What are you ladies opinions on seeing a man in a kilt?
Just like any other clothing, depends on the man wearing it. Can be really hot or really not.
It also usually means that I'm standing at a parade.
haha, the guy in the first picture, has it on backwards, the pleats go to the back
I wonder how many ladies here would be brave enough to kilt check a lad. That is where you reach up under the kilt to make sure he is wearing it properly. It is customary to get permission first, not just grab a handful. Haha
I wonder if he is wearing the kilt in the full tradition?
Depends on the kilt and the guy. I like Uni-Kilts and other properly fitted kilts, but it has to be the right guy.
Mr Sweets still has his private boys school cadet uniform which consisted of a kilt (made in Scotland), a Scottish beret and spats. He looks rather sexy in it and he has worn it out to a fetish night club.
Love it.
"Sexual pleasure in woman is a kind of magic spell; it demands complete abandon; if words or movements oppose the magic of caresses, the spell is broken."
Simone de Beauvoir
Definitely depends on the man...and I think I'd want him to be Scottish if he was wearing a kilt.
A Scottish rugby player would do just nicely.
I look pretty good in a kilt, and it feels so free. My aunty is a kilt-maker (one of the best in Scotland) and she's making me one for my graduation. But which tartan to choose?
I wonder whatever happened to Rowdy Roddy Piper.
I have one in the old Douglas tartan that I wear occasionally. I guess it must be okay, because I get compliments on it when I do..
"There's only three tempos: slow, medium and fast. When you get between in the cracks, ain't nuthin' happenin'." Ben Webster
why does a scotsman wear a sporran ? .... because if he gets mugged at least he'll get some enjoyment out of it !!
Why does a scotsman wear the kilt? Because a sheep can hear a zipper from a mile away