex drive--some like several times a day, some are more like a few times a year, and it's not gender-specific. Like other aspects of a relationship, you need to find a partner that's compatible. Mismatched libido is hard to overcome. The most common advice is try masturbating. If that doesn't keep things in check, you might consider an pursuing an open relationship as an alternative to breaking up with him. Not likely to go over very well, but it may be better than the alternatives (not getting your needs met long-term or breaking up with an otherwise good partner).
Wait till you get older honey with some men age can decrease interest and functionality issues can happen. But if you really want to get his attention and get laid more try my trick called it's "Showtime." Grab a toy or two dildo, vibrator or whatever and masturbate in front of him usually works like a charm for me! Also another option is the back rub blow job combo which usually works as well.

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off! my gf is the same way.. she wanted it more than i did at first... but then you get used to it and want it more and more... he'll come around just keep pushing!
He doesn't know how lucky he's got it. I'd even take cialis intravenously for that opportunity!!
I make a offer, you can't refuse! Jen you may need to think "Is this really the right guy for me?" As you and your boyfriend both age, your demand for sex will likely grow and at the same time his is likely to deminish. If you are out of balance now what will it be 20 years. I would imagine that at 19 your boyfriend is not 45.
Unless you have a relationship that allows you to find sex when you want it and where you need it.
I think you need to talk to my wife. Crap tell your bf he is nuts. You are a very special girl. Most guys would kill for a girl like you.