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Who Shouldn't You Have Slept With?

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I've got another question for you ladies!

As I lay by my parents pool this lazy wednesday evening I was brought back to the time I fucked the pool boy. In retrospect, what with him being fired and my dad not letting me out of his site for like forever, I think to myself, I shouldn't have slept with him. So I want to know who did you sleep with that you shouldn't have? I don't mean who do you regret sleeping with (i.e. The random frat boy) but who shouldn't you have slept with in retrospect because of the consequences that were brought on you or that other person.
i shouldnt have slept with my brother's best friend. it kinda ruined their relationship for awhile when he walked in on us... but after awhile they were able to forgive each other.. but he was REALLY mad at me.
Jesus Garcia. Worst sex i have ever had in my life!!!!
1) Also chiming in with ex boyfriend....okay, ex boyfriends. At least the last time I did it the sex was actually good.
2) A friend.... not a good idea.
3) And lastly a considerably older guy. Creepy and crap. Haunts me! So not worth it.
4) Married men. No explanation needed. Often so good, but cruel to everyone involved.
Quote by LittleBambi
1) Also chiming in with ex boyfriend....okay, ex boyfriends. At least the last time I did it the sex was actually good.
2) A friend.... not a good idea.
3) And lastly a considerably older guy. Creepy and crap. Haunts me! So not worth it.
4) Married men. No explanation needed. Often so good, but cruel to everyone involved.

yes and yes to 2 & 3
Quote by FelineFantasy
My ex boyfriend (last night actually), because it just complicates things! If you are going to split up with someone, do it cold turkey and for good! Don't keep coming back to each other, because both parties look dumb in the end for even breaking up in the first place.


most def my ex to begin with!
Every X I have ever had of course.
My best friend
ummmmmm ...well, still having sex with him

Melissa xxx
Myself - I have nothing but regrets as soon as it's all over and i have to sleep in the wet patch every time
Quote by FelineFantasy
My ex boyfriend (last night actually), because it just complicates things! If you are going to split up with someone, do it cold turkey and for good! Don't keep coming back to each other, because both parties look dumb in the end for even breaking up in the first place.

Not always true, I have diner and sex with my ex-husband every month or so. But I guess I still love him and may always. If he could only handle my Lesbian side.
Quote by MexicanGoddess
My best friend

I made that my mistake too, he was actually my first and it ruined our platonic relationship
Myself, now I can't look my reflection in the eye, plus, the b. . . er witch blabbed to everybody
The jerk I gave my virginity to!
My mom's was an accident. I didn't know they knew reach other.

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My ex girlfriend while i was dating a other chick at the time.
Quote by MulliMoonlight
The jerk I gave my virginity to!

You dated him, too?
Your mum (she fugly!).
My driving instructor..terrible. He only lasted about a minute and a half. and he was tiny.
Quote by one_winged_angel
Myself, now I can't look my reflection in the eye, plus, the b. . . er witch blabbed to everybody

But it was such a good story to hear.
If you can't fuck yourself ... who can you fuck?
My first serious boyfriend. We were both virgins. He stalked me for 15 years afterward!

I'm a loner, Dottie. A Rebel...

my best friends ex-girlfriend.
i didnt just swoop in after they broke up it was like a year later but he was really hurt and sort of still holds it against me.
A co-worker, although the sex was maybe the best I've had.
someone i met from disappointment in everything from him being a lying cheating bastard to well everything...
No one can make you jealous, angry, vengeful, or greedy -unless you let him.
- Napoleon Hill
my ex-husband ... (I'm referring to the past, my present BF is wonderful)
The guy I lost my virginity to, I felt too mean to dump him a couple of days before his birthday so I had sex with him instead. Oh well, at least I didn't have to buy him a present.