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Love is beautiful,however Men can separate sex and love.Why cant women?

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Quote by KatR
love and sex when they meet in one relationship is amazing. I have had love without sex and sex without love and both together in one relationship, and marriage without love OR sex, i understand the difference and I think most of us do, but I love the magic that happens when you have both, the real question is, why don't more MEN want that too?

Yes love and sex together - I think men like that too.
I think women are perfectly able to seperate love and sex. I think, with both men and women, it's about where you are in your life, who you're with and knowing what you want - be that a committed relationship or a bit of no-strings fucking.

Maybe it does take three, four or even more to make some marriages work. Everyone is different.

I'd just hope that if I get married - that's a pretty big if anyway - my husband would be my partner and lover rolled into one and there would be no need/desire for anyone else.
But hey, maybe that's just wishful thinking?
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
EVERYTHING about this post is false.

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Women are just as capable of separating love and sex as men are, maybe even more so-the line that men are sexual and women are romantic and can't separate love and sex is a complete myth.
Quote by annmssb
This is an interesting topic. It's difficult to separate the two for me. To have sex was the same as being in love with someone and loving that person. I know it is due to the way I was brought up. My husband has taught me that they can be separated and I have eperienced that separation. Sex for the physical pleaure of sex and sex for both pleasure and LOVE. It still is difficult and I am not totally there yet. It's a journey.

I agree...the moment I am intimate with someone, I have shown my love for them. I don't know how to separate love and sex. Does that mean I need to practice polygamy? No...I think I could step back from one I have loved, although I may be kidding myself.
Active Ink Slinger
That saying "It takes three for a marriage to work" is in regards to God, which it should stay. A marriage is only contains one man and one woman. Anything else isn't supposed to be there, no mistresses or lovers. That's it. When you get married, the two partners are supposed to be selfless and pleasure one another in the way they want. Notice that after you marry, the Bible doesn't have many sexual restrictions...

To me, sex is a reaffirmation of the love you have for a person. You're taking them literally inside of you...what other bond is like that? You're becoming one flesh together and to strip away the affection part of it is wrong! A female's brain is wired differently than a male's! Teens are a huge example of this: they find a girl, fuck her, cum in her, then leave. There's no attachments, no sentiment, Nada!

Yet, when these high school girls have these babies and the boys don't want to MAN UP and take care of their child, they wonder "Oh why doesn't he wanna help me raise this child?!" "Why" is your question? Seriously? He wants to continue spreading his seed, not hearing you AND a baby whine. I'm not saying all men do this, however, I'm saying sex is less emotional and sensitive to them until they're mature to fully grasp what they're doing.

Biology doesn't lie, people. It shouldn't excuse these socially frowned upon behaviors, but it explains why they occur. Males are supposed to breed and the females are there to raise and nurture. That's how it always was, sadly.

Just like how you can't breed the promiscuity from domesticated dogs, you can't breed those impulses from people.
But, that's just what I believe.

Active Ink Slinger
Love is beautiful as well as sex. I personally view sex as an intimate union with the person I love. However I have observed there are those who are more open and are ready to go out to enjoy themselves without having emotional baggage that comes with love and relationships.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by lindseyaggie
Sometimes I fuck. Sometimes I make love. It depends on who I'm with.

Your very well informed for such a young woman. I agree 100%.
To me, being in love with the one you are having sex with, makes it magical. But that's only my humble opinion, and I have a couple of female friends, who like to tease me and call me old fashion, and enjoy one-night stands more than being in a relationship, so really I don't think it's a gender thing, it all depends on the person.
Active Ink Slinger
Some men think if a woman wont have sex then they must not love them. This is a very generalized statement in my opinion. I feel that love, sex, and making love should be separated. Just depends on the person and their views. Some times our past can determine how we see it as well. But if you love someone then you should ONLY have sex with that person. I've never been one to believe in mistresses and stuff like that. It's wrong to me. Thats why when married men flirt with me in person, I feel as if I should remind them "aren't you married?"