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body image and curves

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by vidiman
I used to only go for your average size woman - fairly good looking - fairly athletic - this was my image of what a woman should be like - possibly even a little bit skinny.

When one of my relationships went bad - I had a few flings and these were with a couple of larger woman - quite intense sexual encounters (one night stands / couple of date type things) but purely a sexual thing on the face of it. Both these experience were really exciting and much more sexy than I had experienced previously.

A good ;learning experience for me - not saying it was the size thing that did it - but it taught me to appreciate the person a lot more and I discovered some v sexy women

I understand that we all have different ideas of what is attractive but to try and belittle those who are the opposite or who are attracted to the opposite of what is attractive to you is bullying and downright cruel. One poster was rude about guys who liked chubby /curvy women and that really pissed me off. If we all found the same things attractive then life would be rather dull. The idea of that women who are larger are somehow less attractive than slim women is unjustified. I've seen some gorgeous bigger girls , why should they be over looked?
It's a big world (no pun intended). No one is pleasing to everyone. I personally have been the whole cycle. Skinny kid, out of shape and over weight, and at present fit and healthy. I was the same person no matter the package it was wrapped in. Character doesn't have a pants or dress size. How you feel about yourself is the important thing. The wonderful thing is we are not confined to where we are. I've had a few girl friends and have gravitated toward the health and fitness person because that is where I'm at in my life.

Full figured girls have plenty fans but my feeling has to be the content of character not cup size.
Active Ink Slinger
I have no predetermined template of which female shape I prefer. I have been attracted to women of all shapes, age and size the main thing is that they're female and there is some sort of spark between us.
Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by oohlala74
To the poster who is ranting about men who like the more curvaceous figure, just because you enjoy the size 0 look and relish the feel of ribs and hip bones, that does not give you the right to knock men who prefer curves. Your comment " you guys actually grasp chubby by their fat bulges as you fuck them?" is out of order. Assuming that because a woman is curvy that she is fat and therefore has rolls of fat is cruel, narrow minded and shallow. I may be curvaceous but I most certainly don't have rolls of flab, I also don't choose to be the size I am. I have pcos and my weight fluctuates, I eat healthily and I exercise. And as for your barbed comment about guy's who like something to hold on curvy women , you'll find that they are referring to breasts and ass and soft feminine curves and not wobbly mounds of flat and flab. Why should men all except women to resemble the very tall, very thin women from fashion magazines? If they like curves then what harm are they doing? I don't expect physical perfection in men, i don't care if they have a pot belly. I don't care if they're bald, i don't care if they have back hair, all i ask is that they're a good, decent person. Going through life just wanting those with a certain look will result in a very lonely life. If you really don't like the average woman then you're missing out on some seriously wonderful women.

I wasn't ranting about men who like curvaceous figures: I was ranting about the fact that they feel obligated to create all sorts of silly arguments to justify their preference.

If there was a thread about cars going on, and some guy mentioned that he prefers this red car to a white Ferrari:

Well, that would have been his prerogative: I would have respected his preference (despite being an odd one).

Now, if he started making up plenty of far-fetched reasons to justify that choice, such as "This red car is a lot more visible during winter than the white Ferrari!" or "That degraded paint really seems convenient if I ever want to scratch a matchbox on my car!", you can be damn assured that I would have jumped in and told him how dumb his arguments were.

And, sorry to say, trying so hard to justify one's preference just hints at the insincerity of your initial statement. I don't exactly need to justify myself when I state my preference for slim women: I find them sexy and they give me a hard-on, period. I don't go "They're easy to carry on my back, in case there was a zombie-apocalypse!" or "I don't need to pay for dessert when I bring them on a date!".

Regarding the "assuming that because a woman is curvy that she is fat and therefore has rolls of fat is cruel" part of your post. Maybe you can educate me here, but what else than 'fat' defines a 'curvy' woman? Body composition is made of the followings: skin, bones, muscles and fat. Every time someone ever referred to a 'curvy' woman in my life, that said woman didn't have more skin, bones or muscles than any other woman: she just had higher levels of fat than average.

Now I'm all for 'accepting yourself' and such, but you're aware that when women refer to themselves as 'curvy', it essentially means that they're rather fat, right? Because, frankly, trying so hard to avoid the word 'fat' (which isn't derogatory in and of itself) doesn't quite give the impression that these women are at ease with their body image, quite the contrary.

Speaking of which, this whole 'curvy' term is just another silly rationale to me. I fail to see how fat makes a woman any more curvy. Compare these women:

As pictured, the thinner woman is actually quite a lot more 'curvy' than the other one. Women are naturally 'curvy' in the hips region. Fat doesn't add anything to that, quite the contrary: it just fills the 'gaps' that usually make up the curves, especially around the abdomen. In fact, fatter women are a lot more likely to have a 'pear' or 'apple' figure, than a proper 'hourglass' one:

Now, I'm perfectly happy for you if you're comfortable with yourself and I'm fully tolerant of men who like fat women. Just don't accuse me of being derogatory or offensive for calling a fat woman 'fat', when that's exactly what she is. And please, no far-fetched arguments and no thin-bashing to justify your perspective.
Active Ink Slinger
At size 14 I'm sooooooo obese huh? Who the hell are you to tell me I'm fat? I'm an hourglass figure, I have a big bust, smaller waist and slightly larger hips. I don't have rolls of flab either. You make the assumption that because I say curvy that I must be fat/obese. If you like thin women then that's your prerogative, but don't come on here and tell me I'm fat.
Boys like models.. Men like porn stars.. Most porn stars have curves.
Plus a naked woman standing infront of a man to him is like winning the lottery as long as she thinks and feels sexy.
Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by oohlala74
At size 14 I'm sooooooo obese huh? Who the hell are you to tell me I'm fat? I'm an hourglass figure, I have a big bust, smaller waist and slightly larger hips. I don't have rolls of flab either. You make the assumption that because I say curvy that I must be fat/obese. If you like thin women then that's your prerogative, but don't come on here and tell me I'm fat.

Where exactly did I say that you were obese? I really don't care much about you or your appearance, frankly.

And what would be so disgraceful about being fat/obese anyway? Are you actually implying that being fat would be a terrible thing? Because that's kinda what you're hinting at in your responses... where has the 'accept who you are' spirit gone?

Oh, I actually get it: you have exactly the perfect figure and any woman that's not that is either a bony trollop or a despicable fatty. And of course, everybody should accept you for who you are, even though you really don't seem all that tolerant to others' physiques yourself.

For the record, here are a few pictures of women who wear size 14 pants (UK sizes), all of which being at the average female height of 5'4" to show the proportions accurately (pictures courtesy of I'm sure these women are all great persons and I'm only stating a very personal opinion here, but yes, that's more 'fat' than 'curvy' to me, and no, I don't find it all that attractive:

This shouldn't worry you though, because as the poster above expressed, I'm just a boy and not quite a 'real' man; only 'real' men can appreciate 'real' women.
Active Ink Slinger
Size unless obese generally doesn't bother me
Active Ink Slinger
You know what, I'm not getting into argue with someone who is quite clearly set on trying to upset others. I eat healthily and I exercise and I am healthy, so your opinion that I'm fat is of no importance to me in the slightest.
Active Ink Slinger
There's a difference between out of shape and curvaceous.

Very slim, ie. skinny figures do nothing for me but then that is just my preference and I wouldn't wish any woman with such a figure to feel that a comment like that means they don't have a nice figure.

My preference is for a fuller figure but not for one that is clearly neglected.

Having said that, a girl with a filthy mind is a huge turn on and totally outweighs how she looks.
Active Ink Slinger
The point about proportions is very relevant.

This is what I refer to as "in shape", and probably why I am less attracted to very slim figures because of the lack of feminine proprtions.

Female bodies can be "out of shape" for 2 reaons:

1) due to lack of health/fitness and,
2) due to excessive physical training of some kind, such as swimming or track and field.

I'm sure many guys love the look of an athletic figure but (if I must be labelled) I'm a "boob" man and unfortunately the two do not very often co-exist.

But it's all just maths and stats anyway - body types and preferences thereof from the opposite sex are both bell curves and probably complement each other.

Quote by SereneProdigy

Where exactly did I say that you were obese? I really don't care much about you or your appearance, frankly.

And what would be so disgraceful about being fat/obese anyway? Are you actually implying that being fat would be a terrible thing? Because that's kinda what you're hinting at in your responses... where has the 'accept who you are' spirit gone?

Oh, I actually get it: you have exactly the perfect figure and any woman that's not that is either a bony trollop or a despicable fatty. And of course, everybody should accept you for who you are, even though you really don't seem all that tolerant to others' physiques yourself.

For the record, here are a few pictures of women who wear size 14 pants (UK sizes), all of which being at the average female height of 5'4" to show the proportions accurately (pictures courtesy of I'm sure these women are all great persons and I'm only stating a very personal opinion here, but yes, that's more 'fat' than 'curvy' to me, and no, I don't find it all that attractive:

This shouldn't worry you though, because as the poster above expressed, I'm just a boy and not quite a 'real' man; only 'real' men can appreciate 'real' women.

Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by paul_moadib
The point about proportions is very relevant.

When I mentioned proportions, what I was actually referring to was the variation of a woman's appearance depending on her height. A woman that's a size 14 has a waist of around 31", and hips of around 40". In a shorter woman, these measurements will result in a much 'heavier' figure than in a taller one.

These two women are size 14, the one on the left measuring 5'0" and the one on the right measuring 6'0". You can definitely see that the taller woman has an overall 'leaner' appearance:

I used women that had an average height of 5'4" in my previous example, to represent what the 'proportions' of a size 14 look like, on average.

Now concerning your comment about 'swimming or track and field' causing a body that's 'out of shape', I don't even feel like arguing about how silly this is. Really, I'm done with this thread, I'll let people wallow in their fantasies.
Active Ink Slinger
Dude, I was wholly agreeing with your point, not contradicting it.

I think you have taken my comment about "out of shape" the wrong way. What I should have said is, "out of shape with respect to the classic feminine hourglass figure".

I don't for a second mean to suggest that a girl who is physically fit is "out of shape" health-wise.

So perhaps, "lacking feminine proportion" is a better phrase? You can decide.

Quote by SereneProdigy

When I mentioned proportions, what I was actually referring to was the variation of a woman's appearance depending on her height. A woman that's a size 14 has a waist of around 31", and hips of around 40". In a shorter woman, these measurements will result in a much 'heavier' figure than in a taller one.

These two women are size 14, the one on the left measuring 5'0" and the one on the right measuring 6'0". You can definitely see that the taller woman has an overall 'leaner' appearance:

I used women that had an average height of 5'4" in my previous example, to represent what the 'proportions' of a size 14 look like, on average.

Now concerning your comment about 'swimming or track and field' causing a body that's 'out of shape', I don't even feel like arguing about how silly this is. Really, I'm done with this thread, I'll let people wallow in their fantasies.
Active Ink Slinger
The body is not as important as the sexy mind behind it. I fell in love with my ex, with nothing more than a picture of her eyes. When we finally met in person, she was the most beautiful cutest thing I had ever seen. I supported her in her losing weight, and always reminded her that I fell in love with her eyes (words) first.
I love (('))