It's a bit difficult to cover all of the past forum questions to be sure that this has never come up, but at the risk of being redundant (and realizing that this is perhaps not the most burning issue of the day):
I can understand applying lipstick to go out somewhere. But if you're expecting any action, it seems to me like it just gets in the way. Does anyone think that applying lipstick makes lips more (rather than less) kissable?
Depends... I personally do not like the taste of lipstick.
The visual temptations can increase I suppose.
And doesn't a woman with smeared lipstick look extra naughty?
But, since I myself at the most use some lipgloss. I don't think so.
I agree with least about the naughtiness part. Lipstick is awesome, and sexy, or at least it helps to make me feel this way when I wear it. It's also one of those things that we can either pull off or not. There's a fine line between looking hot and looking like a cheap tart. For all that though....I don't wear it all that often, maybe once a week.
Don't wear it often, and usually it's at hubby's request if we're going out somewhere nice, although from time to time I'll get all made up for a pleasant evening in....
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." - Groucho Marx
I think in some cases it's exctremly sexy, Blow job rings on the dick are sexy
I agree with Cat as well....I wear mostly lipgloss as well but I do wear lipstick from time to time and have never had a complaint......I guess its a personal preference so to each his own....
"Love all, trust a few, and do wrong to none."
I'm another one for lipgloss, but some lipsticks stay on for the entire day anyway and NO amount of kissing will get rid of them.
I always wipe the stuff off my lips before because I personally do not like the feel of it on my lips when I kiss or give oral sex.
I dont even own make up. Strange, huh?
Bird-Song, women who have pretty natural features don't need makeup, IMHO.
just chap stick for me thanks!
I did the heavy make up thing when I was a teen but since then have found that I like my face without it. My ex however had a thing for lipstick.... I didn't get it honestly but I would wear it for him. He said once that he liked the idea of lipstick on his penis. Other then that my lips are cute and look better without it.
I like leaving a red lipstick ring around the guys cock I am blowing at the time. It's a real turn on for me.
When I wear lipstick I look like a hooker...I've tried all shades and still hookerlike so I wear lipgloss which gets wiped off before kissing or sexual acts...
also I don't like it when some women get lipstick on their teeth or coffee mugs and glasses *shudder*
My first sexual experience had scented lip gloss all over, so I have got turned on by it a LOT, ever since.
Love it.
I also like lipstick on my skin from her lips, turns me on a lot. I had an experience with an ex-gf, she and her younger sister chased me and then held me down (I stopped resisting... For obvious reasons) and pulled my pants down and wrote on my dick with lipstick and have been turned on by it ever since.

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade
En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av. i dont wear lipstick im more of a lip gloss kinda girl
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