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Men in uniform?

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Can any lady explain to me the difference in attraction between a man in uniform and one that is just casually dressed?
Gingerbread Lover
Quote by fireman1
Can any lady explain to me the difference in attraction between a man in uniform and one that is just casually dressed?

I presume it has something to do with looking smart, and more importantly, the air of authority a uniform can give a man (or woman!). I could be wrong, but I think that's what it is. When a lad is casually dressed, it's easier to feel "equal", or less aware of the atmosphere a uniform in and of itself can create. Having said that, some men exude confidence and authority - there are some on Lush who post with it, and I tend to shy away from them. I don't know if they are uniformed people or not, but certain kinds of confidence or certain attitudes (which a uniform can often create or enhance) can come to the forefront of a personality with some people.

Actually, uniforms scare me; I become even shyer than usual around them. I hate it when my family, friends, and their friends are in their military gear, as it intimidates me, even though they act exactly the same. I much prefer a lad in his civvies, as I feel more comfortable. Having said that, I have nothing but respect for them, but that respect leads me to want to hide from the person until they're "normal" again.
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Active Ink Slinger
i love guys in uniforms..even say mechanics 1' dont know why but i see them & i just want to yank off their clothes!

but so does a suit & tie...lordy i have to untie that tie...whew....

when a man is looking his ultimate best..job or date is just sexy

it says..HERE i me
I personally don't have any extra attraction to men in uniform. However, the appearance of authority would probably explain why some girls are turned on by it.
The Linebacker
I used to get requests all the time from women to wear my baseball uniform. They especially got really worked up when I got into a batting stance and adjusted my pecker then spit some sunflower seeds on the ground. They always jumped me at that moment. I think its the cleats on the shoes that turn them on so much. But also many women loved for me to wear my fielders mitt during sex.

Now I keep a closet full of uniforms that turn my wife on. I have a limo driver uniform, a prisoner uniform, actually two prisoner uniforms, one orange jump suit and one white one with the blue stripes on the trousers. I also have a doorman uniform, an air conditioner repairmen uniform, a plumbers uniform (designed specifically to show a lot of crack), a NASCAR driver uniform, a basketball uniform, and a beer delivery man uniform.
Uniforms=Horny women. I dont even understand it...but it just happens. something about you men strutting your stuff makes me go into instant day dream of how i would take it off you. Its just plain sexy.
Active Ink Slinger
Men in uniform really do nothing for me. I never really understood why so many women really find it hot. I do have the utmost respect for guys who are in the military, law enforcement,firemen, etc, but its the guy and not the uniform that may turn me on.
My oh my, where can I beggin? All uniforms turn me on but especially "blue collar" ones as opposed to neat navy uniform for instance, like: elevator repairman, plane tecnician, electrician, mechanics, cable guy...and especially if its a one single piece uniform...not a top separated to the bottom so that when you open the upper buton you can already take a peak at the all menu
For me it's guys in military, or police uniforms, especially if they are carrying. What can I say, I like to know a guy is going to be good at giving me orders, a commanding officer is the best. mmmmmmmmmm
Active Ink Slinger
Oh a military man would be very nice. But I have a natural tendency to prefer doctors myself.
Teased and Tormented -My very first story and competition entry is now up!
Alpha Blonde
I'm actually not that into uniforms, but I can appreciate the authority and dominant sex appeal of police, fireman, military or sports uniforms or gear, provided that it's a hot guy wearing them. A uniform enhances an already good looking guy, but I don't think it's going to turn the tides of attraction for a cop with a beer gut, eating donuts at the local coffee shop. If it's not an authority-related or pro-athlete style uniform, then it's not a turn on for me (ie. I'd say no to plumber, mechanic, repairman type looks).

Overall though, uniforms aren't typically something that really gets me going.
Active Ink Slinger
A group of friends and I skydived into a backyard BBQ on request once. We didn't have anything else to wear but our colorful (and also warm and sweaty) jumpsuits. The vans that were supposed to take us back to the DZ got lost, so everybody was offering us drinks and helping us repack our chutes. Some of the ladies got real friendly with some of the guys and it caused a little friction with their dates. I get kind of freaked by crowds, but I suspect that if there were more single women around, even I might have gotten laid that night.
My latest story is too hot to publish. My most recent story before that is Even Stranger In Lust
Active Ink Slinger
When I first moved to the US, I moved to a predominately military community. That being said, I grew an instant fascination with it all. I was engaged to a Marine for a year as well.. What turned me on the most was the structure, they look so professional and sure of themselves. Beyond the exterior, they are trained and have an extensive knowledge about a plethora of things. Intelligence has always been sexy to me!
Active Ink Slinger
I have a thing for men in military uniform (married to an ex military man). I think the thing that most attracts me is that military uniforms signify strength, protectors, and very, very manly men. I don't want a pussy boy who wears jeans as tight as mine, I want a man that can pick me up, carry me to the bed and treat me like a lady ;).

apart from that, they usually have to uphold standards like being cleanly shaven, appropriate hair cuts, ect. the military 'look' has virtually remained unchanged and it has a timeless, gentleman quality to it.
Advanced Wordsmith
I've got a thing for men in uniform, but it also depends on the man wearing the uniform. Like someone else said, a cop with a beer gut eating doughnuts is not hot. I prefer military men though. Like ^she^ said, they exhibit strength and are manly, which is something I look for in any man.
Active Ink Slinger
I used to like guys in uniform. Firemen, Police Officers, Military, etc.
It doesn't matter how you dress them up, some are still obnoxious assholes.
And the authority they have can go straight to their heads.

Give me a guy that can fill out T-shirt and a pair of jeans or suit and tie and I find them much more attractive.
Active Ink Slinger
Definitely like a man in uniform. I think that being raised by a retired Marine and living in a military community makes my desires deeper. I have been in the Army and married Army. I love when he is wearing any part of his camo gear and I love to wear his camo top and nothing else. In my opinion it is mostly the protected feeling for me.

The Marine Corp dress blue uniform is the gorgeous and best looking of all the US military uniforms. They all look so crisp, so delectable... just love the look.
...I thought that maybe a new life, a different life, wouldn’t be so bad. But where the hell did I put the receipt, and could you return something that was over twenty years old? Where do you go to get a new life when your old one has you so puzzled you don’t know how to fix it? Wish I knew.
-Anita Blake (Laurell K. Hamilton)
In my way og thinking I see it as this

Men in Uniform: to me they give the authority figure a type of a man that is tough and can handel himself and that they can protect me no matter what. For me any military, navy,marine, and s.w.a.t uniform does it badly the danger and the guns r just a turn on for me

Men in Cassual Dress: to me they give the smart vive they carry themselves in a profcional way, plus having aswome sex in the office desk is a turn on, using the tie to pull the male torward me and using the tie eather as a BLIND FOLD,GAG, and HANDCUFFS now that is hot.
uniforms do make a man look rather delicious. smile they make them look like big, strong protectors...simply yummy!
I am not sure about men in uniform....but firemen have always been my weakness! When I was in high school my uncle was the captain of the local fire department. My girlfriends and I would always head up there when he was on duty and cook the guys dinner. Oh man...they were HOT!!!

To this day, I have always had a thing for firemen! I am an accountant for a company where many old people pull the fire alarm. Of course we girls in the office always line up outside when we here them coming! smile

I asked the fire chief the other day if I got a free calendar with all the false alarm fees I am paying them. He laughed and said he will see what he can do..... I am still waiting!