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A question for the older gentlemen.

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Quote by Eutopia
When you are..."approached" by a younger female, I mean young, but still of legal age, what are your thoughts on the matter?

Do you feel Flattered?
Do you think they're flirting with you because they're gold diggers?
Are you in that cliche' slump of thinking "is this really happening?!" over and over again?
Maybe all the blood in your body flow straight between your legs?
Or do you all think of something completely different?

I'd love to know, just incase I attempt to stray along the mature lines next time I'm on the prowl. ;D

All of those thoughts you mention through your mind...sadly I'd probably be thinking...Oh I know what this's a game, the young ladies gonna win £10/$10/10 other currency....for picking up the oldest geezer...

Perhaps in Eutopia it might be different....{hopeful sigh}

Fantastic post.
I'm 41 and last summer a girl in her early 20's offered me her phone number and asked if I would like to go out sometime. I politely declined. I have children that are about that age. I wouldn't feel comfortable dating someone that much younger than me.

Do you feel Flattered? Yes, I felt flattered.
Do you think they're flirting with you because they're gold diggers? No, I know her casually from the grocery store (she's one of the clerks).
Are you in that cliche' slump of thinking "is this really happening?!" over and over again? No.
Maybe all the blood in your body flow straight between your legs? No.
Or do you all think of something completely different? See above. Though I should have introduced her to my oldest son who is about her age.
Quote by pb69
Quote by Conny-sure
I imagine that any male, be he 20 to 90, would be flattered by any woman coming onto him - but of course; the older the guy, the younger the woman, the bigger the ego ...I suppose. Just take a look at which older men have the younger women on their arms ...and then evaluate their egotistical nature.

There is a "gentleman" that I know who is older than me who proudly dates girls just out of high school (whom he happily explains are just a few years older than his own daughter). I don't know how much the girls are getting out of the relationship, but he's clearly getting his ego stroked. I don't know what their attraction might be towards him, either. He's grossly obese and balding and dresses relatively poorly.

I will admit to a smidgen of jealousy for my part, but I'd also like to know what causes them to be attracted to him.

It looks like there is hope for me yet as I fit the description in red. I personally would be wondering if it was a dare or something if a very young lady started to chat me up as it would be a first for me, being chatted up by a young woman that is.
"Hey, don't knock masturbation! It's sex with someone I love." Woody Allen

"I am willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never wrong." Samuel Goldwyn
Feel and hope oh yes love teaching younger women to fuck, could maybe even learn a trick or two.
If old enough cannot see the problem, age is only a number.
I don't look my age, so not only yes... but hell yes. ;) Young turns me on... but so does all ages. LOL
Flattered but married and faithful.
Quote by PussPuss
maybe everyone who has posted has made very fair points but what about seeing past the age thing and just enjoying the fact that here is someone interested in whatever makes you 'you'?
if she feels there's connection worth exploring and possibly developing why not 'go with it'? two people sharing time and space together is not to be taken as anything other than just that
until it is mutually felt and further progress is desirable. altho' i do understand why people have reservations, just go a bit slower than you normally do and enjoy wherever it takes you.
well, that's my opinion. feel free to ignore it! smile

I agree completely. Couldn't have said it better.
Ive luckilly had this happen to myself more than once&enjoyed it for what it was. I agree totally with Puss Puss&Swollen,thanks ladies,gr8 summing up!
It is very flattering for all men of any age to be approached by a you get woman. Or any woman! I am 52 and was chatted up by a woman 20 yrs younger at a football game. Shoulda for her number!
Well If she smiled and approached me I would have to see how far she would go, so I would encourage her. If she responded then I would seduce her and make her feel like the only woman in the world.


send me a message
*If* I was approached by a younger woman, she'd have to be fairly mature acting.

I'm not into giggly little girls and never was.

A woman who couldn't mentally stimulate me would have less chance of doing so in bed.
In this day and age I find most younger "women" are more interested in the advances of younger men, most likely due to their own attempts to feel attractive. While I am not particularly interested in any woman younger than my own daughters, I would feel flattered but would reserve myself to activities with women closer to my own age. 15 to 20 years younger would be my limit. I'm 53 so as I said, most women in this age group seem to be more interested in being cougars.
I have always had women younger than me that have liked me all of my life. I think it is because I look very young for my actual age.

The last time it happened was a few months ago with me being 46 and the woman in question being 19. It is very flattering and I have no intention of trying to take advantage of any younger woman. I know that a 19 year old woman still has a lot of growing to do and I hope that I was a positive influence in her life.

I did know from the beginning that there was little chance of success but I have no problem with having fun as long as the fun is mutual.
Depends on where we are,hows she is dressed, from where she came from if with friends or smiling or laughing mostly if I'm being set up.
I have only even dated older men, I am 19. Ive never dated someone who was 40 or older, but only because I've never met a man in his 40s, that wasn't family, or a close family friend. If you have a connection with someone and she is LEGAL, then what the hell does age matter? And from this thread I have realized how very insecure older men can be when a younger beautiful woman shows interest.
Well I think it happens more often than we think that women are attracted to older guys. My parents separated when my dad was 39. My dad met the daughter of a business associate on a business trip to Reykjavik. Apparently in Iceland and Scandinavia they are not so uptight about "age" as we are in North America. Anyways he started dating Eydis when she was 19 and he was 40. She's now what all my friends call "your hot stepmom" haha and ten years later they are still very happy. My dad looks years younger because of her I'm sure. I think a young wife keeps a man more active. People should just try to be happy.
I would be flattered.
A girl more that 40 years my minor? I think no as regards romance and sex, but friendship does not know age limits.
I would be flattered also
Flattered, definitely. Incredulous, yes. Happy and would try to not make a fool of
I would have serious trust issues with a scenario such as this. I'm not especially bad looking but I am "older" (significantly) and cannot conceive a young woman being attracted enough to me to flirt. I would certainly expect her trying to use me for her own gain. And then again, I see little point in flirting with young girls - not interested, really.

An interesting and truly disheartening factor in the aging process is that, regardless of outward appearances, we males tend to become less and less visible (as attractive/sexual beings/"interesting") to women of any age. Such has been my experience and that of many other men who have said the same.
As long as she is legal, smart, and we connect, I would have no issues with something short term. I wouldn't do anything long term out of respect for her. No woman needs to be attached to a guy 25- plus years older than her in something long term. Long term should be with someone closer in age, so they can have a full life of love together.
Frankly, it doesn't happen all that often.

When it does--usually at a game or in a pub--I'm always flattered in direct proportion to how hot and flirtatious she is. No, I'm not suspicious, although my friends sometimes bust my chops saying "she's just looking for free drinks." Hell, if a sexy young thing is willing to flirt with me, I'll buy her Veuve Cliquot by the bottle.

But, Euto, your question does bring to mind one of the strangest pickup situations I ever encountered. After work one day, I took a seat at a bar a couple one chair down from an attractive and much younger woman. She was reading the newspaper, which spread open between us and pointed to a full-page mattress advert. Then she looked into my eyes and asked, "Can you help me pick out some bedroom furniture?" Too bad I was meeting my girlfriend in about 10 minutes.
Quote by Jason_NYC
She was reading the newspaper, which spread open between us and pointed to a full-page mattress advert. Then she looked into my eyes and asked, "Can you help me pick out some bedroom furniture?"

"Why of course, my dear. As long as I'm permitted to help you test it out, as well."
Alden Bradley

The zenith of sensuality occurs in sensitivity.
Caring matters more than achieving gratification.
I would be flattered as hell, and probably blush furiously. My mind would be racing, not only about the possibilities, but also about how much trouble I could potentially get myself into....
I was in heaven when my daughter brought her g/friends home and id get all these lovely hugs,,,
did i feel special. dam right and i loved it!!! oh for more hugs!!!
I get the reason for the OP - but on the flip side of the coin - older women are approached, too.

To which I just laugh - it feels good to be seen as desirable or attractive in some way. However - even before I married my husband - I never took that anywhere.

The age gap means nothing when you're dating - but if you marry, you'll spend the future together and it can bring with it a lot of issues. My husband and I deal with that (he's older) - the age gap has presented a lot of health issues that affect him and to be honest - when I'm his age, now, he won't be alive anymore. I'll be a widow with no one to help me hobble around when my body breaks down and I need 20 surgery and physical therapy. That is more difficult to deal with than people realize.
I think it is flattering for either sex when they are approached by a younger person who finds them attractive... That being said, there is so much more that has to connect as previous posters have said...

For me it would have to be a girl who can hold a intelligent conversation; have the maturity to not act like a school girl... I have had many great conversations with women who are in their early to mid 20's... I have joked with them about me being an "old man" to which their reply has always been "Your not old" (Age is but a number and I feel I am 25 with 24 years experience, hahaha)...

Now would I jump in the sack with them just because we got along? No... There needs to be that sexual energy between two people... The biggest age difference for me was 19 years... She was in her late 20's... Based on my experience in life, I think women in their mid 30's and up turn me on the most... They are comfortable with who they are, know exactly what they want, are not afraid to say it and have the experience to make great lovers...

As Matilda said above, dating is one thing... When you start talking about marriage and life together, there is so much more thought needed, especially as one gets older, medical issues and such... Would I marry a 20 or even 30 something? Probably not... But then you never know... Sometimes you just meet someone that just makes your world perfect... So I say to each their own and enjoy life while you are here, cause age dont matter if you feel it in your heart...
I was inolved with someone about 17 years my younger when I was 36. I was just out of a marriage split up, and I fancied this woman that had came to work for our company on a summer job. I really liked her and had the guts to ask her out, she said yes. We had a few dates that's all - we never did get to the sex bit. I suppose I was more than flattered to think that someone that young would be interested in me as a person. She was never a gold digger, that's for sure. Truth is she had so many people to choose from.

If it happened again today. I would still be flattered, I would wonder what the motives were, and then I would probably say no and then kick myself repeatedly.

If it ever got off the ground and got serious then I don't think I could love anyone unreservedly anymore. Not like when you are young. I love my wife now. I loved my first wife and two girlfriends in between them (ok maybe three)...another one would be too much effort.

I used to be a pervert. In here, I'm normal!

Watch this space...She is really - cumming soon!

At 65, I can look back on quite a few years. Younger women are wonderful, older women are just as exciting. I have to say, one of those brief, memorable moments happened in a public library a few years ago. I was behind a much younger, but legal, woman in the check out line. She turned to me and I made a comment on the design on her t-shirt. As I traced the design in the air in front of her, she leaned toward me and didn't stop until my index finger was in contact with her chest. The whole thing lasted no more than 20 seconds, but the sensation and the memory of the seductive smile she gave me will last forever.