What would be your reaction if some perverted put his hands on your "goods"
I would be mad but deep down inside id enjoy it
I would be very mad, and he would be hurting. A guy i knew did try this... Once. He has walked very carefully around me ever since the bruises healed.
Yeah...it's an 'In-Your-Face' situation. Right in front of everyone. And deep down, inside, personally, I wouldn't like it at all. When I was done he would understand that.
Yes, I would be angry, and he would be quickly made to understand the extent of my anger.
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I would try with everything I have to scratch his eyes out! I would make him beg for mercy and torture him until he begged to die! Someone touching my ass without permission better not EVER happen!
it happens to me at work most nights, being a dancer you learn to ignore it. it's some of the comments that piss me off more than the ass slaps or being groped
happens quite a bit when I'm not around my hubby, mind it did happen once with him there....
Absolutely hate it, kinda feels like I've been objectified in a way , yet it is an ego boost :P
Would I get mad if I were sexually assaulted? Yes, I would get mad if I were sexually assaulted.
I'd also report the creep to the police, testify at his trial, and show up at his sentencing hearing.
I hate it. And I'm big enough to whack 'em back with in the balls or on the ass, depending on which is more accessible.
Actually, whether it's my size, or my somewhat butch wardrobe, or my semi-masculine " vibes," nobody has ever pinched or slapped my ass.
Depends on my mood, depends on his approach. Did he say something sleazy, oogy or cheesy? Was there an audience on knowing bystanders awaiting a reponse from me? Was I egging it on? Was I attracted to him and making eyes from across the room? There are a lot of ifs here. If I was intiving a stranger to do this in public then I would like it. If it was done in a cheap, nasty disrespectful way I would smack the shit out of the man or woman.
Our lives are defined by opportunities, even the ones we miss.
F. Scott Fitzgerald
I'd be real mad. He's likely to end up receiving a slap on the face.
I am used to this. If it is a light tap or squeeze I usually ignore it. But if a guy make a show of it by slapping my ass or squeezing my tits then look out. I will turn and smile and rub up against him. I will reach and rub his cock and ask if he likes that. Then I will squeezes his balls so hard he will throw up.
A hunky smacks my ass and i get annoyed or angry at him???
hmmm no!
I think we women are used to being groped or spanked in public.
its very common.
but still the idea in itself is a bit turn on.
I would be mad if it was some random person. If it was someone i knew i would just laugh it off.
I would be mad, and he would get a knee in his groin
I'd turn right around and smack his dick. Then leer and make kissy noises at him. Call him a slut.
Some men are pigs. They should be shown how it feels.
Id laugh. The jokes on him really.
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It doesn't matter whether he's a hunk or a balding old man. Touching someone inappropriately in that way is sexual assault. The very least he deserves is a swift kick in the groin before being reported to the police. Let someone away with that once and his next victim might end up with something far worse than a slap on the bottom!
“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”