O.K. Ladies...How many of you have met a man from the internet just for sex? and would you do it again?
never done it, never will. or would if you prefer.
Does Lush make anything on issuing fishing licenses?
Somehow, I KNEW he would misinterpret what Chef said.
Stop the fishing, fireman. That's not what this forum is about and none of these classy ladies respond to trolling.
and somehow I KNEW that Roc would TOTALLY understand what I was saying!! LOL!
Thanks to everyone who replied.
Nope, nope, never never never.
Date sites, yeah. But it's hard to say I looked for sex. I looked for a chat friend first and encounters were moved into some further future. I am very picky, so I made my selections well enough to enjoy amazing time and I am still friends with all of them. Oh well, I admit I knew one guy for 2 days, but I didn't make a mistake, time with him was amazing - not only sex.
Do you have some bad experiences, fireman? ;)
The Black Widow strikes again.
I never did it, but one recognized me. I ended up being stalked & then by the asshole
I'm not a girl, but I don't care ;)
I have once. I was 19, she was 16, this was back in 2001 or so. She lived two hours from me. We were friends online for a month and had cyber/phone sex often and one day she said if I would drive the two hours to meet her, she would let me have sex with her.
I told her I would come visit her and that she did not have to have sex with me if she didn't want to and I made sure she understood I was not expecting sex from her, especially if she wasn't as attracted to me in person as she was online (she was though! Couldn't keep her hands off me!).
We ended up making out for hours all over her house (even in the laundry room!) and had sex in a park around the corner from her house and again in my car before I went home.
It was also the first time I bought condoms, she insisted on going into the store with me despite my pleads and whining for her to stay in the car. It was so embarrassing for me, as I am a little shy, especially about my sexuality. She was so damn happy-skippy-bouncey, that people were noticing her all excited about all the condoms on the wall in front of us and she was so excited by all the colors flavors, and different types. I did my best to pretend I didn't know her but she finally picked out a box and grabbed my hand, dragging me to the cashier. She dropped them down on the counter and said "condoms! Ohhh and this and that" as she grabbed gum and lip gloss from the shelf behind us (both watermelon flavored).
Kissing her and having sex with her smelled like watermelon the whole time. I actually have got turned on by the smell of watermelon ever since, because of the memories of this experience.

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade
En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av. Watermelon gum... taste like pink elephants and hippos.