Please choose only three characters and sort them as your Choice #1, 2 and 3 respectively
1 Gregor Clegane (The Mountain) oh yes really. We may break each other doing it, but I'm up to the challenge ;)
2 The Hound- I think he's been around the block and learned a few things.
3 Tyrion Lanister- kinky as fuck, that one, mark my words.
1. Tyrion Lanister
2. John Snow
3. ????
Am I alone in never having seen this show?
Isn't there a dragon in it or something? I'd fuck a dragon. As long as it was gentle with me.
The Past Characters that have moved on who I would have loved to have sex with back then are;
1. Ygritte - she makes my nipples hard
2. Shea (I hate what she did to Tyrion, though)
Still alive;
1. Margery
2. Daney
3. Brianne
I have three famous stories, 2 recommended reads and have come in the top ten in two competitions~ Come in and make yourself at home.
Ser Jorah Mormont
Jon Snow
Daenerys Targaryen
There's just something about Jorah, lol.
1. Ser Jorah (pre greyscale). There's something about his perseverance which is very sexy.
2. Daario Naharis (Kahleesi gets all the hot guys)
3. Oberyn Martell (but he's dead now :-() A guy that good with a spear probably has other talents.
I'd add Jaime Lannister, but he only has eyes for his sister.
I already answered this in the Ask the Guys thread (naughty me), so I'll just copy my answer here...
The second Daario Naharis
Jaime Lannister
Jon Snow
Daenerys Targaryen
Talisa Maegyr
Tyene Sand
If we're allowed to pick dead characters but in their pre-dead state, can I have Khal Drogo too?
I want to BE Brienne of Tarth, not fuck her.
1. Ygritte
2. Daenerys
3. Anya
Ygritte, gorgeous.
Jeyne Poole, so that she doesn't end up as a virgin with her husband.
Brienne Of Tarth, I do wonder what she will do to me.