I just asked one of my friends (a girl) "would you share your facebook password with your boyfriend", and she said "no never, why, would not he trust me".
so, would your share your facebook password with your husband or boyfriend?
Quote by Dancing_Doll
No, I would not. Everyone is allowed some independence in their own relationship. Password protected social media is private domain. While I have nothing to hide, that's not really the point. I think there is greater trust in allowing your partner some privacy without feeling like you need to check up on them via their facebook, emails, cellphone logs, twitter etc. If you feel you need all those passwords, there is some basic level of trust that is already missing in the relationship. I wouldn't give up mine and I wouldn't want his.
Quote by dragon_lilly
True trouble can only begin if you have something to hide. It is not an issue of trust but transparency. I think true transparency let's the one you love see through your walls. I would absolutely share my facebook or even lush password with my man. Especially if it eased any doubt and allowed them to really believe I am worthy of their trust.
Quote by TheDevilsWeakness
My facebook and lush are logged in at all times. And while I wouldn't much care if my partner saw what was going on, on either site (Truly, I'm boring. Not much to see here.)
I have huge trust issues. I could see where my trust could be betrayed at the slightest provocation.
I've had to deal with childish adults my entire life and I know they would and could do something to sabotage me in some way if I didn't give in to their demands by posting something outlandish or private on my page.
People are dumb. And giving them access to your passwords is one of the dumbest things you could do. But this is just my opinion.
Quote by _shadow
I just asked one of my friends (a girl) "would you share your facebook password with your boyfriend", and she said "no never, why, would not he trust me".
so, would your share your facebook password with your husband or boyfriend?