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What do you believe about heaven/hell/afterlife/reincarnation/etc?

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Religion was crammed down my throat growing up...I Believe in the teaching of the
Heaven ...yes
Afterlife...of the Soul yes

That is all anyone gets..Interesting starter thread...a possible shit storm to follow..
Quote by BethanyFrasier

I can't believe you forgot about that hot weekend we had at that resort on the Black Sea back in the height of the Hittite Empire. You could really handle a chariot back then too.

Reincarnation is sure sweet!
I believe that there was a "Creator" but I can't buy "Life after death". Too much education I guess.
No such thing as heaven, except in the arms of your lover. No such thing as hell, except in the mind of sociopath. No such thing as an afterlife, except in the morning after. No such thing as reincarnation, except in the heart of an abandoned child. Peace out!
GOD, Jesus, Heaven, hell, afterlife, yes. Reincarnation still thinking about it. Have had a few events that makes me wonder.

Quote by Buz

I can't believe you forgot about that hot weekend we had at that resort on the Black Sea back in the height of the Hittite Empire. You could really handle a chariot back then too.

Reincarnation is sure sweet!

I vaguely recall that I was a man in that lifetime, and you were, I believe, my eunuch consort! But yeah! I drove a helluva Greek chariot! I drive my Mustang the same way now!
I was raised Catholic, so I have always believed in Heaven/Hell and an afterlife.

However, these days, I wonder what the specifics may actually be. Is there reincarnation of some kind? Is Heaven one infinitely large place where everyone goes and is in harmony for all time? Or is it more a state of being? Is it like Supernatural, where everyone has their own Heaven? Answers I crave, but probably won't get until I'm dead.

No rush on that last part. lol Got a lot of living to do.
Quote by nichols_10
I believe that there was a "Creator" but I can't buy "Life after death". Too much education I guess.

Education has nothing to do with it. It's about faith and questioning the meaning of the world around you beyond what you can read in books. And yes, that does include holy scriptures, because the men writing those, while possibly inspired by the Lord, were still mortal men and didn't know what comes next any better than we do.
i believe in it all and its an integral part of my religious life.
Well, I was raised in a strict atheist home under a tyrannical abusive father. While suffering from post war trauma years later I did something most Christians never do... I read the Bible cover to cover. Although some of it was fabled and allegorical I found myself believing enough to believe in God, heaven and hell. In proverbs it says to live today as if it were all you had. So here is what I believe. I have hope in life after death, hope in heaven, but live today and love today as it is all I have.

1Corinthians 15:22 says, "Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die."

I find it humorous that people that believe in nothing out of intellectual superiority get so angered and feel it necessary to argue it. Let me see, if I believe in God and eternal life through Christ and you believe in nothing after death, why should that be upsetting? We both get what we believe in.

Truth is that all you have is today. What are you doing with it? That is the real question.
I have always felt, that there is something better on the other side. People have screwed up 'mother earth' with greed and war.
I am inclined to believe that we get what we believe. Christians go to Heaven, Buddhists reincarnate until they achieve Nirvana, atheists just die, etc. Agnostics, I'm not sure.

For myself, I'm hoping for a nice rest in the Summerland, where I may be reunited for a time with my beloveds who have gone before, then reincarnate for another trip on this amazing planet.
Chuck got it right. Whatever you believe you only really just have today. Joy doesn't just happen, you have to make it happen.
Quote by BethanyFrasier

I vaguely recall that I was a man in that lifetime, and you were, I believe, my eunuch consort! But yeah! I drove a helluva Greek chariot! I drive my Mustang the same way now!

Go girl. I was probably your lady in waiting xxx
I do not subscribe to "The Great Bar B-Q Theory" or what some call "hell."
I was raised Catholic, and after I found out that Sinterklaas (older cousin of Santa Claus who visits the Netherlands and Belgium each year) didn't exist it didn't take me long to figure out that God probably didn't either. The miraculous things that Sinterklaas was said to do, like bringing gifts to all the kids, seemed far more feasible than the miracles attributed to God. And at least I'd seen Sinterklaas with my very own eyes. So, around the age of nine I lost my faith in God and I've never felt the need to find it again ever since. Heaven and hell make no sense without God and as for afterlife and reincarnation: I see no reason to believe in either one.


The best way for me to answer is I don't believe anything about such things. I hope there is some manner of afterlife where one is rewarded for living a good life; that's certainly a comforting thought. I believe that dying with little pain would be a good thing but have insufficient evidence to believe in any particular thing once the curtain comes down.
I believe in the whole thing, Creation, Heaven and Hell, the Afterlife and gosh I hope there is cleansing of all our sins. I have many and I have done a lot of good things also. I hope one offsets the other.

Sex is not a sin, because if God intended it to be he would not have made if feel so Damned Good!
I don't. I believe in what we have here and now, being hopeful for the future and not being stuck in the past.
Religion does make sense to me. I understand why it exists and why people believe. To me however, the notion that an almighty, all-knowing supernatural being created all that exists and gave us free will, defies logic.
I believe mankind created their gods, as a way to explain things they didn't and often still do not understand, and the various afterlife destinations like heaven, hell, walhalla and hades as a way to give life a meaning, a goal to achieve and a punishment to avoid. I do not believe in them. As for reincarnation, life has found a way to pass on knowledge and skills from parent to child. How else would a baby bird not only know, it has to get out of the egg, but also when and how? And if that knowledge, those memories, can be hereditary, then why not other memories too? I believe people have knowledge about previous lives because they inherited it, like a foal inherits the knowledge, it has to stand up and start walking immediately after it's born.
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Hey... pssst.... that's an l (as in luscious) at the end of my name, not an i
how many people would live their lives differently if the bible wasn't written?
A very complicated topic, yet very interesting..... I'm absolutely not a religious person but from generally acquired knowledge, I think the concept of heaven, hell, afterlife and reincarnation exist only in religions of the world, nowhere it is scientifically proven, neither there is any research on this (as far as I know).... Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the three religions I'm a little familiar with, does have this concept. But I find no plausible reason to believe.... especially after the growing concept that advent of religion was a matter of past and human society has progressed far ahead.... So frankly I don't know.... but I'd love to believe about the heaven and would love to go there :P
I lost my faith when my mother died. It opened my eyes how religion is a whole lot of nonsense especially the three main ones which are at logger heads and the many rules and contradictions. As for death I am just going to say there is nothing, our brain ceases to stop working. Like when you go for an operation, we blank out and then we are waken hours later with no memory of what happened between falling a sleep and being awake.
Quote by FeministGoddess99
That's a very good way to think.

Why yes it is