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sharing your facebook password

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I just asked one of my friends (a girl) "would you share your facebook password with your boyfriend", and she said "no never, why, would not he trust me".

so, would your share your facebook password with your husband or boyfriend?
I leave my FB account logged in at all times, anyone that uses my computer is welcome to it... Not much going on there!
The good stuff is here, and yes I would give my husband the password, we are our only friends on here anyways...nothing to hide!
Love Bug
True trouble can only begin if you have something to hide. It is not an issue of trust but transparency. I think true transparency let's the one you love see through your walls. I would absolutely share my facebook or even lush password with my man. Especially if it eased any doubt and allowed them to really believe I am worthy of their trust.
The one thing against FB, is that it's Public Domain. Your 'you' is there for the universe to see. It's like any thing on the internet, you can become a fence post or bunch of daisies if you wish. EVERYTHING, requires common sense and logic.
Active Ink Slinger
My facebook and lush are logged in at all times. And while I wouldn't much care if my partner saw what was going on, on either site (Truly, I'm boring. Not much to see here.)
I have huge trust issues. I could see where my trust could be betrayed at the slightest provocation.
I've had to deal with childish adults my entire life and I know they would and could do something to sabotage me in some way if I didn't give in to their demands by posting something outlandish or private on my page.
People are dumb. And giving them access to your passwords is one of the dumbest things you could do. But this is just my opinion.
a large BINGO for you. You are so correct
Alpha Blonde
No, I would not. Everyone is allowed some independence in their own relationship. Password protected social media is private domain. While I have nothing to hide, that's not really the point. I think there is greater trust in allowing your partner some privacy without feeling like you need to check up on them via their facebook, emails, cellphone logs, twitter etc. If you feel you need all those passwords, there is some basic level of trust that is already missing in the relationship. I wouldn't give up mine and I wouldn't want his.
Head Nurse
Quote by Dancing_Doll
No, I would not. Everyone is allowed some independence in their own relationship. Password protected social media is private domain. While I have nothing to hide, that's not really the point. I think there is greater trust in allowing your partner some privacy without feeling like you need to check up on them via their facebook, emails, cellphone logs, twitter etc. If you feel you need all those passwords, there is some basic level of trust that is already missing in the relationship. I wouldn't give up mine and I wouldn't want his.


I wouldn't want his password, and I can't see why he would want mine.
what an interesting topic...

I don't have anyone to share my passwords with at the moment.. but when I have been in a relationship the subject has never ever been raised..
I am on facebook and other media sites both social and business.. sooo I have a question...

if yr partner is on facebook as yr friend what do they NOT access ???? why is yr password needed by them or anyone ??? I would think that changes to my settings would be best left to me... i don't understand why or what is the use of sharing yr facebook password..?????
if it is needed by my partner as a sign of trust.. a proof of trust .. omg they must have such insecurity..

financially it may be a little different.. if i was in a relationship and wanted my partner to pick something up or settle an account for me.. would i part with my credit card password?.. well yes i would and have.. as they have done with me.. at the end of the relationship did i feel obliged to change my password for protection.. actually nooo.. and it has never been abused ... before or since... perhaps that is trust???
Quote by dragon_lilly
True trouble can only begin if you have something to hide. It is not an issue of trust but transparency. I think true transparency let's the one you love see through your walls. I would absolutely share my facebook or even lush password with my man. Especially if it eased any doubt and allowed them to really believe I am worthy of their trust.

I understand your view but if your partner trusts you and respects you. They would respect your right to privacy and would not ask or even go there if they could.

As an aside having extensive internet experience and a better than average understanding of computers - u never divulge any of your passwords to anybody ever. Hope this helps.jPGhcNl1PreJiYGn
Quote by TheDevilsWeakness
My facebook and lush are logged in at all times. And while I wouldn't much care if my partner saw what was going on, on either site (Truly, I'm boring. Not much to see here.)
I have huge trust issues. I could see where my trust could be betrayed at the slightest provocation.
I've had to deal with childish adults my entire life and I know they would and could do something to sabotage me in some way if I didn't give in to their demands by posting something outlandish or private on my page.
People are dumb. And giving them access to your passwords is one of the dumbest things you could do. But this is just my opinion.

Not only write good stories but smart with common sense. A rare and sexy trait. You are on the ball.

And when you are not at your computer it should be locked at all times.ig4dkK8r8i99HN1o
Active Ink Slinger
I did share to him every passwords I have but sad to say his not doing the same sad
I think that's what love does to me smile
He knows my password and I know his. We trust each other enough not to snoop not like either of us have anything to hide on there anyways.
Active Ink Slinger
My partner doesn't have my password, anymore. He had actually got banned from the Facebook and logged into my account posting comments back at which got him banned. As soon as I found out about it I was pissed. I changed my password in a heart beat and log out every time.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by _shadow
I just asked one of my friends (a girl) "would you share your facebook password with your boyfriend", and she said "no never, why, would not he trust me".

so, would your share your facebook password with your husband or boyfriend?

What's a 'facebook'?
Active Ink Slinger
Eww, no. Asking for a fb password without a damn good reason is a level of insecurity I'm unwilling to put up with.
Advanced Wordsmith
We have each others passwords, evn though we have nothing to hide. Sometimes we will ask each other to send a message to someone.
Quote by _shadow
I just asked one of my friends (a girl) "would you share your facebook password with your boyfriend", and she said "no never, why, would not he trust me".

so, would your share your facebook password with your husband or boyfriend?

I'm not a socialite. I don't do Facebook and such other than for things related to writing. So would I share my customer lists with him and all that? No way. Serious violation of privacy issues - not just for myself.

Of course, he's not the type to care or ask.