I believe we all believe that... oh forget it, how can complete such a sentence... so it boils down to being subjective.
Since we discussed the issue on the personality feats too, I would just say that I have a very bad feeling about implants, and it's all because of a very very bad dream. The "nightmare" included some kind of "living substance" moving under my skin, and doctor was trying to nail it down using his lancet. The wounds didn't matter, though. The feeling of "something else moving under my skin" felt very... unpleasant.
I have never been with someone who has breast implants, but I am sure that same feeling will awaken inside me as soon as I touch them. So I would prefer to stay away.
Of course, this is just the result of a bad personal experience... subjective to the bottom.
I prefer natural, even if you can't always tell, especially these days with enhances in surgery and medical knowlege. But, yes, Natural is better, no matter the size. I know a few female friends that think they are too small and need to go larger, and it's a personal choice for them, but I don't think there's any point in making them bigger. The surgery is supposed to be hell, too. So I think it's too much of a bother.
If you aren't blessed naturally then getting breast implants is all about having the total package. In L.A. a hot playboy body will open doors and will take a girl with a butterface to sexual rockstar status. Just look at Heidi Montag and Pamela Anderson and how their careers have skyrocketed since they amped up their bodies. There is no question that if you invest in your look the payoffs will be there. Most of my buddies in the industry buy implants for their girlfriends or fiancees if they don't already have them, well as long as the girl makes it past the 6 month mark otherwise your just doing a favor for the next guy.
Turn off for sure ,I love natural breasts I think most girls have done it for their own, very personal reasons.
I don't have a preference, real or fake, small or big. Its the woman that counts and not the shallow vanity that the LA-mindset strives for.
I have to agree with Jebru on this Driver ... get out of Hollywood and see how life is lived in the real world. It sounds as if your experience is based in the entertainment set and not in the real world ... entertainment is just that. It is not real and never has been, its all a facade and those who bask in its glory and try to justify their lifestyle are as fake and shallow as their business. People like Heidi Montag and Pamela Anderson are the butts of many jokes, there are never a shortage of them. And there will continue to be newer and younger clones of them in the future for LA fanboys to fall in love with while the rest of the world laughs as they shake their heads; Americans shake their heads in embarrassment and the rest shake their heads at the farce that is Hollywood.
And to clarify what I mean by "entertainment business" before a bunch of panties/boxers gets in a wad ... I mean Hollywood entertainment. Not artists, musicians and dancers. I'm speaking directly of the business that The_Driver places so highly in the priorities of the world.
I'm not sure you don't need some self-esteem lessons, Driver. You're a little too hard on yourself.aFBWnQBAwSjQxdOt
Whoa! This conversation got heated quick.
I agree with Jebru on some points, I mean there are a lot of insecure women out there and they really don’t need any more people helping them lower their self esteem even more. BUT I have to agree with Driver, there are tons of women out there with insecurities that can easily be fixed with a small procedure. I’m all for anything that will make you feel better about yourself, life is too short to live it unhappy.
Yes, Driver may live in a shallow world where most of us wouldn’t fit in but that doesn’t make him or anyone else living in that world a bad person. I share a lot of your views on life Driver, may be that makes me a bitch, I don’t know.
What would you change about me to make me perfect?
Damonx, I can let a lot of things slide in life, but to go to the d-bag card? That cost you a little credibility, bro. I am the one and only me, I lack the flaws that might make others play Internet-pretend, and I only adopt principles, not characters, and sure as hell not kids. You strike me as a man who has no problem speaking what's on his mind, and that's all I am here to do too.
Save the character accusations, and I'll do the same for the sake of all the fine ladies and mature dudes hanging out here. It's Friday night and time to club it.
I can handle fake breasts (pun intended) but I draw the line at fake asses. I like booties to jiggle.
It doesn't bother me. As long as I don't have to pay for 'em. ;)
I prefer natural, but fake are cool too.
"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it you can either run from it...or, learn from it." - Rafiki, The Lion King
I've dated women that have natural breasts as well as women that have implants and it doesn't bother me either way, provided that the implants were done well. There is a lot more to a woman than her breasts so they really don't factor into how attracted I am to her.
My breasts are real, not that anyone really gives a shit on Lush (not posting pictures of them, guys).
LushPrincess, I highly doubt Driver's views on this topic has to do with the female's self esteem. I suspect (although I really cannot prove this) that they are for the simple reason that he enjoys very large breasts, implants or not. Some males (and females) do, others don't. I'm not defending either, but I do believe Jebru has a point about something.
If my companion was the one to suggest implants, whether or not s/he would pay for them, is entirely irrelevent. To me, what he's really saying is that I'm not good enough for him. So, my response to him, whether I'd 'made it past' the six month mark or not, would be something like, "Baby, I'll get the implants, but I'll ask the surgeon to enlarge your penis as well, it's just not big enough for me."
However, Katie Morgan (I'm sure we all know of her), as well as Pamela Anderson, do have, or have had enhancements for their breasts. They've both have had fairly successful careers. I think Katie even gets a tax deduction for them, because of their use for her job. I'm not planning on going into the porn business.
Also, a female truly believes a simple procedure, like LushPrincess said, will improve her confidence, I say that is sexy. The confidence. The "I know this will make me happy, I've thought about it, and I know I won't regret doing this for myself" is something that should drive the procedure. Not a male suggesting and paying for it for his own amusment and arousal.
So, it does depend on the circumstances, but I prefer natural breasts, personally.
But, as Roccotool stated earlier....I wouldn't kick her out of bed if she had them.
In lust and dreams,
I think Rocco made a good point with his comment about cosmetic surgery. It seems a lot of people conjure up images of the early 90's pornstar with bleach-blonde hair and disproportionately huge fake boobs...
But most non-pornstar recipients of breast implants wouldn't really stand out in a crowd. Women usually go up 1 cup size, so its not they're walking around with volley balls on their chests. It just gives them a bit more size, better shape, and absence of any pre-existing abnormalities. If the surgery is done correctly, there should very little visible scarring, and the breast shouldn't appear disproportionate in relation to the the body size.
Even in porn these days, the trend towards massive breasts is declining, with many now opting for no enhancement at all. (I know, I watch too much porn). Many directors and performers (including Jenna Haze) now are refusing to work with girls with implants. I don't think implants really "make" an actresses career. Rather they just serve as "icing on the cake" in the same way that fake tans or dental veneers do.