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Would you be willing to be shared?

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Yes of course,,and he has. As I have.
We have done this a few times so far and I always fantasize till the next time. He love watching strangers fill me with their cum and ALWAYS leads to incredibly passionate sex later that night!
I've shared and been shared. Though it can trigger jealousy issues.

Whatever was posted is always meant in love and respect never to offend.
I'm also highly likely to have posted this from a phone so there may be typos or odd word changes, auto correct can be a pain.

I've been listening to my kinky pencil here's my current work

I agree with you Bonnie smile
I was shared and I loved it.
I was used by others on a weekly meeting until this virus cant wait for my cuck to get me ready for others to use.
Caught my wife having an affair and we mutually decided to share each other..So far it has worked out good, but jealousy can easily creep into every situation. She has been shared much more than I have .
No, I don't think so. I'm a commitment kind of girl. I find my husband enough to sate my carnal desires and needs and I think he finds me enough to sate his. Might be different if one or the other partner in a relationship is starved for sex, but then, in my view, why maintain the facade of a relationship in that case?
If it was my idea smile
My husband told me he wanted to watch another guy fuck me almost 2 years ago. After I got over the shock and we watched a couple of videos, I agreed if we found the right guy. Well we did and it was amazing. I was so nervous at first but then just let myself go and enjoyed it

I am, pretty much always have been. It is our prime directive, none of us ever says no (except for time blocked out by work and sleep requirements).

I have been shared multiple times 


I love being shared! BBC are the best at sharing women, no hang-ups.

My first thought would be - did we fall into some kind of financial (?) trouble, and is there really no other way out? If he wants to share me for pleasure, then we probably did/do not understand each other enough. I get turned on from thinking about having to share him for his pleasure though - we've talked about it; he's not keen (been there, done that in past relationships) and think it's really just me finding some way to love him a little less. He's not half wrong, but I also don't think what I feel would diminish if that were to happen.

I enjoy being shared!

yes i would especially if you do NOT ask just let them use me

No I don't share

Hell to the No!

But only the special one! The rest… meh!

GODDESS 💋💋💋💋💋💋

Every second of every day. 💕💝

Quote by Guest
I have a fantasy/fetish that makes me crazy and excited! I love to be texting spicy/erotic sms and photos as well with web strangers. I wanna know if someone wants to be part of this fantasy with me ?
I have nice photos of me and I will crazy to share with strangers it would make me feel extremely excited, Hot and crazy !

How can I reply when your profile is that of a guest?? I'd love to be that stranger looking at your risqué photos

To open the apetite!

I would consider if I really trusted my partner

Regularly and it saved our marriage

I have been shared once before, it was a nice surprise to have my cock sucked by 2 women. I would share and be shared but my current wife would not agree to it.

Since I am single I share myself when appropriate.

Had 4P once years ago.

I am shared

No. I wouldn't risk my marriage just for a night of sex, even with my husband's permission.

My fantasy. Hubby and I had swing with another couple years ago. That was my only swing. Really excited when I noticed my hubby was watching me being fucked by my friend's hubby.