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Sexiest Profile Picture...

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Who has the sexiest, hottest, most erotic profile picture. The one you keep going back to because you get turned on like no other?
naughtythoughcute. I could stare all day.
Not a stalker smileP
There's soo many! Kisslovekatie just posted a gorgeous pic and I reallyenjoy juliamckey's profile pic!
All them fake ones.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
That's my head and arms in the shower, the 2" paint brush is nowhere to be seen.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
Quote by thepainter
That's my head and arms in the shower, the 2" paint brush is nowhere to be seen.

ahhh yes...but it's such a teasing pic, along with the other ones in your gallery
Obviously all stolen from some other amateur adult sites. IRL I look exactly like Brad Pitt.
Insert typical super smart ass comment courtesy of thepainter here.
I think ddnyc has one of the sexiest profile pictures! I love the way his body looks, the lighting in the picture, the color of the picture.... so sexy!

Multiorgman and Kyrios are probably some of my favorite avatars. As far as pictures in their profile, I tend not to look.
Magical_felix, without a doubt.

EDIT: But nah, let me be serious for a change. Of my short friends list, I would have to say that mazza has the sexiest profile picture.
love rancherswife pics hmmmmm
Quote by clum
Magical_felix, without a doubt.

EDIT: But nah, let me be serious for a change. Of my short friends list, I would have to say that mazza has the sexiest profile picture.

Oh, oh, I'd like to thank...

Well, just YOU Clum!!


BTW, I think Imalovernotawriter has a pretty sexy AV

However, the ones that give you goosebumps when you see they are online are the best of all!
mazza's is hot. I have considered trying to recreate it myself. It would definitely look interesting with the little tattoo in the middle of my chest. SweetPenny is a good one and then there is Kim's that always makes me think of cumming smile I haven't been on here that long though, so I'm sure there are good ones that I haven't seen yet.
Knickerbocker7 A man with a Pittsburgh Steelers hat....heart SEXY!

Nikki703 Just knowin her personality, makes it even more sexy.

I need to find that thread about Sexy Picture Gallery, or whatever.... Nikki703 would belong there too.
I'm going to loyal and say the ones that appear at the top of my friends list (not a desperate cry for more views), they have more than just outer beauty but have beautiful minds, are kind and caring, make me laugh... smile
VirginiaJohnson in my opinion is the hottest person on lush, and hasthe most beautiful avatar