If you had a lie detector, what would be the questions you ask your husband or boyfriend?
If you require a lie detector, you have much bigger problems than a simple question.
If I feel I need a lie detector, I leave. Trust is paramount, and I won't put up with lies. Any answer bothers me less than the lie.
My lady friend once asked me about getting one of those trace your phone services so see could know where I was. She tried to couch this as some sort of safety, 'for my benefit' thing.
Just the look I gave her convinced her it was a bad idea. I will and do tell her anything she wants to know. I'm no saint, and she is aware of that fact, for better and worse. And that's fine.
When she stops trusting me though, then no love can exist. Same with a lie detector. Show up with that in the morning, you'll be having lunch by yourself.
Now this is a fight or flight starter in relationships and damn pretty useless to solve anything. If you're partner doesn't value honesty then be damned but be warned honesty does not come for free you might in the end prefer the lie to the truth.
"Does your mom *really* care for me?"
I'd probably ask him if he believes in astrology. One always needs to know those things.
"A dirty book is rarely dusty"
Where's my goddamn snickers bar!?