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Your favourite 'less obvious' Erogenous Zone

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What is an erogenous zone that you wish your partner would pay more attention to, that always gets you sexually aroused without fail?

Both guys and gals can answer this question, but you can't mention the obvious ones like genitals, ass or nipples.


For me: the little curve along my neck, just where it meets my shoulder is extremely sensitive and often gets completely bypassed. Anyone kissing, licking, or even breathing on that spot absolutely curls my toes and puts me instantly in the mood...

I feel like a lot of people don't realize that there is so much more 'pleasure play' the body can enjoy than just moving straight to the obvious hot spots.

Please share yours!
For me it is a certain part on my neck, If the man is behind me it is the left hand side of neck, just below my ear and before my shoulder damn, it get's me shivering with desire so much. It never let's me down the sansation I feel when being kissed just there!
Quote by HoneyBee000
For me it is a certain part on my neck, If the man is behind me it is the left hand side of my neck, just below my ear and before my shoulder damn, it get's me shivering with desire so much. It never let's me down the sansation I feel when being kissed just there!

Just realised you had mentioned the same as me ha ha
My ear. A woman kissing my ear lobe, running her tongue along the shell of my ear, breathing her warm breath into my ear and whispering to me - - instant arousal.
An arm around my waist, while standing or sitting.
kisses in the palm of my hand ...
up to my wrist ....... slowly ......
up to my inside elbow ... and back to my fingertips ... explore with both your tongue and lips ....


big sigh ... yes!!

I also like when he's nibbling and sucking my toes.


Lower back



Inside my fore-arm

Fingers, suck on them




Dreams - have to love those mysterious dream orgasms. Wait, that would be mind, I'm repeating myself, I suppose.
It is just the way he touches me...his desire thoward my body..
His hand in my hear, his kisses on my back and back of my neck..
Lower back, palm of my hands, behind my knees
Quote by gypsymoth


Lower back



Inside my fore-arm

Fingers, suck on them




Dreams - have to love those mysterious dream orgasms. Wait, that would be mind, I'm repeating myself, I suppose.

I wonder if it might be quicker for you to list the parts of your body that don't excite you when touched. lol.
I love all the answers so far... It's so interesting how many sensitive spots we can sometimes forget about. Even in terms of many of the stories written on Lush, the multitude of erogenous zones are often overlooked!

I love the list so far! Keep 'em coming!

A few more adds for me: definitely the small of my back... a hand there, a bit of pressure, fingers tracing circles... definitely gets me hot. I also love a tongue in my belly button! And kisses along my hip bone...
Gentle kissies on the soft inside of my upper thigh, omg I can't contain myself. That part is extremley sensative.
in my collar bone. the space at the base of my neck right in there beside the collar bone on either side, INSTANT!! and top of the abodmein in the center between the ribs below the breasts. stroke there and dayam ^_^
Quote by Jebru

I wonder if it might be quicker for you to list the parts of your body that don't excite you when touched. lol.

LOL! Yes, I know, but I was being careful to answer the question as it is asked.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I love all the answers so far... It's so interesting how many sensitive spots we can sometimes forget about. Even in terms of many of the stories written on Lush, the multitude of erogenous zones are often overlooked!

That is very true, and I've noticed it before, too. Including those erogenous zones would make a wonderful challenge or writing workshop exercise.
Quote by gypsymoth
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I love all the answers so far... It's so interesting how many sensitive spots we can sometimes forget about. Even in terms of many of the stories written on Lush, the multitude of erogenous zones are often overlooked!

That is very true, and I've noticed it before, too. Including those erovenous zones would make a wonderful challenge or writing workshop exercise.

I absolutely agree!
My shoulders… Ooh I love to have them kissed and licked. Also the back of my knee, you know, where that little hole is. Lol
Her fingers coursing through my hair.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
my lips.. softer the better.. and whispering as you kiss me..
Oh these are great answer's, I'm feeling a little horny just imagining all these sensual place's.
Quote by HoneyBee000
Oh these are great answer's, I'm feeling a little horny just imagining all these sensual place's.

yes all that I have never tried ummmm lesson learned here making a mental note of all this.. Thanks for the posts

Behind every strong soldier there is even a stronger woman who raised him " Proud Army Mom"
Quote by HoneyBee000
Oh these are great answer's, I'm feeling a little horny just imagining all these sensual place's.

No kidding me too!!! My favorite of these is the back and sides of my neck. WOW, that gets me going every time.
Although any spot on the body can be when given proper attention, the right touch and sexy whispers mmmm.
Wow, yeah, i'm with honeybee000! My shoulders and back of my neck, my scalp (i love when someone plays with my hair!!! Instant goosebumps!!!), the palm of my hand..... i'm sure i'll figure out more eventually!

My problem is i'm extremely ticklish... there is a fine line between tickling and exciting
It just goes to show, how many more erotic place's there are to be discovered.
My tummy. Lol. Anything to do with my tummy. Rubbed, tickled, kissed, pinched. It's weird, but so hot.
"Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it you can either run from it...or, learn from it." - Rafiki, The Lion King
My neck, kisses there make me wet. I love having my back caressed, especially my lower back. my arms to, if he touches me very lightly. I'm really ticlish behind my knees to
love getting my back kissed up and down, really sensitive there, also my ear lobe - the nerves down my back get crazy for some reason when someone licks my earlobe lol
"One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other." ~ Jane Austen
The back of my neck is unbelievably sensitive. My lower back, just above my ass is as well.