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Lesser of a Man because he helps around the house??

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Rookie Scribe
Sharing the load at home allows for more time together. Especially if you are both working.
Active Ink Slinger
Lesser of a Man because he helps around the house??

No it won't be. that's part of sharing the duties and responsibilities at home.
Active Ink Slinger
I'd like to know who decides what or what not a man or a woman should be.People talk about equality but when you're doing it they're criticized for it.If things work for you fine if not who cares.I've helped around the house for decades and I'm confident in who and what I am.A real man decides these things and helping does not lessen him in any way.
Active Ink Slinger
I don't have a "live-in" so I do all the household chores anyway LOL
Active Ink Slinger
That question is too dumb to deserve a response.
Active Ink Slinger
I saw a study recently that showed men who helped around the house received more sexual pleasures from their partners.
something to think about next time you leave your dirty socks next to the laundry basket.
Cheeky Chick
Quote by littlemissbitch
let me tell ya what i think.....

first i believe in the traditional roles of men and women...i believe once children come women should stay home and raise them (because generally speaking we are better suited to it then men) and that, generally, includes taking care of the house too. unfortunately, in our current society not only is women filling that role frowned upon its not always possible as we are entrenched in being a two income society.

that does not preclude a man from helping out. in what way is it emasculating to help pick up or clean the environment you live in? doesnt that sound a bit ridiculous? i think it is.

and as to the above in bold....THIS is part of the reason why the family unit has fallen apart. you have gotten confused that "homemaker" translates into "maid". we are not the mothers of our husbands nor are we paid employees. i think its an honor to be able to take care of my family and my home but when (and dont kill me here Menarealwaysignored) men reduce us and our work down to so little you take that honor away....and that sucks because i firmly believe that in the last 30 years if more moms had been willing or able to stay home and raise their kids themselves we'd have a much better country as a whole right now.

and thats what i think....

oh and ps!! if your woman is working and bringing home money then you are responsible for that house as much as she...and thats really just DUH. ur friends are morons if they think different. just sayn

Enough Said....