I was watching my sister in laws apartment one day & she came home early. She walked into her bedroom & saw me with a pair of her dirty panties wrapped around my face so I could sniff them & lick them clean & another pair in my hand jerking off. She just turned around & left. We haven't spoken of it since then, but I want to.
How would you feel if this happened to you?
What should I do now?
I'd be devastated that she didn't appreciate how excited I felt about blowing my load into the gusset of her musky-smelling crusty panties. How dare she!
I suggest that you be up front and tell her that you'd like another panty smelling session with her in private, without other family members. Fix a date.
Thank God that I don't have a brother!
I have to admit to a point in time where panties of any type were such a turn on. in the right circumstances used ones would still do it but I so now adore the no panties opportunities x
I have to admit to a point in time where panties of any type were such a turn on. in the right circumstances used ones would still do it but I so now adore the no panties opportunities x
My Brother in Law has tried torub hiscock against my ass to seduce me. And he succeeded many times.
So i guess I will bend on my knees and gulp his cock to get as much as load into my mouth.
And if he has already unloadedin my panties........ I would lick them and wear themand he will have to pay by french kissing me. LOL
What you should do now is a) find a therapist and b) stop expecting your sister-in-law to somehow be okay with your violation of her privacy. Personally, if I caught an essential stranger sniffing and jerking off into my panties, clean or no, I would turn around, walk out, and call the police. You're extraordinarily lucky that she didn't do just that.
To paraphrase Dani, you have taken something from her without her consent, and are trying to turn it around so that she carries the blame, the very definition of a perversion. Not a fetish, a perversion, and wrong no matter how you pretty it up.
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This happened to me. I placed a hidden camera, catching him do it, and I showed my sister. She then left him.
[Not a reply, just an observation]
Just for nothin', I'll point out that "el bicho sucio" translates to "the dirty prick."
Speechless up in here lol. Can't inviade a woman's space, this is not revenge of the nerds. Lmao
Someone has to be the Villain
The only thing that came to my mind was why on earth did she have you watch her house? What - was it going to run away?
WOW, Cast the 1st stone why don't you? So my perversion/fetish is worse than all of yours? Self righteous bunch here. Your attacks are what people worry about, it's why some don't share their fantasies & such.
I didn't think this was going to be such a big deal but here's some info that I guess I should have included in the beginning:
1) We're the ones that married into the family so I'm not trying to take my brother's wife. I married the sister & she married the brother in the family.
2) They are divorced & he's not with us anymore.
Well Elbichosucio I think removal of laundry duties from your household list of chores is warranted to say the least.