So one of my male friends that I know from high school he just came out that he's bisexual.. I've always thought that he was different.. He was married before but he admitted that he feels more comfortable around guys than girls. Lately whenever we go out he seems to be with a new" boyfriend" every other week.. I have never seen him with a girl. He even told me that he would never get involved romantically with a guy but the best sex he ever had it was with a guy.. So my question is: Is he actually gay but in denial and he claims to be bisexual ?
It's possible.
But it's also possible he's just exploring a new part of his sexuality.
All we can do is guesss, he's the only one who knows for sure.
The message I'd get from this: he likes the meat. Go with the flow. LOL
If he likes the cock then obviously he is gay. And you said he does NOT date women or fuck them. So there in lies tge answer
I would say he gay everything your say point to it but who know
This was my situation and it may apply to the guy you are TALKING ABOUT.
I was involved in a relationship with a girl for a total of almost 9 years. 5 of those years I was married to her. For 7 of those years I was completely faithful to her. Before her I was bisexual and practiced it. Before and after her I have only had sex with guys....never had a romantic connection.
The last 2 years of my marriage were pure hell. Mostly due to our trying to have a baby. We couldn't get pregnant. She was taking hormone pills and shots. We had sex on schedule. We did everything the doctors told us to do. The heavy hormones she took made her have tremendous mood swings. She was irritable all the time and a very unhappy person. She blamed me and the whole world for her inability to get pregnant. One day she packed my bags while I was at work and kicked me to the curb.
We divorced in 2009 and I have not wanted to enter into a relationship yet. The 2 girls that I have gotten involved with after my divorce have quickly become attached and I am not ready for that.
Even on here I have had girls that got way too attached in just a short amount of time. One of the girls on here back in November and December when I was working 2 jobs and couldn't get on here much even got mad at me and confronted me about it as if I was supposed to report in my comings and goings. And yes she knew my schedule had changed. One of the first girls I met and chatted with on here quickly had us meeting, one of us moving, us moving in together, getting married, and having kids.
I am not ready for that and I don't know when I will be. And I have been honest with all the girls. It is not like they didn't know that.
I have been more comfortable having sex with guys and being around guys even on here because for one I don't have those romantic feelings but the guys don't either. If they do they get the same honest story that I give the girls. But there has been a lot less of that than it has been with girls. And I am more comfortable around guys who are bi or who have other attachments.
Your friend may not be ready for any kind of commitment and it is easier to find guys who interested in a sexual relationship only. And it is easier and more comfortable being around them because they have that in common. It doesn't automatically mean they are gay. Sex with guys right now may just be what fits his needs better for awhile.
I've had great sex with women and men both. I've never felt an the emotional attachment with men that I have felt with some women.
Just because he is having fun with the guys doesn't mean he has changed who he is. He is still the same person. He has just found something new that he likes. If he says that he is bisexual , then that is what he is.
I consider myself bisexual only if to let others have a way to know that I like sex with both genders. Otherwise , I am still just a normal guy. Just the same as any other person that uses a label of any kind to relay a like or dislike or a label to describe who they are. But, one label doesn't make a person better or worse than any other.
People are people no matter what label. Don't think that a label will make them so different from or so like you. You would be limiting yourself if you were to think that way.
A correction to my post above.
In the paragraph where it says "before and after I have only had sex with guys" does not mean that my only sex was with guys. It would be better stated that sex with guys was just that -- sex -- with no emotional attachment. I just worded it the wrong way.
Very helpful. Thanks for everyone's answers .
Gay, but maybe not ready to say it.
My impression is that 'pigeon-holing' into 'gay' or 'bisexual' isn't useful here. Those categories are simply shorthand for boundaries that may or may not be deeply rooted. From your short description it sounds like your friend's boundaries are shifting around, maybe for the kind of reasons other people here have suggested here. If you fancy dating him, just tell him and see where it goes.
Whether he is Bi or Gay will make any difference in your friendship?
If I were asked to state an opinion, I would think he will announce one day that he is Gay. But while it is much easier now than in the past we still have not fully accepted Gays. Just give him time he will tell what you need to know when you need to know it.
He will be what makes him happy, as a friend is that not more important?