I'm sure this topic is somewhere else but there is always people in here.
I am aware of the kind of site this is but still ...
Quote by JohnC
I had a similar question when I first joined. I didn't know which direction I should go, or wanted to go. So I made a thread about it. I think you might like to take a read...
Quote by secretcharm
Thank you.
Is there a way to search for topics? If not .. I need one.
Quote by crazydiamond
Most don't like it but, being the considerate lushie I am, I've found an outlet for those who (dirty matress and all!) have the compulsion to display the Whanger!
Go on expose your junk to your heart's content!
Quote by Dancing_Doll
With that said... To the guys that are tempted to use their dick as their wallpaper - magnified to the point where I can see the hair follicles of your pubes - please don't. It's just nasty.
Quote by MrLosAngeles
Depends on the junk..would there be collectibles and antiques strewn there, too, or just, you know, stuff nobody wants?
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.
Quote by sprite
lol - i suddenly have this vision of some guy on Antique Road Show pulling out his junk and having it appraised by an expert.
Quote by LadyX
I think I'm qualified for that job.
(kneels down, lifts exposed penis, examines all sides studiously)
"Let's see here...okay, I see some nice veining here, and that's always a plus, both visually and as friction against the inner walls. I do also see some spiderwebbing though...I'm guessing that means you either used a penis pump or fell for some other gimmick. That will subract some value, but otherwise it's a very nice specimen. The glans is nice and big, and the shaft gets a little wider as it descends, and the women always appreciate that. You're forty years old...I'd say your payday would be much better if you were in your early twenties, but still impressive nonetheless, and it will retain much of its value well into your fifties. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to assess this; I'll price your cock at $16,500."
You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.