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Wedding rings

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I know sometimes, to discourage unwanted male attention, women wear wedding rings when they are not married. But what about the opposite, not wearing a wedding ring when you are married?

I mention this because years ago, I had monthly meetings with one of our vendors. The meetings were easy going, one woman from the vendor was always seemed particularly friendly with me. In the chit chat before the monthly meeting she never mentioned a boyfriend or husband. There was never a chance to talk with her with one of her coworkers present (usually at least one male coworker who I knew was married and by the way, wore a wedding ring).

Eventually the project ended and there was a small celebration (just cake and punch). Finally, I would have a chance to socialize with her, but she brought her kids and expressed regret that husband couldn't make it! Also, I know, two rather attractive women in the office, who are married, but don't wear wedding rings. What gives?
My wedding ring was a cheap ring that warped. We pawned it years ago. And I'd rather spend my money on other things than a ring so I don't have one. I know I'm married, he knows we are married so that's all that matters.
I often wear my wedding ring when I'm working away, particularly in Middle Eastern countries, to avoid unwelcome attention - it doesn't always work. I wore it all the time when I was married. Otherwise I don't wear jewellery at all and some of my friends are the same. In the same way that some married women don't wear rings, some cohabiting women do. I've been told that my partner and I have been together so long that I should wear one. I don't, and even if we do get married - highly unlikely - I won't.

For cultural reasons, you may also find the wedding ring worn on the right hand instead of the left - which is what my mother does, although someone told her one day that it meant she was widowed or divorced. You may also find rings that do not look like the typical plain band being worn.

I know one lady who takes her wedding ring off when she goes out without her husband. She's an attractive woman in her fifties and told me she feels a little bit wicked when she does it, and likes being chatted up - she has never (as far as I'm aware, and she says) been unfaithful; she just likes the attention. Her husband is aware but I don't know his opinion.

Incidentally, guys: when you take your wedding ring off it leaves a mark on your finger. Women have a special "creep spotter" gene which allows us to detect the faint ridges or discolorations left, even in a dimly-lit wine bar.
'Incidentally, guys: when you take your wedding ring off it leaves a mark on your finger. Women have a special "creep spotter" gene which allows us to detect the faint ridges or discolorations left, even in a dimly-lit wine bar.'

I always made a point of feeling the guys ring finger for the indentation. There are many who try and cheat.
My husband doesn't wear his on his finger, he wears it around his neck with his dog tags, rather in the fashion of mittens on a string. He's lost and found it more than once, bless im.
My husband never wore his

He said it was jewelry

Hurt me beyond belief

Anyone that takes it off when they go out

Is declaring to the world..I am not married

So don't be married nor a hypocrite

But then known lots of men and women who have cheated with it on

Not sure what's...worse
Only had off twice (both times for surgery) If it bothers the other person - OH WELL
If my Wedding Ring makes a guy or a gal reluctant then maybe we were not even a match for the nignt.
A wedding ring has proved to be a chick magnet. I'm not wanting it to be, but why do so many women come on to married men? I've found women to hit on me in clubs, bars, the gym, and even work situations much more often after i got married than before. Do they think they can prove something to themselves by taking something that belongs to someone else? I've even had chicks hit on me in front of my wife. Not a good idea. She is getting really good at Taekwondo and she has never backed away from a confrontation anyhow.
a wedding ring can be exciting, doesn't stop guys hitting on me, suppose like a trophy, they are happy getting their cock in to another guys wife. for me suppose it doesn't matter married or single, you know usually married guys wont hang around lol jelly xx
It seems that a wedding ring doesn't really matter much. No a recent night out a guy was coming on to me and a told him I wasn't interested as I was married, showed him the rings......he took a good long look them declared "Well he's not here is he...?!!" No respect!
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Quote by Hasabrain2
I know sometimes, to discourage unwanted male attention, women wear wedding rings when they are not married. But what about the opposite, not wearing a wedding ring when you are married?

I know lots of posters have commented on sexual reasons why people don't wear wedding rings, but there are several practical and temporary reasons why a woman might not be wearing her wedding ring at any given time, like your colleague. Pregnancy or age and swelling fingers can mean that the ring may be in the jewellers being altered, it could be being cleaned, it could have been lost or stolen and a replacement is being chosen.
Also some women may be wearing her ring but not on her finger, some wear their wedding ring on a chain as a pendant.
I never take off my ring,even when out with a lover smile
I've worn mine for 8 years now. For me it's a must, and also prevents 'gentlemen' from hitting on me, not always of course but usually. With regards to my husband, I believe he always wears his band.
Quote by Meggsy
I always made a point of feeling the guys ring finger for the indentation. There are many who try and cheat.

That is a perfect detail for a story. I had never thought of that.
I take mine off when wearing work gloves, because that's how I lost my first one. That's the only time. It is the only jewelry I have ever worn, and I am quite fond of it. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to take it off.
Men and woman both love married men or woman,they feel safer if they are married.Kinda dumb,but had a guy tell me,he only dated married woman,it gave him a thrill to know she was cheating on her husband with him. Go figure.
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I still wear one sometimes. About as much as I did when I was married. Sometimes I don't want any extra attention and sometimes I do.
Career preservation seems to be a pretty strong driving force. According to the Telegraph, a 'Third of women remove wedding rings to enhance career prospects'. Gist of the article: employers prefer to hire those who can contribute in the long haul, and the idea of a married woman that could leave to start a family is very unappealing.

Of course, there are also those who take it off to appear single, and on a completely unrelated flipside, those who purposely keep it on to add to the element of an affair. Terribly naughty dolls, these!x