seems like you girls only like shooting games or party/puzzle games. what about street fighter!
I love my 360 and I have kicked multiple guys' asses at soul calibur and other games. There are plenty of games we play that haven't been listed, I'm sure. I for one rock at and love the Fable series. as for the girl who took her man's xbox to goodwill, you're a bitch, I hope he dumped you. as the guy responding said, that's money, and a hell of a lot of it at that. if my bf took mine, I'd smack him, dump him, and demand he buy me the latest upgraded version and compensate me for the lost files.
I have the ps3 as well but I still love my box. I can't get the blue tooth headset to mute on the ps3 so that everyone doesn't have to hear me bitch. The fighter games are ok. I just get much more pleasure out of shooters. Spray and pray ;)
Game on!
I play LA noire on my live in BF's xbox and just dance 3 on the kinect. I am better than him at both of them.