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The "Bad Boy" Thing

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Rookie Scribe
I used to understand the attraction of dating a "Bad Boy". I WAS the "Bad Boy" in my youth. However I always treated my ladies with respect in public and in private. But I look at the young and not so young women today being called Bitch, Ho,ect, made to pay for things, literally pimped and in some cases slapped around in public!! Yet these women stay with these maggots. Can someone please explain this? Thank you.
It honestly depends. I won't lie I like bad boys (the look of certain "bad boys") but call me a bitch, a hoe, I may knock a person's teeth out. Some women (not all) like it. While some think that "Oh you see this but I know he is good on the inside, you just don't see his potential." And some women just don't stand up for themselves and say "hey I deserve better"
Active Ink Slinger
I have always been attracted to the image of a "bad boy" but like the OP said.. Call me a bitch, hoe, whore whatever and you better be able to run faster than me, because I will knock a dude out. But it is all about how you let you treat people you. You have to demand more of yourself and command the same respect from the people in your life.
"I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships."
— Gilda Radner
Active Ink Slinger
I am attracted to the "Bad Boy" look, not necessarily the bad boy. I like to be treated with respect but I also do not expect the guy to have to open my door or hold my chair as I sit or any of those type of things. I'm a big girl and can do that myself, LOL.

But like was said above, disrespect me and I will kick your ass!
Advanced Wordsmith
The first time a man I am out with fails to treat me as anything less than a lady in public, I will walk out on him there and then. I do not only expect respect, I demand it.
Alpha Blonde
I think you're confusing the 'Bad Boy' with the 'Abusive Guy'.

When women say they're attracted to the bad boys - it usually just means an alpha guy with edge, confidence, sexuality that isn't afraid to break certain rules now and then (as opposed to a 'doormat nice guy' or a follower/sheep type cookie-cutter guy).

Being attracted to a bad boy doesn't mean the girl wants to be abused, mistreated and disrespected. I can't imagine any woman getting slapped around by a guy or being demeaned and treated like shit and thinking "Damn, I do love those bad boys..." That's just an abusive guy - the far right of the spectrum. Same as the milk-toast 'nice guys' are at the far other end of the spectrum. Most women will prefer a guy falling somewhere in between but perhaps leaning a little more to the right but WAY before you get into abusive/asshole territory.

Here's how I look at it as a 1-10 scale.

1 --------------------------------------------------------- 5 -----------------------------------------------------10
(Extreme Doormat/Nice Guy) ------------- (Average Guy)--------------------------------------- (Abusive Guy)

The guys that women tend to think of when they say they love 'bad boys' are guys that fall around the levels 6-8. You just want a bit of edge and excitement - not a full-blown abuser or sociopath.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by jennybbaduk
The first time a man I am out with fails to treat me as anything less than a lady in public, I will walk out on him there and then. I do not only expect respect, I demand it.

AMEN! I think like most women, there is definitely something about the 'bad boy' that gets our attention. For me, I think it has more to do with him having confidence, blazing a trail of his own rather than bowing down to societal pressures and expectations more than him just being a full blown asshole for no reason. The 'bad boys' I've dated were the type of men who definitely enjoyed having a good time, including the company of women, who portrayed a hard, intimidating and aloof exterior but once you got past all the bravado, they really had a very soft gooey and tender centre - THAT can be intoxicating and that has always been the 'bad boy' type I've been attracted to.

Like jennybbaduk says, I not only expect to be respected and treated like a lady be it in public as well as in private, I demand it. Period. I feel very sad for girls today who don't value themselves enough to demand it even at their young age. I also feel even sadder that parents these days don't seem to be doing their job in raising strong, confident daughters or sons who can be a guy's guy but still know how to treat women. It's such a shame.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
For the record, I've never been with a guy who had the audacity to even think that he could get away with calling me a bitch or a ho. As others have said before me, the 'Bad Boy' look is what appeals to us. And the rebel persona...going against the grain. That sort of thing. Not being disrespectful and a total wad of fuck.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Love a "bad boy who can't be tamed"
He's my hero ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Im a Bad boy &often get my punishment too!
I'm a bad boy.
I left the dirty dishes!

Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
I'm a very bad boy.
Eager to help with washing the dishes!

Of all our inventions for mass communication,
pictures still speak the most universally understood language.

Walt Disney
Theres a difference between bad boy and what you described! Bad boys have the appeal of you being able to make them a little bit nicer, but frankly the people you described have no hope at all
Active Ink Slinger
Rate Me about 7.5. Edgy and adventurous, but respectful and a gentleman. A wild child but with a proper upbringing! (I know...a strange combination!)
Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
For the record, I've never been with a guy who had the audacity to even think that he could get away with calling me a bitch or a ho. As others have said before me, the 'Bad Boy' look is what appeals to us. And the rebel persona...going against the grain. That sort of thing. Not being disrespectful and a total wad of fuck.

Active Ink Slinger
I think the physical look of a "bad boy" is what get's my attention. I like guys who dress like they are confident with their body... show a little bit, and are willing to flirt around. But when it comes to actually fucking... I honestly like it rough, but I don't like dirty talk, as much as gentle foreplay.
Active Ink Slinger
i love a bad boy! something about them will forever keep me going! especially if they are extra gorgeous with amazing blue eyes! eeeeek! dangerous considering i'm in a relationship lmfao!! If i got with a bad boy and they called me bitch etc etc i would kind of get off from that! dunno why! Maybe it's cus i love pleasing any man i'm with!
Everything happens for a reason. Live for the moment and have no regrets.
Quote by scarolinaguy007
I used to understand the attraction of dating a "Bad Boy". I WAS the "Bad Boy" in my youth. However I always treated my ladies with respect in public and in private. But I look at the young and not so young women today being called Bitch, Ho,ect, made to pay for things, literally pimped and in some cases slapped around in public!! Yet these women stay with these maggots. Can someone please explain this? Thank you.

I don't understand why my sisters seem to insist on being with guys who don't support them verbally & emotionally. I think they like to talk rude back. For me… aspects of the traditional bad boy image are kind of a turn-on. Sort of. If someone disrespects me in any way, that's not a bad boy, that's a dickhead that I won't tolerate. If someone is a "rebel" in society… now that's where it gets sexy again.

Ideally, I'd like a polite bad boy who isn't afraid to butt heads once in a while, but doesn't degrade me in the process
Advanced Wordsmith
The bad boy appearance is so hot. But if he is an asshole, no fucking way

The best kinda guy is the one that has the appearance of a bad boy, and is a complete gentleman. Those are the keepers heart