5 years and several months behind. A dinner isn't a second marriage.
I bet your partner hasn't waited six years. In these situations the best form of revenge is to live a damned good, fulfilling life. Good luck mate.
Have fun and don't bring up being a divorcé too soon unless you use those dating sites.
I don't know if it's good or bad bringing that subject up.
I would ease yourself into it . Don't rush things and end up with someone you really don't want to be with ie stick to your types . Things have changed a bit in 6 years such as more emphasis on Online dating so I would do a bit of background reading first to catch up on things.
It's just a date Dude, don't make a huge deal out of it. 2 people have a drink, maybe a meal, talk a little bit and go home. Maybe they see each other again and maybe not. Millions of people have done it for thousands of years.
Six years is plenty of time to get back into the dating game. I agree with others, take it slowly. Find someone and ask on a date, dinner, a fun activity get to know them. I wish you luck.
i thank you all for your support....
Six weeks, six months, six years? Everyone is different. I would say that after six years you should try to dip your toe in the dating game again, get a feel for it. Only you will know when you're ready. Best of luck to you.
I heard you say that you were a bit gun shy but remember we aren't all bad people. You and your ex just didnt work out for whatever reason. I had a wonderful marriage for about 16 years and a crappy marriage for 2. I have been divorced about a year, am seeing someone and we are really happy together. Just be yourself and let whomever you date be there self and things will happen when the time is right.
you have kept yourself out of the game far to long huni
meant since your split huni x
Honestly think it is up to the OP. Everyone is different in terms of how they react to things like breakups. Suspect the fact you posted here means you are ready, but see how it goes.
Get back out there and have fun. Enjoy meeting casual friends who have no expectations of you beyond that moment.
Think positive. Avoid any of the negative vibes as you don't need to see them . Like I said before ease yourself into it. It can be a lot of fun so don't regard it as a chore . Start socialising with friends first. Then when ready go for the chase , the eye contact across a room , that smile. You just cant beat it. Its all exciting stuff.