Which do you like more? Being pleasured, or pleasuring you intimate partner?
I believe in pleasuring and being pleasured in return
I believe in pleasuring and being pleasured in return
Usually I'm pretty aggressive in bed since I have a high energy level. Plus I like flirting and teasing and I love watching the effect of what I'm doing on a guy's face and how it affects his body. Sometimes though if I'm tired or not feeling up to it I just love to lie back and let the guy take my body and just pleasure me until I can't take anymore. I love oral and I can lie there and let a guy lick my pussy for a seriously long time…..I don't know my record for how many times I've come, but it's quite a few from oral. So I guess it varies with your mood actually.
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Both. Sometimes I like when it's all about me...and sometimes I like when it's all about my partner...it can definitely heighten my pleasure factor.
░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░
i prefer giving, i guess thats just how ive been raised and what ive been used to. I do love getting pleasure dont get me wrong but its all about the other person for me and that gets me off
Seeing and feeling someone react to your touch and driving them crazy is a huge turn on, but I'm selfish and therefore prefer it when it's about me.
both, though i take and give pleasure using my hands
Gold hearted fun loving Aussie Angel
Both give pleasure and get pleasured
I love to pleasure very much but there are those times when I just need to be pleasured.
I love being pleasured but when I pleasure him somnetimes that is a pleasure for me too
I prefer giving, thats what's always been expected of me, how it's always been, what I'm accustomed to and I like it that way.
I take my pleasure in GIVING ... especially to one not accustomed to receiving. (Hope its alright for a guy to answer this one)
Being pleasured definitely. However, one good turn deserves another in my book.
You know there's one little thing that springs to mind....
The more you give the better you get.
Applies to a lot in this life