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When you're feeling down and insecure.......

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What do you do to cheer yourself up?

When you feel unattractive, unhappy with your body/look etc??

I dont know what to do
When i'm having an off day doing my hair and make-up always makes me happy. I don't do it anymore but when I was single I would dress up in my most flattering outfit and go sit at the coffee shop and watch the guys, well do what guys do oogle. lol. It's always fun to pamper yourself too go for a mani pedi or get a trim if it's a really shitty day go for a totally new hair cut.
deffinatly what Jill said too exercise and have a nice healthy meal. Just getting out for some fresh air works too. Calling a friend or family member is a upper they always have nice thing to say. xx
Alpha Blonde
Plan A: Go to the gym, or go for a run... then have a pedi-mani and go to the hairdresser for a trim and blow-dry so you're looking gorgeous... and then onward with some girlfriends for skinny-margaritas on a patio! It always cheers me up!

Plan B: Indulge in a luxury shopping purchase.. like really killer shoes! It will distract you!
Artistic Tart
If it's during the day, I like to go shopping, or go get my fingers and toes done. There's a great place near where I live that's all young Asian women working, so I can join in and gab about total bullshit while they do a fantastic job on me. smile It's a nice escape.

If it's nighttime- I put on my best minidress, sexy shoes, and either go dancing, or find a nice patio to prowl.
do something..accomplish something..anything to feel productive

and of course manis, pedis, hair and thong shopping always do the trick too ;)
Quote by MMonroe
What do you do to cheer yourself up?

When you feel unattractive, unhappy with your body/look etc??

I dont know what to do

First of all you are beautiful as you are. You don't need Cosmopolitan to tell you how you need to improve yourself. You are sexy yung lady and if you don't see this no one else will.

We all have bad days and when I have one I go to the mirror and tell meyself 'this is just a phase, bare with me please, it will past.' I try to re-think why do I feel that why but not allowing my emotions to run my life. Just the fact that I allowed myself a bad week makes me fell better, in that week I really do enjoy to be alone.

Usually as any phase this will past to and then is on you to change what you (and not magazins) don't like about on you and every small change will make you feel fulfiled with pride because you listend.
Healthy way of living is something we shall do it for ourselves and not for our partners.

But MM if this is longer than week you need to snap with your fingers and step out of it. Met with your funniest friend and force yourself with few fake laughs, believe me reall ones will follow.

Wish you well!
Thanks for your replies everyone!!!

Its usually only for a day or 2 every now and then and I've always snapped out of it before but each time it happens it feels like it never will!!

Feeling much better this morning now
Active Ink Slinger
Good to hear you're coming out of it MM - I remember days like that (I know, hard to believe).

A tip I was taught as a young geeky lad has served me well. It goes something like this......

Everyone on the planet, and I mean EVERYONE, has at least one aspect of their physical features that they can be proud of ... whether it be a nice round ass, a killer pair of legs, sparkling eyes... whatever. The trick is to, every day, look in the mirror at that part of you and remind yourself that no matter what any other a**-hole may say, some lucky dude/gal is gonna be checking that out today. Lucky them.

Then build on that foundation without getting 'vain'.
"Whoa, lady, I only speak two languages, English and bad English." - Korben Dallas, from The Fifth Element

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning from experience?" - George Bernard Shaw
Making an effort to have a totally selfish me me me me day haha. That means being stubborn and putting yourself FIRST, putting straight all that has been bugging you because you have tried to just put up with it. I find Cheeper by the Dozen movie makes me laugh soooooo much. Getting out on my bike ir walking anywhere I don't care what the weather is like sometimes you just have to get out the house.
Other than that getting my hair washed putting my make-up on getting dressed up smart and painting my toes and nails even if it's late at night ha ha that cheers me up.
Shhhhhh putting loud music on in the kitchen turn the lights off and rock out!!!!!! Yes I have done that ha ha, it has to be fast and it has to be loud lol
Usually I'll just cry and let all the bad out... like letting a weight on my shoulders fall off. It's better than faking a smile
Active Ink Slinger
well what i do is have an amazinng workout!!!! full of cardio and intense wieght lifthing
Active Ink Slinger
Definitely hit the gym and do some intense workouts while listening to my favorite female artists. After that I do a day at the spa and voila! I'm me again