whats the first thing comes in your mind hearing word KAMASUTRA
Flexible multi-positional sex...
Isn't it a Japanese motorbike???
first of all, remember a sutra is a commentary, usually on scripture. Kama loosely translates as sensual pleasure. As much as I respect it as a scholarly work, to the modern reader it is practically unreadable. Its endless classifications and aloof tone reminds one of 19th century German scientific works. Indeed, in that century the Germans were the greatest European scholars of Indic culture.
As a sex manual I find it inferior to Sheikh Nefzawi's The Perfumed Garden...
Just my 2 cents....
It is the key to a cipher that was used to bypass censorship.
Each of the positions has an associated non sexual signal. The plough for example sets the girl's ankle bells jingling. So when the educated man is reading another book and there is mention of ankle bells a jangle, he knows the girl's furrow is being ploughed.
Hours of fun, laughter and amazing orgasms...