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reasons to defriend people

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Short Arse Brit
Crudeness, rudeness, stalking, lying, spiteful/vindictive behaviour are all instant deletes for me, blocks if they persist in contacting me.

Otherwise I truly only delete when I clean out, I don't collect friends if they don't talk to me ect I see no point keeping them so delete.
The Duchess of Tart

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Pinch any of my most precious items - steak, chips, onion rings, mushrooms, tomatoes, packet peppercorn sauce, tea, sugar and milk. Some people!

Opsey .. my lager!
Active Ink Slinger
I actually dunno why people make such an issue of deleting friends. Just block the idiots that bother you, why announce to the whole site that you're:

DELETING FRIENDS NOW! If you havent talked to me, then you're gone!

Just fucking delete them. All that is doing is advertising your neediness for attention and creating a mad rush of chats, messages, and pokes for attention. I've actually deleted THOSE people that I see with that sort of quote post on their profile, or the ones that spam my InBox with that kinda message.

I delete friends, but really only because it takes forever to try find one in particular. Well, I guess if they're idiots too - I'll delete them.

...I do wish it was easier to kinda mass delete some. As far as I can tell, you can only delete one at a time and there's no way to select multiple friends to delete at once - that'd be handy to have.
Active Ink Slinger
Jealous people are the ones I hate as friends.
People that add friends so they get more votes and comments on their poems and stories.
Active Ink Slinger
Jealous people are the ones I hate as friends.
People that add friends so they get more votes and comments on their poems and stories.
Active Ink Slinger
Jealous people are the ones I hate as friends.
People that add friends so they get more votes and comments on their poems and stories.
Active Ink Slinger
Jealous people are the ones I hate as friends.
People that add friends so they get more votes and comments on their poems and stories.
If we don't talk at all then at some point I will unfriend you. Also, if you're rude or immature about differences of opinion and such then you will be unfriended. Then there's just how interesting and fun the conversations are that determine if we'll stay on each other's friend list or not.
Quote by CaptNick
Jealous people are the ones I hate as friends.
People that add friends so they get more votes and comments on their poems and stories.

yes, i get that impression sometimes too.
I started befriending authors whose stories I liked. Subsequently readers also came in but I have been pretty choosy who to make a friend and I love them all.

I have defriended few people for being fake and those who resort to harassment. But I actually do not understand why some people make an issue of deleting friends. I am talking about the messages which say "If you havent talked to me, then you're gone" or similar words. I think its rude to send such messages, so I deleted a few who threatened to delete... I lost trust in them.

For most of other things like being ill-mannered or illiterate, posting kinky stuff on my wall etc. I block them temporarily and unblock them when I forget why I blocked them smile
I really hate to defriend people. I dont like to make others feel bad in any way.
However, I have many times and for many different reasons.
Sometimes I friend to quickly and then learn that we really have little in common.
Other reasons include:

We don't talk. Major reason. I am not here to collect friends. I like to know and chat with the people on my list (sexual or non).
Bad grammar and/or lack of intelligent conversation. Also a major reason. Poor grammar and spelling is a big turn off for me.
Stalkerish behaviour.
Inability to take NO for an answer.

These are the ones off the top of my head.
Active Ink Slinger
If (what they PROMISED) was gonna be an unending cash supply suddenly stops.....
I've dropped two people: one for putting a hard core porn video on my wall while it's clearly stated on my profile not to. The second one for begging me to sexy chat/cyber when I said I didn't want to repeatedly.

I've been dropped a few times.. Presumably for not interacting enough.
I'm not a chatter. Only a greeting or a few words here & there. I'm mostly here to read.
Active Ink Slinger
I will defriend anyone who threatens to defriend me for any reason like as if I really fuckin care if I am defriended. I had someone say " I dont wanna hurt your feelings but I am gonna defriend you" I replied " You cant hurt my feelings because before someone can hurt your feelings you have to care what they think". Fuckin piece of shit was delusional like as if I cared if he was my friend.

Addendum: Now if it was a female defriending me ok so maybe I would be on my knees crawling and begging. Just sayin!!!
I got defriended once, but received a PM first explaining why I was being defriended. If you're going to delete me I really don't care why. It's not like I'm going to try to change your mind...
When they become a rude fuck.

Sorry, no other way to put it.
Long time no contact, change it tastes, to many over bearing notes, to hovering some want all your attention, worst are the mass friend requests, talk to me get to know me. I never mind being defriender, it's a choice not an obligation
In the end it is a matter of respect. Friendship without respect is not friendship at all.

Quote by Chanel
I've dropped two people: one for putting a hard core porn video on my wall while it's clearly stated on my profile not to. The second one for begging me to sexy chat/cyber when I said I didn't want to repeatedly.

I've been dropped a few times.. Presumably for not interacting enough.
I'm not a chatter. Only a greeting or a few words here & there. I'm mostly here to read.
Cheeky Chick
I hardly ever delete anyone, because I am picky about who I add. Yeah, I have about 200 friends, but I make sure to choose wisely about adding them. The only times I have for sure deleted someone was when someone threaten me, which has happened twice.

Other than that, I really don't delete anyone.
I too am one of those "pruners" who trims my list of those with I've had NO contact for a prolonged time frame. There ARE other categories I "prune": The deceitful and/ or perpetual gossips who are forever talking about others behind their backs (makes you wonder what's being said about YOU!) Those who CONSTANTLY ascribe some evil motive to EVERYTHING I say or do. Those whose idea of "friendship" is "What have you done for ME TODAY?" Whether it's only contacting me for a vote on their latest story OR forgetting WHO they turned to when THEY NEEDED a friend. Or, have NO idea as to the REAL worth of what they've been GIVEN! Ingrates... don't want OR NEED 'em!
Quote by Weavindreams
I too am one of those "pruners" who trims my list of those with I've had NO contact for a prolonged time frame. There ARE other categories I "prune": The deceitful and/ or perpetual gossips who are forever talking about others behind their backs (makes you wonder what's being said about YOU!) Those who CONSTANTLY ascribe some evil motive to EVERYTHING I say or do. Those whose idea of "friendship" is "What have you done for ME TODAY?" Whether it's only contacting me for a vote on their latest story OR forgetting WHO they turned to when THEY NEEDED a friend. Or, have NO idea as to the REAL worth of what they've been GIVEN! Ingrates... don't want OR NEED 'em!

And if you're pushy or rude to me then none of that matters anymore.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
I usually just blindly accept friend adds because I don't care all that much, but I do make a mental note to check out profiles. I've defriended people if I found their profiles were too creepy. Or if they creeped me out in general.

Rudeness or fuckwadness is also a quick way to get defriended by me.

Overall, I don't take too much stock in the friend request thing. I make a point of getting to know people I truly want to get to know. There are people on my list I've never had conversations with. Doesn't bother me any way, and it's not hurting anything. I don't consider accepting someone's friend request some great privilege. And it's no love lost when I feel a need to defriend.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Active Ink Slinger
I have a question along these lines. I ask to friend people whose profiles I find interesting, or if they write stories about subjects that i am interested in. I look for them when I am on but rarely find people I have friended online. Do you consider it ok to write people on your friends list even if you have never chatted with them?

I haven't because I guess I feel it is kind of forward, but then it ends up that I never talk to them and get defriended.
Red is the color of sex and signs that say Do Not Enter

The best thing to hear in the middle of the night - Lick Me
Girls I think have it tougher than guys. You get a higher percentage of stalkers and creeps.
I only defriend if that individual comes between me and my wife....whether it's their fault or mine, or if I find out they are a fake. They can disagree with me or piss me off, even, but that won't lose their place in my friends list.

I rarely delete anyone. When I do , they usually know why.
Gentleman Stranger
I rarely defriend anyone, but I also don't collect friends so I don't have a huge list. Even if I haven't spoken to someone for a long time (likely, as I'm not nearly as available as I once was) I don't drop them if I still notice them here and active around the site - who knows when we might bump into each other and go grab a beer?

On the other hand, if I notice on an old friend's profile that they last checked in 450 days ago or some such, it's pretty clear they can be dropped - except for maybe a few special people that I'd become close to and keep hoping against hope that they might check back in someday and say hi...
Delete if you want--no reason is needed.
Remember when you login it's your cyber time.

Delete but do yourself a favor and not ask others about the human you've chosen to unfriend.
Rainbow Warrior
I've never un-friended anyone or even blocked anyone. I don't offend easily, and I rarely have any problems with anyone I add. People have always treated me with respect for some reason. If they don't, I simply ignore them.
Active Ink Slinger
I will be defriending some of mine in a couple of weeks because they seldom respond to my posts. I try to post to my friends' walls at least once a week. I like to get feedback.