Why Girl wear BRA? If you're a girl than reply why do you wear it?
I'm not a girl, but they wear them for support, to keep them out of the way, and for how it looks. Its also fun for us guys to take them off, kind of like opening a gift.
And not all women do, some don't.

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade
En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av. I wear mine for support since I dont want them down to my knees in ten years time!!
Even if I plan to spend the whole day lazing round in pj's i put a bra on underneath
I mysel found the answer, you girls are so lazy, Just Kidding.
If girls don't wear bra their breasts become outoff control and boy also become not only outoff control but also outoff their mind.
i think they wear bra because It Feels good to wear a bra so simple. Isn't?
Well coming from the "Over-the-shoulder boulder" camp I can tell you that bras are NOT comfortable, but I run the risk of knocking unsuspecting people to their knees if I don't wear one.
Trust me, one of my 38DDDs coming at ya at full force is enough to turn you gay! I like men to drool and go stupid LOOKING at them, not BECAUSE of their impact!
Was you wanting a serious comment or something non-serious? As I can think of many serious answers(breast cancer) and non-serious If I want a quick feel; I don't need a bra.
Honeslty you men and your questions ha ha they make me laugh so much.
Apparently, to decide whether or not you should wear a bra, put a pencil under one of your boobs. If it stays, you need a bra
I wear a bra because I have huge DD tits. If I don't my back aches. I wish I could go without a bra somethimes. Even when i have sex I wear one to contain the bloody things.
They should make a bra like contraption for my big droopy balls :P
but yeh, I really love removing a girl's bra, its like opening a gift as Primal said. Btw, I love reading these posts, cos not all girls are like, for example CastleQueen, who said "but I do enjoy wearing the lacey ones as hubby enjoys removing them...icon_smile " I wish all girls were more keen on the finer details, its the little things that make the biggest differences, to me at least.
I got it. thank you every one for cool replies, specially the ladies
i wear a bra for support plus, I love how a bra fits me & cups my breasts. It's like having a pair of hands on them all day long.
I like wearing my bra and looking down at my boobies all nestled together and happy, it makes me smile hee hee.
This is like asking guys why they wear undies. The only reason this question was asked was so some guy could wank off to a collection of women talking about the tits.
I'll still humor you.
I have a deathly fear of them sagging prematurely, plus there are only certain clothes I can get away with no bra without looking like a whore.
It gets to where you feel slightly more naked without one (which I guess is literally also true...okay I have no point).
i wear them for support also i love the way my cleavage looks with them. also i have pretty big breast and i fear if i went a long time with out one they would get all droopy
Yes, I do. It hurts if I don't.
Because my mom told me to... or else
Because it will keep my FF cups from ending up on the FFloor.
All depends on your engineering. Most need support and some want the comfort. But for a few no would know the difference if she had a bra on or not, except slightly more action when she walks. The other side is OK too.