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What's more important to you?

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Active Ink Slinger
Good looks, or a good personality? Could you stand a wet drip that looked like Brad Pitt, or would you rather have a great guy that looked like Rowan Atkinson?
Constant Gardener
Quote by Rabies
Good looks, or a good personality? Could you stand a wet drip that looked like Brad Pitt, or would you rather have a great guy that looked like Rowan Atkinson?

Not to be a wet blanket but a simple forum search using keywords: looks personality (match all words) in the Ask The Gals thread reveals:
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
I feel the question asked is slightly different in the other thread.
You start of with a few Brad Pitts but when you realise theyre all tossers thats when you go or a Rowan Atkinson!............... Or if you're really lucky you find a Brad Pitt with a Rowan Atkinson personality
Active Ink Slinger
I agree with WMM. It is basically the same question.
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Active Ink Slinger
Well, the question in the other thread is "When looks and personality aren't enough, what is it you are after?" I am asking which is more important to girls: Looks, or personality?
Alpha Blonde
I want some measure of both looks and personality.

Why does one have to exclude the other?

Sexual attraction and physical chemistry are important. If I absolutely had to only pick one, then I'd go for that. I have female friends who can fulfill my 'fun personality' requirements if I have to... But if I'm not attracted to the guy, then it would be like being in a relationship with a platonic 'friend', so that makes a lot less sense to me.
Active Ink Slinger
One doesn't necessarily exclude the other: It's more what takes priority. A man can be average looking with a great personality; similarly they can be great looking and a studier of the functionality and efficiency of overhead wind fans...
You may say you can enjoy the company of women with a bubbly personality, but I myself distinguish between my male and female friends. The vibe you get from each sex is different, for instance with women I feel compelled to avoid conversation topics such as sport, other women (in an "I'd bang her" sense) and disgusting feats, like loud farts. With other blokes, these conversation topics are mostly at the forefront of our minds (though I don't want to seem unsophisticated; these aren't the only topics I talk about!). I imagine it is similar with women, but I wouldn't know.
Men and women can also give each other good advice, whereas any advice you acquire from the same sex will be mostly educated guesswork.
It's not necessary to pick up men that look like shrek, personality or no. I also find the truly ugly women have terrible personalities, and imagine it would be the same for men.
But, as they say, beauty is skin-deep, and if you truly like someone, regardless of what sense that is in (friend, partner etc.) you will ignore their physical flaws and concentrate on what is good about them.
This is why I look down upon people who will dump a guy or girl based purely on weight, or hair colour etc. You liked them when they were fat/skinny before, their personality (I assume) has not changed, but because your lover is not physically perfect, you feel the need to ditch them? Vanessa Feltz particularly I feel sorry for, her divorce was terrible. Even when she lost the weight, her husband still wanted to separate. It really does go to show marriage in the modern age is flawed.
But I'm detracting from the point, and the amount of typing I have done about beauty and physical attraction, you probably think I'm some ugly troll :L
Advanced Wordsmith
Well... This may just be me, but I don't find Rowan Attkinson to be exceedingly unattractive. He's ok looking, poor bloke... And this certainly will just be me, but I don't find Brad Pitt attractive at all.

Now Johnny Depp... heart

I suppose it depends on the personality as well... I'd put up with someone as dull as cardboard for their pretty face for a while, I suppose... But if they were stupid or mean... Then it'd die really quickly. Pretty is only good for so long as well... Chances are in your analogy, I'd date and shag Brad, but then dump him to marry Rowan, and pray for our kids silly
For me, there needs to be both, but personality will win overall. Would much rather have someone I'm partly attracted to but treats me amazingly and we have a ton in common, plus those traits make him more attractive. Of course, ideally I would want someone I'm insanely attracted to both inside and out.
Prolific Writer
Personality always does it for me.

Looks fade. The older people get, body types change, wrinkles appear, grey hair starts.

If somebody is just an all around, fun, caring, sweet, loving, nice guy.

That's what I want. Somebody you can grow old with.

A handsome face and a killer body are attention getting. But a lasting relationship can't be built on appearances. For me, a man needs to be wise, kind, genuine, trustworthy, sincere, skilled, strong, reliable, stable, proficient in the manly arts, and capable of making me feel safe, loved, and desirable.
Advanced Wordsmith
I never have seen a celebrity I even thought of keeping.

But there is a guy a the local Home Depot that could do me any way he wants and anytime also.
The Bee's Knees
a good personality! i can only look at you for so long. your looks may catch my attention, but your personality is what will keep me around.

Say. Her. Name.

Rainbow Warrior
I can afford to settle for no less than both. I have never really looked on guys as relationship material anyway, since I'm more into girls for serious relationships, but strangely, I've struck out with two serious relationships with beautiful girls, but without even trying, I've managed to land two great guys who are both gorgeous and brilliant, and I'm currently living with both of them while still hoping for that perfect girl who looks like Jennifer Lawrence with the personality of... well, ME! lol
Personality, and the ability to carry your end of an intelligent conversation, will beat out looks any day. Not that looks don't matter, but looks change; your ability to match me intellectually and keep me fascinated is far more important in the long run.
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Personality. Intelligence, being kind, having interesting things to talk about, the way they speak, teaching me things, making me laugh... that's what's important to me.

I have never felt attracted to an insanely handsome guy, to start with. I like regular guys that have something special (and that special thing is never purely physical, as far as I can remember).
Yes, there are some physical characteristics that I like and some that I don't... and I could never be with a guy I don't feel attracted to... but the thing is that if I like their personality, I will immediately see them more attractive. For example, when I met my ex I thought at the very beginning he wasn't much to look at... just a couple of months later I was madly in love with him and wanted him more than I have ever wanted anyone in my life.

If a guy is insanely handsome but he is dumb, or arrogant, or boring, or... well, if I don't like his personality... I just can't feel attracted to him at all.
Personality goes along away with me but it's a bounce that they are good looking
Active Ink Slinger
If it's just about the sex, then physical attraction for outweighs. I am shallow enough that I couldn't date someone hideous, but they certainly don't have to be Brad Pitt. Ive slept with guys that I never thought I would when I got to know them though - you can pretty much laugh me into bed lol.
Chat Moderator
I prefer personality over looks any day. The good looking guys with little personality don't get much traction with me and tend to be a turn off. If it's 'just sex' and he's good looking, I still need an engaging brain to connect with. Thankfully, the man in my life exceeds all of my expectations, in everything...period.

Quote by Rabies
Good looks, or a good personality? Could you stand a wet drip that looked like Brad Pitt, or would you rather have a great guy that looked like Rowan Atkinson?

I look like Rowan Atkinson...

xx SF


I ALSO look like Robert Downey Jr, Charles Hawtrey and The Bass Player from U2... Depends on the photo, really...