Is plastic fantastic? No way !
I like real women with real breasts. The beauty is in the variety. Too many women are hung up on the size of their boobs. IT DOESN'T MATTER!!! I've never met a set I didn't like. Big boobs are cool but little cute ones are just as fun.
I like a woman that is proportional. If that means she needs implants to up her size, so be it. Real or fake it's about size compared to cup size.
I think you have to take breast augmentation within the context of the individual situation. A girl in our circle of friends is a model, and chose to get her breasts done in hopes of furthering her career. Hard to find fault there, and it certainly wouldn't stop me from dating, sleeping with, or generally lusting after her. On the other hand, my life partner has small breasts and her body is a wonderment to behold.
As a sign of a body-image issue, breast augmentation could be a red flag. As a body mod choice made from a healthy psychological place, it is what it is. Neither a turn on nor a turn off, I guess.
I personally don't mind implants. I have seen a few bad ones though and it's sad what the women had to put up with. I do like natural more though. I don't usually notice or look at large breasted women and think it's a turn on. It's my opinion and has been my experience that women with smaller breasts tend to be more sensitive than bigger ones. But like I said, that's strictly my opinion.
I make a offer, you can't refuse! You know this is a great topic. I'm a women. I hope it's ok to reply in here??? But I just realized something the other day. I have like 34 b's. Always through my teens and early twenties I wanted implants soooo bad. I just wanted bigger boobs!!!! Well now in my 30's I've learned to appreciate my smaller ones.
I caught myself in the mirror the other day. I had just got out of bed and had my jamms on still. And my tiny boobs looked damn good. Small but firm and lovely. I'm so glad I never did get those implants. It takes age, I think, to really know yourself and be happy about stuff like your boob size. You can show off small boobs too. They look great in the right bikini too. It was a real epiphany for me, personally, to just look at myself constructively and be happy with it.
i would prefer a women with natural breasts... however i would never not date or talk to someone who had implants..
if i were dating someone who had smaller breasts and she wanted implants i would schedule the surgery for her... why not?!?
TURN question about it
I'd take a pair of A cups over a pair of DD's any day of the week
If I want to fondle a basketball, I've got one out in my garage
I detest breast augmentation or reduction. But truthfully, the decision to have either surgery should be about the woman pleasing herself--not worrying about what I (or other guys) think.
visually - on
personally - off
At the risk of pissing off a few women out there I much prefer natural over "surgically enhanced". To me, "ain't nothing like the real thing". They seem to be way out of proportion for the woman's body. Don't look right; don't feel right.
Prefer the real thing of course, but if they are enhanced, and they look just fine and fit the woman in question, I will not complain.
It's the oversized, rock hard looking ones that are obviously too big and too "perfect" that I don't like.
i dont think women should get implants because yall are beautiful the way god made you plus there is always a chance they will look bad or too big and unreal its just my thought tho
Implants do nothing for me. IMHO
I like my meats au naturel, organic straight from mother (nature). As a result of that please, do not put anything GMO in it.
If it's A, it's A. No need of silicone for me, even if it only fits in the palm of my hand. Hey for appearance bras do miracle these days.
That said, If a woman feels pleased to spruce up her look and wants to buy bigger bras, be it. And if you do make double sure you check credentials.
Ladies please I mean no offense by how I used the phrase above.
Kisses to all, GMO or not.
p.s. What if we would have penile augmentation? How would you like? mmm oops this might not work.. let not go there.
Choose n Practice Happiness
Life is simple; we are what we eat and what we read. Talk is superfluous.
I prefer the natural beauty in a woman. Big or small does not matter to me. As long as she is into passionate sex.
I think it's a turn off. Any unnecessary or cosmetic surgery is to me. Also, in the case of breast implants, there's an odd texture problem going on for me. Regardless, it just seems icky to me.
My taste is pure natural, regardless of the size>smaller is better!
fake boobs are for fake people. no more needs saying.