Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.
I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work
My first thought would be - did we fall into some kind of financial (?) trouble, and is there really no other way out? If he wants to share me for pleasure, then we probably did/do not understand each other enough. I get turned on from thinking about having to share him for his pleasure though - we've talked about it; he's not keen (been there, done that in past relationships) and think it's really just me finding some way to love him a little less. He's not half wrong, but I also don't think what I feel would diminish if that were to happen.
Quote by Guest
I have a fantasy/fetish that makes me crazy and excited! I love to be texting spicy/erotic sms and photos as well with web strangers. I wanna know if someone wants to be part of this fantasy with me ?
I have nice photos of me and I will crazy to share with strangers it would make me feel extremely excited, Hot and crazy !
How can I reply when your profile is that of a guest?? I'd love to be that stranger looking at your risqué photos
To open the apetite!