Also can it ever be painful the 'first few times' ?

Quote by Sexybutt
I did feel a brief searing pain and then it was over. Sadly the pain was the best part.
Quote by utterchaos
I was actually unable to have sex when I attempted my first timeKinda embarrassing. Turned out my parents neglected to tell me that I actually had a septate hymen and I'd been too shy to look so I didn't know about it. Had a very awkward conversation with my mother. Thankfully my boyfriend at the time was very understanding although when we attempted again he had to be fairly rough so it hurt.
Quote by Meggsy
Not for me. I thoroughly enjoyed my first time(s).
I had been masturbating for a year or so and I believe my brush handle devoured my hymen.
My first cock felt amazing the first time and even better the second.
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